Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 860 A turning point in the general trend

Chapter 860 A turning point in the general trend
"Prick, prick..."

A tearing sound sounded, and Lie Yang's whole body was instantly stained red with blood.

The clothes of the battle armor were torn, and dozens of wounds spread all over his body.


With a muffled sound, Lie Yang spat out a mouthful of blood.

Among these dozens of wounds, the other wounds are nothing. Although it hurts, it has not hurt the muscles and bones after all, but one of the swords was directly inserted into his lower abdomen, hurting the viscera, which made him instantly have a feeling of being uncomfortable. The feeling of strength.


Lie Yang roared again, and the dozen or so people still fell on his iron rod.

I saw his arm shaking up and down, and a strong force shook the iron rod. In an instant, the arms of these dozen people were numb, and they couldn't hold the iron rod one after another, and fell to the ground.


With a loud shout, he couldn't pick up the iron rod, he could only hold the middle of the iron rod and smash it down flatly.

"Kuang boring..."

The brains of the dozen or so people were instantly smashed by his iron rod.

At this time, countless people crowded in from all directions, and countless sword lights struck again, covering Lie Yang's entire body.

Lie Yang had nothing to do, seeing being surrounded again, he turned around abruptly, raised the iron rod, and raised his arm, one step to the left.

Immediately, more than a dozen battle swords were blocked by him.


Lie Yang roared and pushed vigorously, and the arms of these people holding the sword were instantly stunned by his huge strength.

"Crack clap..."

Only the sound of bones breaking could be heard, and the arm bones of these people were instantly crushed and broken by his strength.

"Bang bang bang!"

Immediately afterwards, his iron rod hit these people, and a dozen people were thrown into the air by him at the same time, and hit the dozens of people behind them. There are more than a dozen people behind him.

Another dozen people were sent flying, and then hit a dozen people.

Holding the long stick, Lie Yang went all the way down like this, and rushed all the way.


The roars followed one after another, and finally, under the collisions one after another, Lie Yang's long sticks of money crowded together row after row, and he forced hundreds of people by him.

But at this point, Lie Yang's power gradually reached its peak. After ten consecutive rows and more than 100 people, the people who met again were finally unable to be driven away by Lie Yang's remaining power.

However, although these people were not beaten to the ground, they were still pushed back by Lie Yang.

One row collided with the other, and then more than a dozen rows in a row. After the cumulative number of people finally reached 300, the huge blocking force was like a small wave of the sea that could not stop people's footsteps. It's also impossible to compete.

Lie Yang was completely stuck in a place where he couldn't move an inch. There were too many people, so it was difficult for him to move even with great strength.

After all, no matter how strong a person is, his power is limited after all.

Xiang Yu, who is so powerful that he can lift a tripod alone, can't be done by others.But one person can't do it, what about ten people, one hundred people, three hundred people?
The strength of these people gathers together, not to mention a [-]-jin tripod, even a [-]-jin tripod, and three hundred people, each of whom can share twenty or thirty catties for you, can easily lift it.

At this moment, what Lie Yang is facing is the power accumulated by the number of people. In front of such power, even if he can exert a huge force of ten thousand catties, he can also be easily caught.

Of course, under this kind of strength, the people crowded in front of hundreds of people couldn't bear it. For a while, many people were squeezed until they vomited blood, and their bones burst every inch of their bodies, and they were squeezed alive. die.

In such a tug-of-war, the only thing they can do is to contribute their own body weight.

Very primitive style of play, but also very effective style of play.

Under the impact of Lie Yang all the way, the enemies behind him are still in the sea, and the enemies around them are also rushing.

This army is really like sea water, pervasive.

Lie Yang is like a warship riding the wind and waves on the sea, and these three thousand brave warriors are sea water. Even if Lie Yang can break through the sea water in front, he still cannot stop the sea water behind him from attacking quickly.

The power of the crowd tactics was brought into full play by these three thousand brave warriors.

Lie Yang used all his strength, and under the burst of strength, the wounds all over his body were cracked open, and the blood flowed out continuously like flowing water.

Where he passed, there were long bloodstains on the ground, and the wound on the lower abdomen, the blood was like running water.

The speed at which the blood flowed made him turn pale and light all over in an instant.

Power is flowing with the blood, and when the blood flows to a certain extent, everything you see in front of Lie Yang will be wobbly and erratic.

The feeling of the world spinning that day made him tremble and go limp, as if he was going to get down at any time when he was drunk.


The most classic line of the warrior, the most powerful word, was shouted again.Behind Lie Yang, those brave warriors who swept forward, seeing Lie Yang finally stopped and unable to move, once again handed out their swords in their hands.

For a moment, in all directions, another sword strike struck, covering Lie Yang's entire body.

The battle lasted only a short while, and Lie Yang was basically passive all the time. Until now, he was powerless to fight, let alone hide.

Seeing countless attacks coming from all directions, Lie Yang suddenly withdrew the iron rod in his hand.


The iron rod was lowered to the ground, Lie Yang gained momentum and flew up, flying towards the top of the long rod.

"Clang clang!"

Countless battle swords struck, but Lie Yang managed to avoid it after all.

These battle swords fell through the air and hit Lie Yang's iron rod one after another.

But at this time, Lie Yang was holding a long stick in his hand, raised his legs again and again, and spun his whole body, under dozens of feet, each foot was heavy, kicking more than a dozen heads.

He didn't dare to continue landing, if he landed now, and the people behind came up again, he would definitely die.

He could only use his strength to fly up after kicking dozens of times, and step on the head of one of them.


Lie Yang's strength was so great that this person had no resistance at all, the Tianling Cap was crushed, and his neck was directly crushed into his chest cavity.

With this force, Lie Yang jumped out again.

At this moment, [-] enemy troops are still congested in all directions. What they want is to use this congested method to make Lie Yang unable to perform.

But Lie Yang's final play was completely beyond their expectations. Similarly, Lie Yang had never thought that he could use this method to escape.

This is the case with many things. The transformation is in an instant. It is impossible for the enemy to imagine it, and it is impossible for oneself to imagine it. Everything is the general trend, and it is also a change in the general trend.

Lie Yang was condescending, stepped on the heads of countless people, and kept leaping out. He suddenly discovered that although the dense crowd tactics of these three thousand brave fighters greatly hindered his power, but also because of the crowding, these people also Lost the opportunity to display combat power.

It can be said that in such a crowded style of play, the only way to win is to squeeze the enemy alive and crush the enemy to death.As for combat power, it is purely a joke.The pros and cons, that's it!

(End of this chapter)

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