Chapter 901
"The emperor is ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

Wei Liaozi widened his eyes, and yelled in dissatisfaction, then grabbed Ying Shou's arm, approached Ying Shou, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you only hear ministers see the monarch, and ministers worship the king. When did your majesty see you?" The monarch went to see his ministers? If this is really the case, wouldn’t it be the great Miao of the desolate world?”

As he spoke, Wei Liaozi shook his head and sighed, "Your Majesty, the rules cannot be broken. The ruler is the ruler and the minister is the minister, and the two should not be confused! Otherwise, the world will not be far away from chaos!"

"Besides, it is a great honor for the veteran to have His Majesty come here today. This honor, even after a hundred years, the veteran will still be able to smile!"

While speaking, Wei Le didn't mention the word "death", but he couldn't deny that he had come to an end.

Ying Shou felt sad, how could he tell if the veteran didn't mention it?
"Okay, listen to you, you stubborn old man, don't forget, when I went to find you, I was a teacher."

"The result is good. If you insist on giving me such a clear calculation, there is really nothing you can do about it. How about it? Today, I'm here and I'm asking you for the last time. Are you really unwilling to follow me and live the rest of your life?"

Ying Shou nodded with a wry smile.To be honest, sometimes he really can't do anything about this stubborn old man.

"No, I won't go if I say I won't go. Your Majesty, don't forget that a veteran can confiscate His Majesty's disciple back then. As long as you don't have any status, we can only see that you are the king, and the veteran is a minister."

"You are not qualified to provide for the veteran, and the veteran is not qualified to rely on you. In this life, if you choose this path in the end, you have to rely on the status of the marshal to make a living!"

"If one day I don't become a marshal, I have to look at other people's faces for a meal. No, absolutely not."

"The position of marshal cannot be given up, even if he is killed. Wait till the day he lies down, Your Majesty can't take away people's love!"

Wei Liaozi shook his head, and refused with righteous words on his face.

"You, you, are quite old, and you still talk like this, regardless of whether others like it or not!"

Ying Shou pointed at Wei Liaozi and couldn't help smiling wryly again.

"Hey, by the way, Your Majesty, it doesn't matter if you don't talk about eating. When it comes to eating, I remembered that I have something good here. Today, let's have a drink first!"

Suddenly, Wei Liaozi thought of something, waved to the pawn, and said: "Quickly, bring me the sauced beef, beef jerky, and the Chu wine that I hide and don't want to drink, bring me too." !"

Hearing this, the pawn hurriedly responded, ran to bring a mat and spread it on the ground, brought a table from the station car and placed it on the mat, and then brought a plate of beef jerky and a plate of sauced beef.

Then, a large jug of wine and two wine cups were brought up, placed on the table, and filled with wine by himself.

For a time, the aroma of wine overflowed, giving people a feeling of euphoria.

This is Chu wine, the wine produced in Chu.Chu people are strong, so Chu wine is also strong.However, in this strong wine, there is a kind of enchanting and beautiful taste of a woman, which looks gentle.

Strong and gentle, this is the characteristic of Chu wine. One sip will make people's mind turbulent, and they can't help but drool.

"Well, this wine smells so good!"

Ying Shou's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile.

"Of course, Your Majesty may not know it. This is a centuries-old wine that the King of Chu dedicated to His Majesty the First Emperor, but I secretly hid it in a jar."

"This possession lasted more than ten or 20 years. I planned to take it out to celebrate with His Majesty the Emperor on the day when His Majesty founded the country, but who would have thought that the fighting was too fierce at that time, and then began to suppress the rebellion in various places, one after another. , and forget it.”

"I learned that His Majesty came here today, but the old minister lost all his money and gave it all. Your Majesty can't afford to lose face!"


Wei Liaozi smiled triumphantly, pulled Ying Shou over, sat down on the floor, picked up the wine cup, and said, "Your Majesty, come, the veteran respects you!"

Ying Shou also picked up the wine jue, touched Wei Liaozi lightly, put them shoulder to shoulder, and sniffed lightly.

There is a touch of lingering in the sweet and mellow wine aroma, and in the lingering, there is firmness.

This wine, just like Wei Liaozi himself, has iron blood in kindness, softness in iron blood, unyielding in softness, and compassion in unyielding.

People are like wine. Is it the wine that people hide, or the people that the wine changes?

Ying Shou raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

"Okay, have fun. Come, Your Majesty, try this beef tendon. I heard that this is in Xianyang. In order to prohibit eating beef, no matter what kind of cow it is."

"Your Majesty is a monarch, but if you take the lead and don't eat it, you must be greedy, right? I am here today, no outsiders can see it, so let me eat it. I remember that Your Majesty has a barbaric force. Don't be fooled by it." It’s good to be hungry!”

Seeing Ying Shou put down the wine bar, Wei Liaozi laughed heartily, grabbed a piece of beef tendon with sauce, and handed it directly to Ying Shou.

"it is good!"

Ying Shou nodded, showing a smile, stretched out his hand to pick up the tendon of the cow's tendon, bit it down, and started chewing vigorously.

The stewed beef tendon was not very bad, so it was a little hard to chew. After a long time, Ying Shou couldn't swallow it.I just feel that the more I chew, the more delicious it becomes, but I just can't swallow it.

"Hey, look at your Majesty's appearance, the teeth are not very good, can it be even worse than me, a bad old man? Look at me!"

Seeing this, Wei Liaozi looked at Ying Shou with a smile on his face, grabbed a piece of beef tendon, took a big bite, and began to chew.

Ying Shou frowned slightly, and looked at Wei Liaozi who was eating happily. Although Wei Liaozi hid it well, he still found out that this mouthful of beef tendons had broken two of his teeth, to say the least.

It is obviously impossible to say that tooth loss does not hurt, let alone feel nothing at all.

In the end, the old man chewed with his mouth closed in order not to let himself find out, but he didn't find the blood on the corner of his mouth.

Ying Shou didn't expose it, and said with a smile: "Well, the stubborn old man has a good mouth. If that's the case, I can't be an exception!"

While speaking, Ying Shou watched Wei Liaozi swallow it in one gulp.He was sure that Wei Liaozi's incomplete teeth could not chew the tendon of the ox at all, and he basically swallowed it intact.

Immediately, Ying Shou swallowed it forcefully.

One old and one young, the monarch and his ministers sit together, you have a bite of beef, I have a bite of beef, you have a drink, and I have a drink, and everything starts to dry up.

After staying for an hour and three quarters, I finally finished eating and drinking.

Wei Liaozi seemed a little drunk, and he seemed to let go of his speech a lot.

Suddenly, he was lying on the table, his face was red, his ears were red, his eyes were staring, obviously wanting to cough, but he forcibly cleared his throat instead.

Then he looked at Ying Shou, pointed to the land of Mobei, and said, "Your Majesty, you can eat and drink now. There is a sentence that the veteran wants to ask you. You must answer the veteran. This time I went to Donghu, and the result How, Your Majesty, have you thought about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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