Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 918 Unreasonable Ying Shou

Chapter 918 Unreasonable Ying Shou

"Hahaha, I have lost the face of a generation of kings, hahaha...Nehaman, come and tell me, what is the face of a king, what is the majesty of a king?"

Ying Shou laughed out loud, but he didn't expect that this barbarian would talk to himself about the king's face and majesty, which is really funny.

Isn't it a joke that barbarians like the Hu people talk about face and self-cultivation with the emperor of the Central Plains?
"Emperor Qin, as far as I know, in the Central Plains, the magnanimous and benevolent monarchs, and the respectful and virtuous corporals are all sage monarchs. And the Central Plains monarchs, don't they take this as the foundation of the world?"

"Today, the Emperor of Qin actually took action himself, chasing and killing people thousands of miles away, in a foreign land. Could this be done by a generous and benevolent king, a wise lord?"

Nehman could hear the mockery in Ying Shou's words, and he didn't dare to resist Ying Shou too much, but it didn't mean he could obediently obey.Some things can be promised and obeyed, but there are some things that cannot be promised anyway.

After some hesitation, Nihaman finally spoke to Ying Shou in the way of the Central Plains, hoping that through these words, Ying Shou could make Ying Shou give up this unacceptable request.

After all, Donghu is also a big country, and it is backed by Tianmen.The three thousand brave warriors themselves were dead soldiers and spies of Tianmen. They completely exposed their identities in that battle, laying the final blow for Daqin's defeat, and then defected to Donghu, which can be regarded as returning to the original organization.It can be said that those people now are soldiers of Donghu.

In this Donghu camp, if he couldn't even protect his own soldiers and let people kill them at will, he, the commander, should send them out and let others kill them obediently.So from today onwards, where is his Nehman's face?
Where will he be the God of War of the Eastern Hu, the majesty of the great enemy of the Tianmen, where will the face of the Tianmen, and the majesty of the Tianmen be placed?
This matter has nothing to do with one's own wishes, but a matter of the face of a country. For Tianmen, it is even more about the majesty of Tianmen and the face of all nations in the world.

After all, Tianmen is a powerful existence that controls the power of all nations. To a certain extent, Daqin cannot represent the entire world, but Tianmen can, and this is Tianmen.

The face of Tianmen cannot be insulted, and the majesty of Tianmen cannot be provoked.

All existences that try to provoke Tianmen must be destroyed.Even if it cannot be destroyed, it cannot be allowed to do so.

It was as if Ying Shou was sitting in the Xianyang Hall, and one day, someone suddenly ran up to the Xianyang Hall and told Ying Shou that he was going to kill a minister of Ying Shou, such as Shusun Tong, or Xiao He, Zhang Liang and others.

If Ying Shou agrees, then he will talk about the majesty of the king in the future, who will obey him in the world of Qin Dynasty?
So here in Yingshou, I can kill my subjects, but others can't. Otherwise, they will be enemies with me, the Great Qin, and they will be killed even if they are far away.

Ying Shou is like this, Donghu is like this, and Tianmen is like this?
"The king of generosity and benevolence, the master of courteous corporals!"

"Nihaman, Nehaman, what do you mean by this, are you telling me that I am not the Lord of Ming?"

"Since this is the case, today I will tell you, what is the real magnanimous and benevolent king, the lord of courteous corporals!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and said coldly: "The magnanimity and benevolence of the Ming Lord is for his own subjects. The virtuous corporal of the Ming Lord is for his own subjects, not for enemies, let alone rebellious ones!"

"A monarch who dare not even eliminate the rebellion, talk about peace talks? Today, I will not kill you, which can be regarded as generous and benevolent, but traitors, I must kill, and not one will be left behind."

"Otherwise, I will be the real king in vain. Today, you just say, this person, do you want to pay or not?"

While speaking, Ying Shou forcefully persecuted him, and did not give Nehman any room for maneuver.

"Qin Huang, it is undeniable that you are very strong. It can be said that Tianmen has encountered the strongest person in hundreds of years."

"But this doesn't mean that Qin Huang can completely despise the existence of our Tianmen. Today, because of betrayal, Qin Huang came to our Tianmen to sit down and kill important people. Qin Huang has never thought about how innocent those three thousand brave soldiers are!" ?”

"They are the dead men of my Tianmen. Today they betrayed Qin, and the emperor of Qin wanted to kill them. If they didn't listen to orders and killed those who betrayed me, my Tianmen would also kill them. Dare to ask Qin Huang, how should they deal with themselves? , how to choose!"

At this moment, the Tianmen envoy spoke up and moved out of Tianmen, hoping to suppress Ying Shou's arrogance a little bit, and at the same time speak with reason, hoping to move them with emotion and understand them with reason, so that Ying Shou would let the three thousand warriors go .

Anyway, no matter what method is used, those three thousand brave fighters must not be killed.

Zai said, this is a matter on the battlefield. For you, a person who dominates the world, it is equivalent to a game on the board. You just watch it fight, but you have to get involved. Let others be so themselves?

As the saying goes, if you can't afford it, you can never finish it, so why bother to break the rules of the game?
It has to be said that the words of the Tianmen Envoy are very reasonable, and it is impossible to refute them.

It's a pity that the target of his reasoning is wrong. Ying Shou always makes sense, but he never makes sense.

For him, what he thinks makes sense, that is the reason, not his reason, it has always been just nonsense, such as the words of the Tianmen messenger.

"Hehe, how innocent?"

"That's right, those three thousand brave warriors are so innocent. If you betray me, you will be hunted down by me. If you don't betray me, you will be hunted down by Tianmen. Speaking of which, it seems that they really have no choice!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, sighing very much, and seemed to feel sad for the situation of those three thousand brave soldiers.

But immediately after, his eyes sharpened, and he shouted: "Unfortunately, they got it wrong. With me here, let alone one Heavenly Gate, even if there are ten Heavenly Gates, what about a hundred Heavenly Gates?"

"Whoever dares to come to my Great Qin to take revenge, come to me to kill one, come to two to kill a pair. Tianmen can't protect them, but I, Daqin can protect them! Similarly, Tianmen can't kill them, but I can kill them!"

The face of the Tianmen envoy turned black, and he was furious. He stood up suddenly, pointed at Ying Shou and shouted: "Qin Huang, you are unreasonable, you are contemptuous of Tianmen. Could it be that in your eyes, your Daqin is an inviolable place? And my Tianmen is an existence that can be insulted by others?"

Ying Shou squinted at the Tianmen messenger. He was not surprised or angry at the Tianmen messenger's reaction, but quite satisfied.

After all, although Tianmen is not a country, it is the lord of all nations, and the greatest enemy of Daqin in his life, as the envoy of Tianmen.

If you don't even have the guts to resist this bit, and if you don't even do anything to protect the Tianmen, it will be really disappointing.

This is like the envoys sent by Ying Shou to other countries. The envoys represent the emperor. He has his own glory, but he also has his own responsibilities.

It is his duty to maintain the majesty of the Qin Dynasty and the majesty of the emperor.

If the envoys of Great Qin were obsequious in front of others, it would be embarrassing only for Great Qin, and it would be Great Qin who made people look down upon them. However, such envoys, in other countries, would not be respected by others even if the national power behind them was strong.

(End of this chapter)

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