Chapter 903 Farewell
"Your Majesty, this is the last salutation of the veteran, farewell!"

Wei Liaozi shouted loudly, got up and climbed onto the chariot, shouted: "Let's go!"

The pawn rode his horse, turned the front of the car, and left directly.

"Farewell, General!"

Ying Shou looked at the direction in which the chariot was leaving, his eyes were red, his voice was choked up, and he muttered in a low voice, then got on his horse and galloped away.

" drive..."

The war horse galloped away, and after a while, it disappeared on the horizon.

Wei Liaozi's chariot became slower and slower.

"Cough cough cough..."

Finally, there was a violent coughing sound, Wei Liaozi spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell on the chariot.

"Marshal, how are you, Marshal!"

The pawn hurriedly stopped the chariot and came to Wei Liaozi's side, only to find that Wei Liaozi vomited for a while, throwing up all the food he had just eaten, including wine and so on.

After a burst of violent vomiting, the vomit was mixed with blood, which made Wei Liaozi's face pale for a while.

"Marshal, why are you doing this? Your Majesty is here to see you. You are obviously seriously ill, but why do you have to force yourself to drink with Your Majesty?"

The pawn had a distressed look on his face and said in confusion.

"Don't talk nonsense, boy, how can you face the emperor with a seriously ill body? Today the emperor sees this old man like this, so he can go about his business with peace of mind. Go, go back!"

Wei Liaozi waved his hand, but found that he was unable to get up, so he could only lie on the chariot, and ordered the pawns to drive back.

The pawn had a helpless look on his face, so he could only respond, and continued to drive with his horse. Indeed, he slowed down a lot, and slowly headed towards the barracks.

Wei Liaozi lay on the station car, looking towards the east, the direction the emperor left, with a smile on his face, and muttered to himself: "The emperor has finally grown up, you can be determined, and the old minister is relieved. "

"From now on, this world will be yours after all, the old minister is just a passer-by, doomed to say goodbye forever!"

As he spoke, he slowly lay down on the station car, and just fell asleep like this.

They are both in the northern part of the Great Wall, but the land in the northwest is different from the land in the northeast. The land in the northwest is full of deserts, which are endless as far as the eye can see.

The Huns living on this land could only live by chasing aquatic plants, so the northwest is also called Mobei.

The Huns living in Mobei have no fixed residence. When they use up an oasis and a grassland, they will go to the next one, and they will go round and round without stopping.

They longed for the abundance of aquatic products in the Central Plains, so the Huns passed it down from generation to generation, and they all wished to enter the Central Plains and seize the world of the Central Plains.

Attacking the Central Plains has always been not only the ambition of the Huns, but also the goal of the Huns to survive and live better.

This really corresponds to that sentence, there is no hatred for no reason in the world, and behind everything, there must be a certain reason behind it.

The promotion of small things lies in desire, but the promotion of general trends is not only achieved by desire. .

It is not easy for each person or himself, and it is even more difficult for a group of people to live.

War has never been the best way to solve things, indeed the only effective way.

Because of need, we must fight, and because we fight, we must fight.Fight and fight, rely on each other, never separate.

The Xiongnu attacked the Central Plains in order to survive and get more.Ying Shou is going to destroy the countries in northern Serbia, just to be the leader of the world, so that Da Qin will no longer have any threats.

Everything comes not only from ambition and possessiveness, but also from responsibility, an inescapable responsibility.And in this battle, whoever can fight to the end will be the only winner.

There is a saying that the solitary smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun sets in the long river.

Above the desert, there is an endless horizon. When the sun sets, it is golden. At night, the moon is brighter, like a jade plate, very beautiful.

The wind here is also very strong, and a day's rush is enough to make people covered in dust.

Ying Shou came from the desert, and he ate a lot of wind and sand along the way, and finally arrived at the eastern land of Saibei on this day.

In the middle of the night, Ying Shou rushed far below the gate of the Northeast Great Wall, only to hear two yells of yelling: "Who is coming, stop quickly, this is an important place for the military camp, do not trespass!"

During the speech, dozens of voices came together, directly surrounding Ying Shou in the middle.

"Bold, you dare to stop me. Tell your generals to come and see me!"

Ying Shou's eyes were cold, and there was a faint flash of murderous intent. With a yell, the dozens of soldiers who came up and surrounded him trembled.

"What, me?"

"Are you the emperor?"

These Daqin warriors looked at Ying Shou, and at the moment when Ying Shou's eyes met each other, for some reason, each of them had a feeling of staring at a wild beast, and couldn't help but look away immediately.

Terrible, terrible, they have never seen such a terrible look.

At the same time, they also wondered, is this the emperor?
They knew that the emperor would come in the next few days, and even the emperor's holy car team was less than three days away, but they didn't expect the emperor to come today.

The emperor's holy team they knew was the three thousand imperial troops who came to protect the queen.

After more than a month of rushing, although the team's speed was not as fast as Ying Shou's dragon blood horse, but Ying Shou galloped and galloped, but it made a big circle. Now, the team is almost at the Northeast Great Wall.

At this time, all the soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, because Ying Shou had changed his dragon robe and was wearing a set of black casual clothes, and because Ying Shou hadn't produced anything to prove his identity, he didn't dare to confirm the identity of the emperor for a while, so he Can continue to surround the emperor in the middle, let people go to report.

After Liu Huan and Lie Yang returned to Xianyang, Wei Liaozi arranged for the main general for the Northeast Great Wall.

The main general's name is Su Heng, and he is playing with the sand table in the general's hall at the moment.

As the emperor's holy car got closer and closer to the Northeast, everyone knew that perhaps a big battle would be unavoidable after all.

Therefore, almost all generals in the army can hardly sleep well and be prepared at any time.

It's okay if this battle can't be fought, but if we really want to fight, at least we have to make preparations.

"Report, tell the general that there is a person outside who claims to be His Majesty the Emperor. I don't dare to determine his identity, but I hope the general will determine it!"

At this moment, a soldier broke in and knelt down on one knee to report to Su Heng.


Su Heng was taken aback, looked at the soldier with a frown, and said, "Is it hard to tell whether the person who came is the emperor? Could it be that he is not accompanied by a soldier of the Imperial Army?"

The soldier hurriedly nodded and said: "Report to the general, this man is alone, without any followers around him!"

Su Heng sneered, and said: "How can the emperor go out without an entourage? It's ridiculous. Drag it on, cut it off..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Heng thought of something again, and immediately stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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