Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 876 Between Right and Wrong

Chapter 876 Between Right and Wrong

Shu Suntong was shocked. Wang Lin's words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, which exploded heavily on his heart.

He couldn't help but think back to the huge crowd outside, tens of thousands of people blocked in front of the imperial city, is this really a remonstrance, not a rebellion to force the palace?

Before, all the thoughts in his heart were purely for Daqin, but he didn't think too much.But after listening to Wang Lin's words, he realized that everything was so wrong.

It can be said that when all these people gather together, they are no longer begging, but persecuting.

Seeking and persecuting seem to have two different meanings, but in many cases, the situation is the same.

When you are weak, of course you are begging.But if you are strong to a certain extent, when you face an existence weaker than yourself, what you ask for is persecution in the eyes of others.

It's like being a king. The king of a small country gives gifts to the king of a big country. That's called paying tribute.When the king of a large country gives gifts to the king of a small country, that is called a reward.

When the king of a small country begs the king of a big country, that is called begging.When the king of a big country begs the king of a small country, he is begging on the surface, but in fact he is persecuting.

You are a small country, if you agree to my request, you have to agree, and if you don’t agree, you have to agree.

What is reality?

this is the truth!
Now, outside the imperial city, the great power of the world is gathered, almost all the powers are begging the emperor to change his mind, but in fact, to put it another way, the great power of the world is gathered, is this still begging?This is persecution.

This is a force that can change the world.

What is a change?

The sky of Daqin is the emperor, and the land of Daqin is the emperor.And this power is enough to destroy the Great Qin, recast the country, and elect another emperor, which is to change the world.When this force is all against the emperor, what else can it be if it is not persecution?
"Lin'er, did I make a mistake?"

Shu Suntong's face gradually turned pale. At this moment, he realized how stupid things he and others had done.

They have been using loyalty as an excuse to do things that forced the palace all the time.I didn't realize it before, but when I realized it now, I suddenly realized that I was completely wrong.

Especially thinking of Wang Lin’s reminders many times before, the emperor’s plan to conquer the Huns was blocked, and later, when the Huns invaded, the army had already set off.

All these piles, one by one, which one is not capital crime, which one is not treason?
It's a pity that everyone regards such a rebellious thing as serving the country and the people, and everyone is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but they ignore the injustice and violation of the emperor.

Don't say that the emperor killed decisive people like this. Whoever it is, I'm afraid they can't bear it.

It can be said that if it was not for the emperor's benevolence, these people would have died many times already.

Today, the generals who were ordered by the emperor to stay on the Great Wall are still complaining, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are still complaining.Looking back now, what qualifications do you have to complain?
The emperor only punished them a little, and didn't kill everyone!

"Uncle, it's not that you are wrong, nor is it that the emperor is wrong. There is no right or wrong in this world, just because there is no rule, there is no square circle, and after there are rules, square circle is right or wrong."

"If you don't conform to the rules, you are wrong. If you conform to the rules, right is right and wrong is right. Everyone in the world should understand this, and we should understand it too!"

"Uncle is loyal to His Majesty, and Lin'er is also loyal to His Majesty, but Lin'er chose a different path from Uncle. Lin'er believes in His Majesty's wisdom, no matter what decision His Majesty makes, whether it is right or wrong."

"If it's wrong, Lin'er is willing to fight for the harm caused by this matter. If it's right, Lin'er is willing to accompany His Majesty to carry it all the way. This is Lin'er's loyalty."

"Lin'er doesn't want to take things that haven't happened to heart. Just because it is possible, he has to restrain himself in every possible way, and try his best to stop it, even going against the sky. This is also loyalty, but it seems like loyalty."

"Uncle, Lin'er is the general of Daqin. In the final analysis, it is the emperor's sword. You can strike wherever you point it. You can't stop doing it just because you don't want to!"

Wang Lin shook his head and looked at Uncle Sun Passage solemnly.

"Hehehe, treacherous and loyal, what a treacherous and loyal, hahaha... So I am this traitorous and loyal traitor... Hahaha..."

Shu Suntong laughed loudly. For a moment, his whole body seemed to lose all his strength, and he lay directly on the bed, with two lines of tears rolling down his eyes uncontrollably.

It was the tears of grievance, but also the tears of pain.

Before this, he had never really thought about it. What he did, which seemed to be loyal, actually pushed the emperor into the abyss and the Great Qin into a place of eternal doom.

"Uncle, don't get me wrong, Lin'er didn't mean that uncle is a traitor and seems loyal, Lin'er doesn't mean that!"

Wang Lin was startled, he didn't expect to say this sentence in a moment of quick talk, which made Shu Suntong misunderstand.

"No, Lin'er, what you said makes sense. Uncle is indeed treacherous and loyal. In the name of loyalty, he does evil things. This is uncle's fault, uncle's fault!"

Shu Suntong raised his hand to stop Wang Lin from explaining.

At this moment, Shusun Tong seemed to be heartbroken, and said: "In retrospect, my uncle pretended to be a teacher of the world, and tried his best to teach the world to know how to read and write, understand morality, understand etiquette, and understand things. In the end, the most ignorant of morality , Those who don't know etiquette and reason are really uncles!"

"You're right. It's difficult for His Majesty the Emperor. It's really too difficult. My uncle, who is confused by himself, has been pushing His Majesty the Emperor. He thinks he is capable, but he never considers His Majesty's wishes, so that he let His Majesty walk on the road. This road that is difficult to turn back led Daqin into this dangerous road."

"Uncle is guilty, guilty!"


Wang Lin's heart trembled, and his eyes immediately turned red.

What he said just now was just to clarify some things, so that Shusun Tong would give up and go to see the emperor.After all, they are very old, and they really can't stand the toss.But he didn't expect that Shusuntong understood clearly, but this self-blame made Wang Lin feel sad.

"Uncle, in fact, many things are not as you imagined. Think about it, why do you want to prevent His Majesty from many things? In fact, in the final analysis, you are also loyal, but the way of loyalty is different from the general's."

"As the saying goes, in his position, he seeks his own government. Discussing the government and preventing many things from happening is his uncle's responsibility. There is nothing wrong with my uncle doing this."

"Think about it, how wise and holy your majesty is, if uncle is really wrong, how can there be no punishment?"

"Now that my uncle is still here, this proves that His Majesty the Emperor also agrees with what my uncle did, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong. The emperor doesn't even think that my uncle has done something wrong, so why should uncle blame himself?"

Seeing that Wang Lin didn't know what to say, Wu Ya, who was active in her own mind and exquisitely carved, spoke quickly and said An Wei with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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