Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 902 This one worship, heaven and man are separated forever

Chapter 902 This worship, heaven and man are separated forever
"The old general thinks that I am the kind of person who behaves recklessly? Now that this step has been taken, what the result will be, of course it can only be done according to my wishes."

"It has to be whatever result I want it to be. Whether it is a person or a thing, the general trend of the world is no exception. If you dare to go against my wishes, I will break it, destroy it, and start over again! "

Ying Shou also leaned on the table, looked at Wei Liaozi, stared at Wei Liaozi and said.

While talking, the two looked at each other. At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was frozen.

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly, Ying Shou smiled.


Wei Liaozi also laughed, and laughed out loud, looking up to the sky and laughing loudly.

"Okay, what a good one to break it against his will, destroy it, and do it all over again!"


Wei Liaozi yelled loudly, gave Ying Shou a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "What is an emperor? An emperor, who surpasses the three emperors, looks down on the five emperors, and is the only emperor in the world. This is the emperor!"

"Your Majesty is really No. 1 through the ages!"

After speaking, Wei Liaozi paused, and said solemnly: "However, in this way, I cannot change His Majesty's mind!"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, and he said with a smile, "Why, don't you, stubborn old man, also want to stop me?"

Wei Liaozi shook his head and said with a smile: "No, the veteran will not stop or contribute to the flames. Soldiers come to cover up the water and earth, your majesty just go, this house, the veteran will guard for you. Whoever dares to break your majesty's rules, the veteran will be the first No promise!"

As he said that, Wei Liaozi looked up at the sky and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, look, it's getting dark, why don't you start early, your Majesty, the distance from west to east is not that short, so don't delay the journey." good!"

Ying Shou was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Why, you stubborn old man didn't even stay with me for one night? I came to see you today, if someone else dared to issue an order to drive me away, even if they dared, I'm afraid I wish I could stay a little longer!"

Hearing this, Wei Liaozi shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this person is someone else, and the old man is an old man. It's different. Now you are the ninety-five supreme, high above you, how can you live with a group of vulgar men? Isn't that Discourage everyone?"

"Let's go, don't stay in the barracks, go to Donghu Royal Court and enjoy yourself, and leave the rest to the veteran!"

With that said, Wei Liaozi got up, pulled Ying Shou up forcibly, and pushed Ying Shou away.


Ying Shou smiled wryly. This world is his own. If you read correctly, you haven't left the Great Wall yet, right?In his own territory, he was actually driven away.

It really makes no sense.

If it were someone else, dozens of heads would not be enough, but this is because of Wei Liaozi, so there is nothing he can do about it.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving, I'm leaving now, I won't disturb your old man!"

Ying Shou felt helpless, sighed, and said, "You should go back too. Really, I finally came to see you. I saw you in a hurry. You didn't even give me a bite of food, so I sent you away. It's really deceiving." Too much!"

With his hands behind his back, Wei Liaozi turned around and left, shouting as he walked, "Come on, the emperor is in the palace all day, accompanied by beautiful women, delicacies from mountains and seas, fine wines and delicacies, nothing has been eaten."

"The food in this army is precious. Don't keep thinking about eating and drinking. Wait until next time. Next time I have a chance, old man, I will definitely treat you to a good meal!"

While speaking, Wei Liaozi looked up at the sky, on Ying Shou's invisible face, two tears suddenly fell down on the sandy soil on the ground.

"Okay... Stubborn old man, I will remember what you said. I will ask you to get this meal back. You can't run away. No matter where I am, I will ask you to get it back!"

Ying Shou's eyes turned red, and in an instant, he felt that his nose was blocked, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he almost couldn't even speak.

Even though these words were finally spoken, it was still unavoidable to choke up.

When the words fell, Ying Shou turned around abruptly, and two lines of tears rolled down unconsciously.

People leave their names, and geese leave their voices. If we say goodbye today, will there really be a next time?

At this moment, Ying Shou's heart twitched. He knew very well what the outcome of this reunion would be, but he didn't say a word.

Wei Liaozi knew it too, but Wei Liaozi also didn't mention it.

The two of them have a tacit understanding, but how can they restrain the suppressed emotions in their hearts?

Ying Shou felt extremely heavy all over his body. Every step he took, every step he took seemed to be carrying a heavy weight.

He knew that with every step he took, Wei Liaozi was getting closer to death.

To him, this old man is both a teacher and a friend.He is not his own servant, but he does everything for himself.

He is like a big tree for a moment, relying on his own strength, forcibly propping up a piece of the world for himself.

Now that the big tree was about to fall, but like an executioner, he swung his ax to send him the last way, and then sent him into the fire pit to burn the last residual heat.

This is in line with his wishes, but who can think about whether he can bear it?
Several times, Ying Shou even wanted to exchange the panacea from the system to renew his life.

But if the system can save him for a while, how can it save him forever?
Flowers bloom and wither, flowers wither and flowers bloom, people live and people die, people die and people live, life and death are determined by God alone, each has his own destiny.

He Yingshou claims to be in control of the universe, but he is still unable to reverse his destiny. He can only burn wildly before the fate arrives, and burn out a great cause that will last forever.

Maybe...he can also think of a way to reverse his fate, but life is a kind of luck, so why is death a kind of disaster?
If he wants to support this world for tens of thousands of years, wouldn't he have to work hard for thousands of years?This is not luck, this is torture.

He will not bear this torture, so he is unwilling to get rid of the shackles of life and death. Now, how can he force Wei Liaozi?
It's time for Wei Liaozi to go, he should go see the First Emperor.And what I can do for him is not to delay all this, but to allow him to meet Emperor Shi Huang without guilt.

What Ying Shou should do is to let him have enough self-confidence. After seeing the first emperor, he can say, have you seen it, King Qin, you are gone, and I will continue the great Qin for you for thousands of years, and I will continue for you Daqin lays the foundation for the future and can lay down a wider territory.

This is the best gift Ying Shou gave him, but in the end of this gift, it was at the price of his life.

Ying Shou's footsteps became heavier and heavier. After walking more than a dozen steps, it took nearly half an hour. He couldn't help trembling all over. He turned his head abruptly, and facing Wei Liaozi's back, he bowed his hands and bowed. .

This time he bowed, but found that a hundred meters away, Wei Liaozi had already knelt on the ground, prostrated himself on the ground, and bowed to his side.

Wei Liaozi raised his head, straightened up, and still knelt on the ground.

Ying Shou looked up, straightened up, and stood on the spot.

The two were separated by a distance of [-] meters, looked at each other, their eyes were red, and the tears were still wet, but they suddenly smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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