Chapter 866
There was silence in the side hall, and everyone's eyes were focused on the emperor, and their eyes were full of worry.

The emperor didn't speak, and all the officials could only see the deepening gloom on his face, as if there was a monstrous anger waiting to be vented.



After a long time, Ying Shoufang spoke slowly, with an indescribably low voice filled with endless disappointment.

He stared at Zhang Liang closely, shook his head, got up slowly, went to Zhang Liang and squatted down, stretched out his hand and raised Zhang Liang's head, so that Zhang Liang looked directly at him.

The two looked at each other, Ying Shou's indifferent and gloomy face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, a sneer appeared, and he said, "Zhang Liang, my Zhang Liang, my great military advisor Zhang Liang, my military secretary Zhang Liang!"

"At this time, you asked me to give you sin, and you asked me to give you death... Hehe, very good... very good, very good, responsible, indeed responsible!"

As he spoke, Ying Shou shook his head, and let go of Zhang Liang abruptly, causing Zhang Liang's forehead to hit the ground again.

"Do you think that now, one sentence of sin and one sentence of death can save everything?"

"Zhang Liang, do you know how many people and lives my Daqin has? If every life can save a mistake, my Daqin will never make any more mistakes, do you understand?"

"It's easy for you to want to die! I'll give you a three-foot white silk now, I'll give you a poisonous wine now, I'll give you a sharp knife now, you can die at any time."

"Or look, there is a pillar here, and if you hit it, you can die as well!"

"But you tell me, as far as your cheap life is concerned, what's the use of you dying?"

"Fortunately, you are still a great military strategist, Minister of the Ministry of War, in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, and claim to be invincible in the world, but at this critical moment, you are thinking of escaping with death. Is this your plan for the world?"

"I'm telling you today, it's not that easy to want to die. Since you asked for a sin, I will satisfy you!"

"Come here, bring Zhang Liang to me. From now on, he will be imprisoned in the sky prison for the rest of his life. Without my order, he must not be allowed to die easily! Without my order, he will not be released for life. Anyone who disobeys the order , Kill Unforgiven!"

After the words fell, Ying Shou waved his sleeves abruptly, got up and was about to leave.

"Your Majesty, no!"

"Your Majesty, Master Zhang is not to blame for this matter!"

"His Majesty……"

The officials behind were taken aback, and before Ying Shou could leave, they hurriedly called out.

However, Ying Shou ignored the crowd and left Xianyang Palace straight away.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing this, the officials quickly got up and wanted to catch up.

"My lords, stop, please go back!"

At this moment, a group of guards suddenly came from outside the door and rushed out, blocking the crowd, and one of the guards shouted: "Your Majesty has an order, unless your Majesty personally summons, otherwise the ministers are not allowed to cross Xianyang Palace and go to the Grand Palace of the Harem." Court, those who disobey the order will be killed without mercy!"

Hearing this, the ministers all had extremely ugly expressions on their faces. Looking again, the emperor had already stepped into the harem and disappeared from sight.


Everyone sighed and looked down, only to see that at this moment, Zhang Liang had slowly raised his head and was kneeling on the ground with a face of despair and confusion. Two lines of tears slowly fell down on his face, and there was an almost crazy smile on his face.

" it so easy!"

"Zhang Liang is not even qualified to die, no!"

"Since His Majesty wants Zhang Liang to be better than death, Zhang Liang complies with the order, and thank His Majesty the Emperor for his great grace!"

Zhang Liang muttered to himself, but the last sound was a growl, and finally he kowtowed again, as if to apologize, and just lay down on the ground like this.

"Master Zhang!"

The eyes of the ministers turned red, they were both important ministers of the court, and everyone's thoughts for the country were very clear to each other.

Since the establishment of the Later Qin Dynasty, they have cooperated with each other to govern the country, and they have already formed a tacit understanding.

They don't have any friendship with each other, but how can they bear to watch each other suffer?

"My lords, please go back!"

At this moment, the guards came in, issued an expulsion order to the ministers without mercy, and then came to Zhang Liang's side.

The four guards directly detained Zhang Liang, lifted them up and walked outside.

"Master Zhang!"

The officials choked up and wanted to keep him, but unfortunately, Zhang Liang didn't struggle, while the guards left the place in a hurry with Zhang Liang without looking back.


"Win, how did you win the first game?"

In the Great Qin Xianyang post house, Jun Wuyou sat on the bed in his room with a puzzled look on his face.

"Impossible, I have estimated that this battle is impossible to win, Donghu will never win, only Daqin will win, unless..."

Jun Wuyou shook his head, and as he spoke, he suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, then he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "Unless there is a ghost in Daqin. But who could this ghost be?"

"Southern Emperor Yan? Didn't he go to the broken island to lay out the layout? According to the logic, if there is no accident, he will never have a chance to come back in this life. Could it be Tianmen?"

"This is absolutely impossible. How can Tianmen use it to deal with such a petty war? Could it be that Tianmen has become so shameless that even the people below have to join in the fun? Could it be that they thought The emperor is vegetarian?

The more he thought about it, the more something went wrong, Jun Wuyou looked confused.

This night, he tossed and turned, always having trouble falling asleep, and always felt that he seemed to be missing something, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

Early the next morning, Jun Wuyou was still deep in thought, but at this moment, he suddenly received a summons from the emperor.

"The emperor has a decree, you don't have to worry about listening to the order, hurry to Xianyang Palace and see you!"

The voice of the eunuch passing the decree sounded, very sharply.

"Foreign ministers lead the order!"

Jun Wuyou knelt down to listen to the announcement, and when the eunuch passed the edict to leave, he got up and ordered: "Come here, hurry up and arrange your clothes for this envoy, this envoy is going to see His Majesty the Emperor of Qin!"

Outside, a burly man came in, with two scimitars on his waist, his eyes were calm and majestic, and he was dressed as a barbarian, obviously General Donghu.

"Hehe, Jun Wuyou, when I met my king in Donghu Dynasty, I didn't see you so active. After you came to Qin, you ran to the Qin Palace every three days. The emperor of Qin seems to know you very well. Luo, very kind! Why, are you a minister of Donghu or a minister of Qin?"

General Donghu walked in, immediately sneered, stared at Jun Wuyou and said.

"Oh, isn't this General Ji Yu? Why, listening to the general's words, it seems that there is something in the words. As the top general of Donghu, you don't need to be so obscene?"

Jun Wuyou raised his head, looked at the person coming, and said with a smile.

This person's name is Ji Yu, which is the order of the top general of Donghu, and his strength is so powerful that it is eye-catching.

This time he was sent to Daqin as an envoy, and he was the envoy to protect the general.It's just that he hardly speaks on weekdays, and he is easily ignored like a piece of wood.

No one thought that the moment he opened his mouth today, he would be so eloquent in speaking!

(End of this chapter)

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