Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 873 Falling Down

Chapter 873 Falling Down
"Bastard Jun Wuyou, you are courting death!"

After reading the letter, Ji Yu couldn't hold back the anger anymore, roared, and rushed out of the room in a hurry, but Jun Wuyou was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Jun Wuyou, where did you go?"

Ji Yu grabbed a Donghu soldier and shouted loudly.

"Back to the general, Jun Wuyou is heading towards Qinhuang Palace!"

The Donghu soldier was startled, and hurriedly pointed in the direction of Qin Huanggong.

"What, you bastard!"

Ji Yu was so angry that he jumped up, without any doubt, at this moment, if Jun Wuyou was still in front of him, he would definitely kill Jun Wuyou at all costs.

As the saying goes, a dragon has reverse scales, which will anger you when you touch them.

As a subject, the master should be their reverse scale.

Just like the Great Qin Emperor Yingshou, he is the Ni Lin of his officials, the Ni Lin of Da Qin, and his woman is the Ni Lin of Ni Lin.

As the saying goes, the emperor humiliates his ministers to death, who dares to insult the emperor's woman, this is the greatest humiliation to the emperor, how can the officials bypass him?

The saint Heinina mentioned in Jun Wuyou's letter was originally the saintess of Loulan outside the Northwest Great Wall.

It is said that Nehaman, the war god of Donghu, lived in Loulan since he was a child. Still violated the teachings of Loulan, and eloped to Donghu with Nehman.

Because of Loulan's reluctance, Donghu united with the Xiongnu, and directly destroyed Loulan just half a year ago.

In history, the Xiongnu destroyed Donghu first, and then Loulan, but here, they have achieved a legend of immortal couples.

But regardless of whether this is a legend or not, it will not change the identity of Loulan Saintess Heinina as the woman of Donghu God of War Nehaman.

Ji Yu can be entrusted by Nehaman thousands of times to come to Daqin as an envoy, so one can imagine how assured Nehaman is to him.

And he was also Nehaman's most loyal subject to Nehaman after he established the position of East Lake. It can be said that Nehaman is his god.

Now, the woman of God is being humiliated by people, how can he tolerate it any longer?

Jun Wuyou humiliated him, but in order to complete the task assigned by Nehman, he could bear it.

Jun Wuyou disrespected Nehaman, but for Nehaman's account, he could bear it.

But now, when Jun Wuyou humiliated Nehaman's woman, it was tantamount to slapping Nehaman in the face. If he endured it any longer, he would no longer be worthy of being a courtier.

But at this moment Jun Wuyou has already gone to the Great Qin Palace, no matter how conceited and reckless Ji Yu is, he would not dare to break into the Qin Palace to kill people, this is purely courting death.

The next day, Ji Yu, who had been angry all night, finally left Xianyang with his army of missions and rushed to the northeast.

He is not stupid, he is very clear, since Jun Wuyou finished writing that letter and then went to Qinhuang Palace, Jun Wuyou has never thought of turning back.

No matter how long he waited, it was impossible for Jun Wuyou to come out and let him vent.

So he could only bear with this tone, since Jun Wuyou wanted to go to Donghu with Emperor Daqin, there would be plenty of opportunities to vent.


Tolerance and concessions have always been Chinese virtues for thousands of years.

There is a cloud in the Mo family, and love!
Confucianism says, benevolence!
Taoism has a cloud, fraternity!
Everyone has love, take a step back, the sea and the sky are bright, and the summer insects are beyond words.

Its meaning is that too much dispute and too much struggle will only bring disharmony. After all, like summer insects, they don’t know what winter is. If you talk about winter with it, quarreling too much will only destroy the laws of nature love that destroys nature.

Instead of arguing, it is better to take a step back.

Therefore, the Central Plains people have always muddled along.It's not that the Central Plains people don't know how to make progress. On the contrary, the Central Plains people's enterprising heart has never been imagined by ordinary people.Otherwise, various systems will not emerge within thousands of years, and everyone will strive to be superior.

But being aggressive is one thing, but being competitive is another.For many unnecessary struggles, the Central Plains can choose to retreat again and again, which is called tolerance.

No matter how much tolerance you have, you must not destroy the bottom line.

Today, Donghu's request seriously touches this bottom line. If we continue to tolerate it, the country will be ruined and the family will be destroyed, and humiliation will abound. Who would be willing?

The proclamation about the emperor's rush to Donghu Wangting is still spreading, centering on Xianyang, and continuing to radiate.Countless people have learned about it.

Immediately, scholars from all over the world also started to follow, rushing to Xianyang.

Outside the imperial city, more and more people knelt down and begged to see the emperor. Almost everyone in Jixia Academy had already arrived.All the disciples, all the disciples, knelt here.

Coupled with the constant stream of scholars from all directions, in just two or three days, more than [-] people gathered outside the imperial city, which can be described as a huge momentum!

The emperor chose to turn a blind eye to this, just as he said before, since he wants to kneel, let's kneel one by one.Don't die too early, if you can kneel for a while, then kneel for a while longer.

From the moment the emperor made his decision, he had already set his mind to the point where his heart was as hard as stone.

It's not that he doesn't want to back down, but as the lord of a country, many times, when he should be hard-hearted, he has a hard-hearted heart.

It's not that the king is unintentional, it's not that the king is unrighteous, it's just that the law of heaven is ruthless, all things are fighting, it's either you die or I live.

Living in this world where the weak are preyed on by the strong, only a heart of stone can forge strength, only being strong can turn the world around, and only by turning the world can we not be humiliated.

This is like a father letting his children do nothing. After all, who can bear it?But what can I do if I can't bear it, blindly protecting the child can only make the child more depraved.

As a father, if you can protect your child for a while, can you still protect him for the rest of his life?One day, the father is gone, how will the child survive?
Therefore, for the future, as a father, no matter how much you love your child, you have to leave early. Only when you are alive, you can watch your child experience the baptism of wind, frost, snow and rain, thrive, and not be afraid of the heat and cold winter. One day, you can leave with peace of mind.

For Da Qin, Ying Shou is the father, so he must be determined.

Otherwise, the Central Plains will always be the target of bullying by others, bullying for 1000 years, 2000 years, or even tens of thousands of years, which he will never allow.

The snow melted, and in the day-to-day begging, time passed little by little.

The people who bowed down at the beginning had already been exposed to the wind and cold, their legs had already lost feeling, their bodies were weak, their lips were chapped, and they were in unspeakable pain.

If it wasn't for the strong will in their hearts, they would have already fallen down.

But even if they held on, after four or five days passed, some people could no longer bear it and fell down.

There is the first, and soon there will be a second, a third, a fourth!

Next, for three consecutive days, a steady stream of people poured into Xianyang every day, kneeling outside the imperial city.

But one after another, some people eventually collapsed due to lack of physical strength.

(End of this chapter)

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