Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 872 You Shut Up For Me

Chapter 872 You Shut Up For Me

"Husband, in this way, is it true that Qin State will be fine?"

Li Jiang looked at King Yelang and asked softly.

As the Queen of Yelang, the Yelang Kingdom no longer exists. In the Great Qin where Yingshou was, there was no such thing as a queen. After that, there can only be one queen in this world, and that is Queen Daqin.

Therefore, the name of her queen has long since ceased to exist, and she can only be called the princess.

She doesn't care about these changes, she is just a very ordinary woman, what he wants is a husband and a child, and a family life in peace.As long as you are safe, nothing else matters.

This is not a big request, and it seems to be easy to achieve, but in fact, isn't this a major event involving the country?

When a country is peaceful, of course everyone lives and works in peace and contentment.But if a country is in chaos, where is peace and where is tranquility?
"Don't worry, my beloved concubine, don't you believe my husband's words? Qin country can't be messed up, if it's really going to be messed up, come find me."

"Don't forget, what kind of character is that emperor, he is a master who sits and watches the rise and fall of the world and teases the success or failure of the world!"

King Yelang lovingly pulled Li Jiang into his arms, gently rubbed her little head, and said with a smile.

"Aren't I afraid? Look, it's not just the concubines who are afraid. The civil and military officials of Daqin, and tens of thousands of scholars, are kneeling in Xianyang City, outside the imperial city. Even they are worried. , courtiers and concubines are female, how can it be an exception?"

Li Jiang shook his head and said with resentment.

"From a woman's point of view, the people outside are nothing more than ordinary people. How can ordinary people understand the emperor's holy order? Of course, as the head of a country, why should the emperor explain to them what to do?"

"No matter how long they kneel, they are just asking for trouble. Let them go. Concubine Ai just keep her heart in her stomach. Now that the emperor has given us an idle position, we should feel at ease enjoy."

"The success or failure of this world has nothing to do with us. The world is ups and downs, and the world is in chaos. I just sit and watch the situation!"

King Yelang laughed again, speaking in a very carefree manner.

Before that, in just half a year, he had spent his whole life with ambitions, and now he has no other requirements, he just wants to be his idle prince with peace of mind.


Seeing that King Yelang was so open-minded, Li Jiang couldn't say anything more, so he could only nod his head heavily.She is also very pleased with King Yelang's free and easy manner.

As long as King Yelang has no intention of rebelling, and relying on the benevolence of Emperor Daqin, their family will be able to live in peace after all.

Maybe there is no right, no too much glory, but as a woman, what's the use of asking for those?


"Jun Wuyou, what have you done? Why didn't you discuss with me about your bet with the Emperor of Qin? Even now, you don't even mention it to me. Don't forget, I am the The next mission to the general!"

In the posthouse, General Ji Yu burst into Jun Wuyou's room, and he roared.

At this time, Jun Wuyou was writing at his desk, and after finishing the last stroke, he just put down his hair, slowly raised his head, frowned at Ji Yu who came forward, and said coldly: "Ambassador General?"

As he spoke, he shook his head, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a sarcasm on his face, and said: "You are a follower, don't set your status so high, remember, you are just a follower by my side!"


Ji Yu was furious, he had endured being humiliated by Jun Wuyou before, but now Jun Wuyou's words became more and more unscrupulous, and he simply ignored him at all.

"Shut up for me, remember, I am your master now, I didn't let you speak, so just shut up obediently!"

Before Ji Yu could say his anger, Jun Wuyou snapped and said, "I don't care if you break into my room again and again, but you have to remember, it's because of my generosity."

"I know you are very angry now, and you want to ask me a lot of questions. But let me tell you now, you haven't questioned my qualifications, not only Li, but also Nehaman. As for why, you can ask Neha Man!"

After finishing speaking, Jun Wuyou slowly picked up the rice paper in front of him, and gently blew a breath of cold air on the ink stains on it. He didn't care about Nehaman's gloomy face like a pig's liver, and smiled appreciatively: "Daqin What a miraculous excess, His Majesty the Emperor is truly a miraculous person, tell me, how did His Majesty come up with such a useful thing? It's really admirable!"

"No, this is a letter I wrote to Nehman. You take it immediately, lead your soldiers, rush to Donghu, and tell Nehman that my Emperor Qin will go east to Hudi in a few days, and tell him to be careful. Welcome, you'd better bow three times and kowtow nine times, otherwise, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor will be neglected and destroy Donghu in a fit of rage, then the gain will outweigh the loss!"

"As for this envoy, I don't need your protection. From today on, this envoy will serve His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor forever, and I don't need you slaves anymore!"

After saying that, Jun Wuyou waved his hand, and the letter fluttered down in front of Ji Yu.

Ji Yu was trembling all over with anger, and when he raised his head, he found that Jun Wuyou had already got up, staggering, walking in a figure-of-sight step, arrogant and arrogant, walking towards the outside.

"You have no worries..."

Ji Yu let out a roar, holding the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, wishing to kill Jun Wuyou immediately at all costs.

It's a pity that he can't do this. When he came here, Nehaman specifically explained that no matter what Jun Wuyou did, he could only obey Jun Wuyou's orders, otherwise, he would be punished as treason.

Obviously, Nehaman has long been aware of Jun Wuyou's choice, and what happened today is already under Nehaman's control. The more it ruined the next plan.

In the final analysis, he and Jun Wuyou are just using each other, as for their respective positions, none of this is important.

Taking a deep breath, Ji Yu suppressed the anger in his heart, bent down to pick up the letter paper on the ground, and saw that it said: "My Lord God of War, what should be done, I, Jun Wuyou, have already done it."

"From now on, Wuyou is no longer a minister of Donghu. But as the saying goes, there is no benevolence and righteousness in business. Today Wuyou will no longer be a minister of Donghu, but when you come to Donghu in the future, you should treat yourself well! After all, Wuyou has also done so many things for Donghu, there is hard work without credit, right?"

"Furthermore, my Great Qin Emperor is about to visit Donghu, you have to prepare quickly, and don't neglect my Great Qin Emperor."

"In order to express Donghu's sincerity for this alliance, Wuyou made the decision without authorization, and drew a red line for my emperor and Donghu to form a family. There are two women who Wuyou values ​​in Donghu. When the time comes, we will first Let the saint Heinena go to bed!"

(End of this chapter)

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