Chapter 867
"Am I wrong?"

"Jun Wuyou, I do have something in my words. Today, I really want to ask clearly, are you a minister of Qin, or I, Donghu!"

General Ji Yu snorted coldly, fixed his eyes on Jun Wuyou, and asked questioningly.


However, as soon as Ji Yu finished speaking, Jun Wuyou took a step forward without hesitation, raised his hand and slapped him on the face.

The violent sound, accompanied by the severe pain, immediately swept over Ji Yu's nerves, making him tremble all over, and suddenly felt a burst of burning pain on his face.

"Jun Wuyou, you are courting death!"

Ji Yu was furious, and both swords came out, crossing Jun Wuyou's neck in an instant, his eyes were murderous, and he had no doubt that he might kill Jun Wuyou at any time.

Facing this scene, Jun Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his foot unexpectedly, and kicked it directly.


General Ji Yu never thought that Jun Wuyou would dare to attack him at such a time.

And it's nothing more than a shot, the speed is so fast that even he didn't react in the first moment, and the next moment, he was kicked and flew backwards.

Ji Yu spurted out a big mouthful of blood out of thin air, and when he landed, he felt his viscera churning and burning, as if they were about to be torn apart.


Ji Yu snorted, raised his head forcibly, and looked at Jun Wuyou with an incredulous expression on his face. He obviously didn't expect that Jun Wuyou was clearly a civil servant, how could he have such powerful power.

This level of strength, even if it is not as good as that of a top general, is not far behind.


For a moment, Ji Yu pointed at Jun Wuyou, not knowing what to say.

"Ji Yu, I know what you're thinking, and I'm curious why I still dare to do it, right?"

"Hmph, I warn you, this is the last time you question me like this, otherwise, next time, I will definitely make you unable to leave Xianyang, let alone Daqin!"

"Also, don't always ask naive questions like whether I am a minister of the Great Qin or a minister of the Eastern Hu. Since you want to know, I can tell you today. I am from the Central Plains, and I am a subject of the Great Qin."

"In your Donghu Royal Court, if I like it, I can play it. If I don't like it, even if it's King Khan's trash, I will fight it. Your Donghu is the most capable, but he is just a Niha Man. But even if I kill you Donghu Khan, what can I do with her?"

"You'd better be sensible and stop asking questions I don't like!"

After finishing speaking, Jun Wuyou yelled suddenly: "A group of slaves, can't you hear me? Hurry up and come in and change clothes for the envoy, if you neglect my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, I will take your heads!"

While speaking, Jun Wuyou had a proud expression on his face.

As an envoy of Donghu, he actually despised Donghu so much, calling and shouting at the members of the Donghu mission, he was not treated as a human being at all.

As if in Donghu, he is the master, but these Donghu people are a group of slaves in front of him.

Following Jun Wuyou's display of power, a group of people rushed outside, hurriedly waiting for Jun Wuyou to change into clothes, Jun Wuyou just opened his arms, dressed in Daqin Confucianism clothes, got up and left the post house, Take the car and drive all the way to the outside of the imperial city.

Get off the car and approach the imperial city on foot, and come to the side hall of Xianyang Palace, only to see that at this moment, Ying Shou is already sitting at the top.

When Jun Wuyou saw this, he bowed his hands from a distance, bent his waist, and came in a hurry. After entering the main hall, he quickly knelt down and paid homage: "Caomin Jun Wuyou, pay respects to your majesty, long live your majesty! Long live!"

Ying Shou sat in the first place, with lingering eyes, looking at Jun Wuyou who was prostrating below, waved his hands, and said, "Pingshen!"

Jun Wuyou kowtowed and stood up, looked at Yingshou, and said, "Your Majesty summoned the grassroots today, but for the border battle?"

Ying Shou nodded and said, "That's right, you also know the result of this battle. It's completely different from what I expected. Do you know why?"

Jun Wuyou smiled wryly, and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the grass people thought about it all night last night, but they couldn't figure out the main points after all!"

Ying Shou looked at Jun Wuyou, and said, "Oh, I haven't figured out the point, which means that you have figured out something too? Tell me!"

Jun Wuyou cupped his hands, and said: "I do have some ideas, according to the logic, unless there is an inner ghost, Donghu will never win."

"Cao Min is an envoy of Donghu in name, but in fact, whether it is Donghu or Xiongnu, they all know very well that Cao Min is not really a minister of Dong Hu, so the news that Cao Min has received is limited. Please also tell your majesty the key to the defeat of the day. Second, let the grass-roots compare it to see what the grass-folk thinks, and see how it differs!"

While speaking, Jun Wuyou looked at Ying Shou expectantly.

What he said is not a lie, because whether he is in Donghu or Tianmen, anyone who understands knows that he is in Saibei and in Qin, and everyone is just taking advantage of each other.

For him, Donghu and Tianmen will naturally use them, but they are just using them. There are many things that are impossible for him to know.

Even the success or failure of this battle was only told to him as a result, and he was completely ignorant of what happened in the middle.

This is Jun Wuyou's situation in Donghu, and it is also the deliberate suppression of him by Donghu and Tianmen.

"So, this Donghu suppressed you quite a bit. Okay, let me tell you about the situation that day!"

When Ying Shou heard this, he didn't doubt Jun Wuyou's words, he shook his head and smiled, and told the story of the rebellion of the three thousand brave soldiers that day.

After finishing speaking, Jun Wuyou completely fell into silence. After a long time, he nodded slightly thoughtfully, and said, "I understand, I finally understand, that's how it is!"

"It seems that I still underestimated this Tianmen after all. I thought I had already figured out their details. Unexpectedly, the existence of this Tianmen is far beyond my imagination!"

Seeing this, Ying Shou smiled and said, "Oh, so you have thought it through? Tell me!"

Jun Wuyou nodded, cupped his hands and said, "In this world, in a certain unknown place, there is a legend. In the 500th year of the Shang Dynasty, the Great Zhou Dynasty rose up. The fate of the world will be established for 800 years."

"In 800 years, all the gods took charge of one side of the world, but the way of heaven was inhumane, the gods fought in melee, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the heavenly gate restarted the world, divided the gods, seized the world again, recast the universe, and recreated the way of heaven!"

Ying Shou was shocked when he heard this.

"What, Jiang Shang conferred the gods, the Great Zhou inherited the order of the heavens, established the world for 800 years, and the gods each controlled one side?"

Ying Shou looked astonished, what is this?
Shouldn't the novels of Fengshenbang be written by people more than 1000 years later?In this era, everyone knows that the Great Zhou established the world, asked himself to inherit the destiny of heaven, regarded him as the emperor, and distributed the feudal lords.

And what Jun Wuyou said, what is the Conferred God, it is basically the content of the Conferred God novel thousands of years later.

At this moment, the author of the novel, his ancestor, was not born yet, and the content of conferring gods began to appear?

(End of this chapter)

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