Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 912 Ying Shou is Here

Chapter 912 Ying Shou is Here
This time Ying Shou rode alone and broke into the Donghu camp with bare hands, looking for Nehman.

Thinking of what Jun Wuyou said, Ying Shou basically already knew the characteristics of Nehman.

But at this moment, there are two people wearing masks in front of them, who is Nehman?
Just as he was thinking, on his left and right sides, the scimitars of Harley and Tang Shan had come close to each other.

Faced with the simultaneous attack of two top fighters, a decisive blow, Ying Shou didn't have the slightest idea of ​​dodging, and he didn't even look straight in the eye.

Seeing four scimitars covering his face, his neck, chest, waist and abdomen were torn apart.

Ying Shou reached out with both hands, and quickly grabbed it out.

"Clang clang..."

For a moment, there was a clanging sound, and Ying Shou's hands, like iron arms, clasped the blades of the four scimitars in an instant.


With a flick of his hands, the four scimitars instantly seemed like broken copper and iron, and they were made into a ball by him, and finally they all broke with a "clang".

Harley and Tang Shan felt stunned by the scene in front of them. Before they could react, they saw Ying Shou holding the tip of the knife in both hands.

"Push puff!"

The point of the knife stabbed into the bodies of the two of them in an instant, and then, Ying Shou let go of the blade, grabbed the arms of the two of them, turned around, and threw the fee out.

The two felt dizzy for a while. Once upon a time, even if the strength of the two of them was placed in the army, they could be called strongmen. The strength of dozens of people added together could not compare to these two.

But at this time, facing Ying Shou, the two of them were like chickens. After two rounds, they were thrown away. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't stabilize their figures.

Just hearing the wind blowing in their ears, the two of them abolished tens of feet and hundreds of feet in a row, but they still haven't landed.

It wasn't until the distance of more than 200 feet was abolished that it fell to the ground.

And that strong impact directly shattered the bones of the two of them at the moment they landed on the ground, accompanied by a big mouthful of blood spurting out. The blood of the two people was mixed with the minced meat of internal organs, The dead cannot die again.

"So strong!"

In front of the large tent of the Chinese army, Nihaman saw Harley and Tang Shan flying hundreds of feet away, his eyes widened instantly, and he felt a wave rising from his back.

Having grown so big, if she had to say who is the most powerful warrior she has ever encountered, it must be Lie Yang.

That day, the scene where Lie Yang was alone among the thousands of troops, unstoppable, is still vivid in my mind.

He has never conquered anyone in his life, let alone encountered any opponent, until he met Lie Yang, he finally felt terrified.

He had a feeling that even if he tried his best, he might not be an opponent of Lie Yangdu.

Of course, with his Nihamandu strength, Lie Yang would definitely not be so easy to defeat him, let alone kill him.

But seeing Ying Shou's shot now, it's not just as simple as shocking and frightening him.

This is simply not a person, with a distance of more than 200 feet, even if an ordinary person throws a stone the size of a baby's fist, they can only recognize tens of feet at most, which is far enough.

If you want to throw out the defeat, then at least you must be a master with certain strength, let alone throw people two hundred feet away.

He believed that even if Lie Yang stood here and tried his best, he might not be able to do it.

But now, the man on the horse, he did it.

Who is he?
What kind of power is contained in his seemingly weak body?

Is this still a person?
At this moment, unprecedented horror completely enveloped Nehman's heart.

"Ying Shou... I didn't expect his horizontal training skills to be so powerful. He is really not afraid of swords, guns, water and fire. In this world, except for Haotian, who can beat him?"

At this moment, Nehman heard the voice of the messenger from the Heaven Gate.

Nehaman turned his head suddenly and exclaimed: "What did you say, he is the emperor of Qin Kingdom Yingshou?"

The Tianmen Envoy nodded slightly, with a look of worry in his eyes, and said with a wry smile: "Nihaman, it seems that you are in trouble."

"The emperor of Qin is marching alone on horseback. According to his recent rules of conduct, it is obviously unreasonable."

"It seems that something about you has made the Emperor Qin angry after all!"

"Hurry up and find a way to solve it. Don't think about using your 80 army to deal with him. Whether this 80 army is his opponent or not, it doesn't matter for the time being."

"At least, the 80 army can't stop him. Before the 80 army, he can easily kill all the generals including you!"

"Don't think I'm kidding you. As long as Ying Shou has even a little bit of strength, no one in the world can stop him, and his horizontal kung fu practiced hundreds of one, two, three Even a master of flow can't break it."

"In this army, nothing can hurt him!"

When the Tianmen envoy spoke, his eyes looked very complicated.

In the past, Tianmen had always been deployed north of the Great Wall, and even instigated Zhao Tuo.

The continuous layout of Tianmen for hundreds of years is not a joke. In the entire Central Plains, nearly two to three out of ten masters have been won over by them. That's why when Yingshou came to the South China Sea, he encountered successively. The number is no less than Two to three thousand third-rate, second-rate, and even first-rate masters.

If the army formed by these masters is placed in a battle, it will be an existence that opened up the world. Gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

At that time, in order to deal with Ying Shou, Zhao Tuo gathered all these masters, including the masters recruited in various places in Baiyue, and released them continuously to target Ying Shou.

The result is obvious, without exception, anyone who confronts Ying Shou will die.

In the end, only a small part of these countless masters stayed and fled to the South China Sea Islands.

However, as Ying Shou came to the South China Sea again, even the last strength was wiped out by him.

It was precisely because of the extermination of thousands of masters that shocked Tianmen completely. Since then, Tianmen has begun to pay attention to Ying Shou.

This is the person who directly broke the layout of Donghu with his own strength, and he also became the emperor of Qin Dynasty.

For Tianmen, Daqin is a piece of uncut jade, a piece of uncut jade that needs to be carefully crafted.

Once this person unleashes the power of Great Qin, the status of Tianmen will be difficult to protect, and a great enemy will appear out of thin air.

Therefore, Tianmen began to target Ying Shou, which led to the current situation.

Every time I think that so many masters were buried in the hands of Ying Shou alone, even a person as arrogant as an angel like the Tianmen Envoy still can't help but gasp and feel chills down his spine.

It was precisely because he lamented Ying Shou's strength that he gave a thousand and one thousand instructions to make Nihaman treat him with care.

This is simply a person who breaks the rules. If you want him to obey the rules, first of all, you can't directly disobey him.

Otherwise, even if it is a rule, he can break it for you at any time.You don't have the slightest choice, this is Ying Shou.

(End of this chapter)

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