Chapter 913
"Go away..."

Just as Nehman and the messenger from the Heaven Gate stared at Ying Shou in horror and talked with each other, they heard a roar.

The two looked intently, and saw that the moment Harley and Tang Shan were still flying out and smashed to death, General Ji Yu had also rushed to the dragon blood horse, with the machete in his hand, as he waved it, there were afterimages. Directly slash at the two front hooves of the dragon blood horse.

As the saying goes, when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first, and when you capture a thief, you capture the king first.The goal of General Ji Yu is to kill this horse first.

His speed was very fast, and in just an instant, the machete had been torn to the hooves of the dragon blood horse.

However, he is fast, and the speed of the dragon blood horse is even faster.

At the moment when he slashed with a machete and was about to cut off the legs of the dragon blood horse, the dragon blood horse neighed, raised its body, lifted its hooves off the ground, and lifted it high, taller than Ji Yu.

Ji Yu was taken aback when he slashed with a knife and fell straight to the ground. He never expected that an animal would have such a quick reaction.

When he raised his head, he suddenly found that the hooves of the dragon's blood war horse were directly stomping on his forehead. At that speed, if he really stepped on it, he would have his brains burst.

In this world, not everyone can practice kung fu like Ying Shou to the point where he is invulnerable to swords and guns, unclear from water and fire, unable to be crushed or smashed.

At least, Ji Yu couldn't do it.

Facing the humanized counterattack of the dragon blood horse, his instinctive body was the same, and the machete in his hand pointed directly at the dragon blood horse's throat.

As long as the horse's hooves fall, the neck will be pierced by the sword first.

Such a shot can be described as impeccable.

Just like a person jumps up and then falls to the ground, no one can stop his body from falling to the ground, and the war horse is no exception.

But the dragon blood horse was different. Seeing that the machete was about to pierce his neck, he swung his hooves sideways and kicked directly on the machete.


With a clear sound, this sudden change of blow directly kicked the machete out.

Leveraging its strength, the dragon blood horse raised its hooves again, and stomped heavily on Ji Yu's chest.

This time, Ji Yu was lying on the ground, no matter how fast he reacted, it was too late to dodge.

He instinctively used all his strength, put his hands together, and instantly grasped the front hooves of the dragon blood horse.


With a sound of breaking, the bones of his hands were trampled to pieces in an instant, but he stopped the dragon blood horse's stomp on the sky.


In severe pain, Ling Jiyu couldn't help but let out a scream, his face was extremely ugly, and at this moment he felt a little lucky in his heart, he still blocked the blow after all.

But as soon as this feeling of rejoicing appeared, he saw the dragon blood horse stepping on his hands and leaping up. The next moment, the back kick fell from the air and directly stepped on his lower abdomen.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Ji Yu couldn't even feel the pain. His entire waist, abdomen, and back were instantly trampled to pieces.

With his head tilted, Ji Yu stared at his eyes, until he died, he hadn't had time to close them.

At this scene, everyone around couldn't help but gasp. No one thought that just a war horse, while carrying its master on its back, could fight like this with a top-level warrior.

In three or two rounds, a top warrior was directly killed.

That's a top fighter, not a radish in the field, he can fight whatever he wants.

How powerful is this war horse?
This made everyone feel cold in their hearts.

But at this moment, there was another roaring sound, and a giant log more than two feet long, as thick as the waist and back, smashed directly at the head of the dragon blood horse.

This giant tree is as hard as iron and weighs hundreds of catties.Ordinary people, not to mention wheeling, can't even resist.

But at this time, there was only one person, holding this huge tree with both hands, and smashed it down out of thin air like a stick. Its huge power was simply frightening.

There is no doubt that if it is hit by this giant tree, even iron can be crushed alive.

However, in the face of this shocking blow, the dragon blood horse did not evade, and continued to charge forward.

Seeing that the giant tree was about to hit the head of the dragon blood horse, he stretched out his big hand from the head of the dragon blood war horse.


Accompanied by a crackling sound, the giant tree directly smashed into the palm.

However, the cracking sound was very loud, and the giant tree was also very heavy, especially the force brought by this round of getting up and smashing down, which strengthened the power of the giant tree ten times and a hundred times.

However, the palm held the giant tree in an instant, and the giant tree stuck in the palm of the hand, only slightly sinking the arm.

Immediately afterwards, the palm was grasped, and the five fingers fell into the giant tree in an instant.

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, and pulled his arm violently. On the other side of the giant log, the expression of the muscular man changed. Shengsheng raised it.


Hearing Ying Shou's cold shout, he raised his arm, and the giant tree, together with the big man hugging the giant tree, flew straight into the air. The moment it landed, the giant tree fell on the sweaty body, instantly knocking him down. Smashed into meat paste.

There was an uproar in all directions, and even in front of the large tent of the Chinese army, Nehman and the Heavenly Gate Envoy couldn't help shaking their muscles.

Four top fighters!

The four top fighters!
In just a short moment, all of them were killed without leaving one.

Starting from the four top fighters taking action and Ying Shou counterattacking, all of this is a long story. In fact, a great battle ended in the blink of an eye.

Facing Harley and Second General Tang Shan's attack, Ying Shou's counterattack was actually very simple. He reached out, grabbed the blade, broke the scimitar, and stabbed into the two of them.Then he grabbed the arms of the two with his backhand, made two rounds, threw them out, and killed them directly.

All of this is done in a smooth and smooth way, as if changing a few gestures. Looking at Ying Shou's appearance, it couldn't be simpler.

Then came Ji Yu's attack, starting from Ji Yu slashing at the dragon blood horse, the dragon blood horse raised its front hooves and landed, then kicked the machete, and stepped on Ji Yu again.

Ji Yu tried his best to grab the front hooves of the Dragon Blood Horse, but was trampled to death by the Dragon Blood Horse's hind legs.

This fight took less than five breaths.

In the end, it was the attack of the giant wooden general. This time the fight was simpler.

He fell down on the huge tree, was directly held by Ying Shou, looked at the sky and threw it, fell down, there was no way to avoid it, no way to avoid it, and he was directly crushed to death.

All these battles seemed so simple, they were completed in an instant.

But if it was someone else in this battle, I don't know how many times I died.

Even if he is not dead, facing the siege of the four top generals, he can only dodge and have no power to fight back.

Including Lie Yang, it is impossible to kill the four top fighters in one go, let alone such an easy feat.

(End of this chapter)

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