Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 919 Goodbye Old Man

Chapter 919 Goodbye Old Man

"That's right, you have a bit of guts for daring to speak like that in front of me!"

Ying Shou looked at the envoy of Tianmen, shook his head and smiled, then his eyes turned cold, and said: "But you are right about one thing, in my eyes, Tianmen is really nothing!"

"Now that the nonsense you should have said is over, hand them over. Remember, hand them all over, and if any one escapes, I will definitely have the entire 80 army buried with me!"

While speaking, Ying Shou gazed at the world with contempt, looking at Nehman and the Heavenly Gate Messenger in front of him, he didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly forced the handover.

"Qin Huang, you are so insolent. But today you want me to hand over someone, it is absolutely impossible."

"If Daqin is really capable and kills these three thousand brave warriors on the battlefield, my Tianmen has nothing to say, but Qinhuang really wants to kill people here. Qinhuang, I can only tell you that you are dreaming!"

The envoy of Tianmen was completely furious. As the representative of Tianmen, no matter what, he could not agree to Ying Shou's rude request.

Not to mention that the majesty of Tianmen is inviolable, but if these three thousand brave fighters are really going to be sent out by him today to be killed by Ying Shou, what qualifications does Tianmen have for Wan Guo to come to court in the future?In the future Tianmen, who else will be willing to vote?
This is the most fundamental problem, and it is also the bottom line that all forces cannot touch.

"Are you dreaming?"

Ying Shou murmured in a low voice, and suddenly, his eyes turned cold, he stepped forward, and raised his big hand, before the thunder could cover his ears, he clasped the neck of the Tianmen Envoy in an instant.


The Tianmen Envoy snorted, his face changed, and Ying Shou raised his whole body.

"As I said, you can talk nonsense, but people must hand it over. Since you think I am dreaming, today I will tell you who should wake up from the dream!"

"I'll ask you again, this person, do you pay or not?"

Ying Shou stared at the envoy with cold eyes, and shouted coldly.

The Tianmen Messenger felt as if his throat was clamped by two iron clamps, and the severe pain almost broke his neck.

Bursts of burning sensations surged up, making him unable to breathe at all.

The face of the Tianmen envoy changed drastically, and the face under the mask instantly turned red and purple, turning into the color of a pig's liver.

A strong fear of death enveloped his heart in an instant.

A strong feeling made him have no doubts. He dared to refute. The next moment, Ying Shou would really kill him.

This strong sense of fear made him instinctively want to agree with what Ying Shou said.

After all, there is no one who is not afraid of death. People with higher status and ability are sometimes more afraid of death.

It is one thing to be afraid of death, but quite another to be willing to give up everything in order to survive.

At this moment, the Tianmen messenger was full of fear, but he couldn't agree to Ying Shou's request, even if he died.

It's not how noble he is, because he knows that even if he saves his life under Ying Shou's hand today, it won't be long before Tianmen will let him die without a burial because of today's betrayal.

At best, Ying Shou would kill him now, but Tianmen was enough to kill all his nine clans. After all, everything about him was still in Tianmen's hands.

Under Ying Shou's chokehold, the Tianmen Envoy was speechless, but his eyes, after the panic and fear at the beginning, gradually became firm, facing Ying Shou, shaking his head with all his might .

With this shaking of his head, the skin on his neck was completely scraped off by Ying Shou's palm, and blood flowed.

"Hahaha...Okay, I appreciate you very much if you have a backbone. But no matter how strong a person is, if he dares to rebel against me, he will die!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly. While speaking, he exerted force with his hand, and he was about to cut off the neck of the Tianmen envoy.

The envoy of Tianmen, the representative of Tianmen who spans all kingdoms in the world, is a rare opponent in his life.

A generation of arrogant Mao Dun has become a plaything in his palm, and Donghu, a thousand-year overlord, has become a pawn under his control.

In this life, he can be said to be high and high, placed in Tianmen, he is also under one person and above ten thousand people.

However, this man who has never met an opponent in his life and manipulated the world is endlessly in the hands of Ying Shou, but he doesn't even have the slightest strength to resist.

"Qin Huang stop!"

On the side, Nehman was taken aback when he saw the murderous intent in Ying Shou's eyes. He had no doubt that Ying Shou would really kill the Heavenly Gate Envoy.

Once the Tianmen envoy died in his barracks, even if he died at the hands of Ying Shou, it was still impossible for Tianmen to bypass him.

After all, in the final analysis, this is the envoy of Tianmen.

It's like the imperial envoys sent by the Great Qin Emperor Yingshou to inspect various places. If they die in a certain place by accident, none of the local officials will escape.

One counts as one, and everyone has to bear the responsibility. This is the same anywhere.

So today, he must not let the messenger of the Heavenly Gate die in front of him.

However, facing Nehman's scolding, how could Ying Shou listen to him?
I saw that Ying Shou didn't turn his head back, and the strength on his arm kept gathering his palms.

Blood vessels emerged on the neck of the Tianmen Messenger, and the blue veins were exposed, which was a sign that he was about to be crushed and burst.


The Tianmen Envoy let out a muffled snort, and a strong breath of death enveloped him, causing him to instinctively struggle wildly.

Unfortunately, in Ying Shou's hands, no matter how much he struggled, it would be useless.

Slowly, his eyes began to bulge, and saliva flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

In his protruding eyes, it was faintly visible that the blood was crazily making up.

In his drooling mouth, it could be seen that his tongue was sticking out little by little, and he looked like a hanged ghost.

"His Majesty Qin Huang, please take action!"

Seeing that the Tianmen Envoy was about to perish, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Ying Shou was taken aback, the voice was very familiar to him, he seemed to have heard it somewhere, but for a while, he couldn't remember where it was heard.

However, the moment this voice appeared, it made him feel inexplicably vigilant.

He turned his head slowly, only to see outside the big tent, the curtain opened first, and two figures came one after another.

He was the first person, dressed in Tsing Yi, with white hair, giving off a fairy-tale feeling.

Afterwards, a man about 30 years old followed.The man has a handsome face, holding a long sword in his arms, his eyes are indifferent, trying to hide the sharpness.

"It's you?"

Ying Shou frowned, thinking of the two in front of him.

That young man, named Jian Yun, can be called a Dharma protector boy.And that old man was the mysterious old man he met in the South China Sea before.

The old man claimed to be a friend of King Zhou You, that is, Tianmen Haotian's friend, but Ying Shou had never believed that his identity would be so simple.

This person is very strong, this was the first image he gave Ying Shou back then.

Until now, Ying Shou had never met anyone who made him feel wary, except this old man.

The moment he saw the old man, Ying Shou felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

He has a special feeling, danger, this old man is very dangerous!
(End of this chapter)

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