Chapter 875
"Uncle, my uncle! How come you still can't see clearly? It's not that Lin'er can't see through, or that Lin'er can't do anything. What really can't see through is the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty. It's the scholars and people in the world. Nah!"

Wang Lin looked at the excited Shu Suntong, shook his head bitterly, and said helplessly.

"what for?"

"Hehe, Lin'er, Uncle knows that you are capable, but what do you mean by that? You mean, you have seen through things that no one in the world has seen through? Are you stronger than the people in the world?"

Shu Suntong's pupils suddenly tightened, and his voice suddenly became cold.

For a long time, Uncle Sun Tong has always taught Wang Lin earnestly, like a son.Because Wang Lin is obedient and sensible, he has never said anything harsher to Wang Lin, let alone speak so coldly.

But at this moment, Wang Lin's words finally aroused the anger in his heart.

Wang Lin's words simply demoted the people of the world to nothing!

"Uncle, don't misunderstand, it's not that Lin'er is more powerful than the people in the world, but that Lin'er is very clear about his identity."

"Uncle, have you forgotten what you have taught Lin'er? Monarchs and ministers, fathers and sons, the rules of the monarch and ministers are constant and cannot be violated. What is a king and what is a minister? What is a father and what is a son?"

"The king is in the front, and the father is in the back. Loyalty to the king and filial piety, this is the way to be a man, the way to be a minister, and the way to be a son!"

"The king wants his subject to die, the subject has to die, the father wants his son to die, and the son has to die! Now, Lin'er wants to be loyal to His Majesty. In Lin'er's heart, his uncle is like a father, but his uncle wants Lin'er to oppose His Majesty. "

"If Lin'er refuses to obey, it's because of disobedience. If Lin'er obeys, it's because of disloyalty. Uncle, between loyalty and filial piety, how do you think Lin'er should choose?"

"You said, does Lin'er choose to be loyal or filial?"

Wang Lin hurriedly comforted Shusun Tong, but he became more and more helpless as he spoke.

He understood Shusun Tong's painstaking efforts, but, in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, who could understand the emperor's painstaking efforts and his thoughts?

"Lin'er, are you saying that if you listen to your uncle, you are not being loyal?"

Shu Suntong felt a chill in his heart, and looked at Wang Lin in great disappointment. He never thought that one day Wang Lin would say such a thing.

It can be said that I have exhausted my heart and soul for Daqin. So in Wang Lin's eyes, I am not loyal?

"No, uncle, Lin'er knows, Lin'er knows, and he is loyal to his uncle. But has uncle ever thought about it, where does uncle put his loyalty?"

Wang Lin hurriedly shook his head, stood up, pointed to the sky, and said, "Uncle, you can see clearly, who is this sky? This sky is His Majesty the Emperor. Junjunchenchen, what is a king, what is a minister? When it rains, no one cares." I can't control it? Uncle, people can't control it."

"The only thing a person can do is to obey the destiny. When it rains, people can take shelter from the rain. You can't say that when it rains, people will stop living, right?"

"Not to mention that because rain makes people wet and cold, everyone hates rain, right? Rain can bring people cold, but rain can also bring people a good harvest."

"What is profit or loss? This is profit and loss. What is beneficial will be harmful, and what is harmful will be beneficial. Uncle, why are you so determined to change the will of heaven?"

"That's right, my uncle is a civil servant and an admonishing minister. Many things must be remonstrated to death, but all uncle can do is to remonstrate to the death."

"It's like a wizard begging for rain when it doesn't rain. You can ask God for rain, but you can't replace God for rain!"

"Nowadays, people kneeling outside the imperial city are full of people. Is this begging? This is clearly trying to defy the sky, and this is wanting to make decisions for the sky. If His Majesty agrees, uncle, you tell Lin'er, when the time comes, the emperor will still Emperor, is a subject still a subject?"

"The courtiers can make decisions for the emperor, then what is the use of the emperor?"

"Today, the ministers have to make decisions for the emperor at every turn. In the future, will the ministers change the emperor if they want to, and do whatever they want, be rebellious, and do whatever they want?"

As he spoke, Wang Lin slowly turned his head and looked at Shu Suntong.

At this moment, Shu Suntong was already stunned and speechless.

"Lin'er, your words are too serious, this is treason!"

After a long time, Shusun Tong said in a trembling voice.

"No, uncle, it's not that Lin'er's words are serious, and it's not that Lin'er is rebellious, that's the truth."

"In the past, Lin'er has said many times that no matter what decisions His Majesty makes, they are all forced."

"Uncle, they were all forced! It's not others who are forcing His Majesty, but the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and they are people from the world of our Great Qin!"

"It's the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the world of the Great Qin Dynasty. They have changed His Majesty's will time and time again, and reversed the will of the heavens. Uncle, whose world is this world? Is it the emperor's world, or the ministers' world?"

"To put it bluntly, what's the use of the current emperor's existence? In Daqin, it's different and can only be led by the nose by the officials?"

"It's not that His Majesty the Emperor is cowardly, but that His Majesty the Emperor is merciful. What the officials have done can be described as treasonous and outrageous. There are tens of thousands of people gathered outside the imperial city. It is said that they are begging, but is that really begging?"

"No, that's coercion, it's rebellion. Tens of thousands of people, what kind of power is this? And these tens of thousands of people are not ordinary people, they are scholars in the world, the most powerful people in the world."

"As long as they want, they can rise and fall a dynasty at any time. You told Lin'er that they will all gather together to oppose the emperor. What do you mean? Do you want to change the world?"

"Let me ask uncle, what would you do if you were the emperor at this moment? Are you willing to be controlled by others and have no room for autonomy?"

"Everyone is saying that when the emperor goes to Donghu this time, he can only be led by the barbarians and let others control him. But in fact, if he doesn't go to Donghu, His Majesty the Emperor will be free? His Majesty the Emperor will be able to make decisions?"

"This Great Qin is the emperor's world in name, but in fact, it is a cage, a cage that controls His Majesty the Emperor."

"And the people of the Great Qin Dynasty are the jailers guarding this cage, and there is only one person imprisoned in it, the emperor, I am the Emperor of Great Qin!"

"You insist on imprisoning a bird soaring to the nine heavens. People in the world insist on imprisoning a dragon leaping in the sea. Who would want anything with a little spirituality?"

"Now His Majesty the Emperor decides to leave Daqin, not only because of losing to Donghu, not because of anything else, but because of this world, everyone in this world. It is because the people of this world imprisoned His Majesty too much, and His Majesty needs to take a breath. His Majesty needs to flee."

"It's a decision to jump from one cage to another, but at least, in the process of jumping, the bird is out of the cage, the bird is free, uncle, do you understand?"

Wang Lin's words revealed all the crises lurking in front of everyone.A sentence of forcing the palace is enough to make people feel terrified.

Everyone thought they were admonishing the emperor to the death, but in fact, when it developed to such an extent, it was not just a simple remonstrance, but a rebellion, a coercion.If it weren't for the emperor's benevolence, just this one would be enough to keep none of the tens of thousands of scholars.

(End of this chapter)

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