Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 920 The Suffering Ying Shou

Chapter 920 The Suffering Ying Shou

"That's right, it's the old man. Please His Majesty the Emperor of Qin, for the sake of saving His Majesty's concubine, give me a bit of a treat, how about letting go?"

The old man smiled slightly, looking at his appearance, entering the army, like taking a walk in the back garden of his own house, once again expressed his strength to Ying Shou.

"For your sake?"

Ying Shou frowned slightly, took a deep breath, nodded, and with a big wave of his hand, he threw the Heavenly Gate Envoy out and fell to the ground.

"Okay, in my life, I have given face to many people, but it was all for my own family."

"Today, I don't know if you are from my own family or a foreign family. I shouldn't give you this so-called face, but you are right in one thing. You are my beloved concubine who saved me. Today, I will replace you." For a favor, let him die!"

"Of course, this life can be let go, but if no one answers my request today, I will definitely bring up the butcher knife. At that time, it will be life or death. Whoever dares to intervene will die without a place for burial, including you. Friends of King Zhou You!"

As the Heavenly Gate Envoy was still flying out, Ying Shou's index finger and middle finger joined together to form a sword finger, pointing directly at the old man, saying unceremoniously.

"Qin Huang, you are so insolent, how dare you speak to my husband like that!"

Behind the old man, Jian Yun frowned slightly. Ying Shou's words made him couldn't help yelling and shouting angrily.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Ying Shou suddenly raised his head. Those eyes, like two rifts, directly pierced his heart.

Jian Yun's complexion changed, he let out a muffled snort, and couldn't help but take two steps back.

Of course, eyes cannot kill, let alone penetrate a person's body, but Ying Shou's glance caused Jian Yun unprecedented mental turmoil.

At that moment, he seemed to feel that his spiritual world was being torn apart by someone, and his heart beat and stopped abruptly, as if he was being held tightly by someone.

It was a terrifying feeling, even more frightening than facing death directly.

Terrible, terrible!

Those eyes are really terrifying, so terrifying that it makes one's heart tremble, and makes one's heart tremble!
This is a kind of coercion, an extremely strong coercion.It is different from those fantasy novels of later generations, where one look, a direct mental attack, breaks the soul of others.

It was fabricated and fabricated, and it was completely different from this kind of imposing oppression.

This kind of oppression is like a rabbit roaring at a tiger, and the tiger just ignores it. When the tiger is angry and opens its eyes, it only takes one movement to scare the rabbit to the ground and run wild.

At this moment, Ying Shou is that fierce tiger, and Jian Yun, a man who looks like a generation of rangers, is not even a rabbit in front of Ying Shou.

The coercion of the superior is enough to cause him endless panic and fear.

The world is so big, is it the king's land, and the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers.To be a king, to be an emperor, to be an emperor with arrogance, Ying Shou is the emperor of Qin Dynasty, the real king of a generation.

Wherever the king's murderous aura passed, the sky and the earth turned pale, a great earthquake happened, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

As long as he wants to kill, everyone in the world will feel uneasy and terrified, let alone facing his strong oppression!
Under the gaze of Ying Shou's cold eyes, Jian Yun, who was frightened, heard the violent coughing of the Tianmen envoy on the ground beside him.

He turned his head to look, and saw that at this very moment, the messenger of the Heavenly Gate was lying on the ground gasping for breath, and he didn't even have the strength to get up. That kind of more intense panic once again occupied his heart.

"Jian Yun is talkative!"

Ying Shou didn't speak, but the old man spoke. He glared at Jian Yun and scolded him in a deep voice.

After scolding Yun Jianyun, the old man raised his head, looked at Ying Shou, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't blame Qin Huang, the old man is not strict in discipline, after returning, he must teach him a lesson!"

Hearing this, Ying Shoufang slowly looked away.

"That's great. Remember, I don't like unruly people. Next time, it's best not to let me see such an unruly scene!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, turned around and came to the top, sat down straight, looked at the old man, and said, "Tell me, what is the purpose of you coming here today?"

"I remember you once told me that you were just a friend of King You of Zhou. Now, you have become an enemy of my Great Qin, right?"

The old man shook his head and smiled wryly. At this moment, he could clearly sense the strong hostility in Ying Shou's eyes.

In the past, he was the one who led Ying Shou to make up his mind and take this step.

Now, Ying Shou has finally taken this step. He knows that although Ying Shou is forcing himself to be hard-hearted, forcing himself to sit and watch the world go by.

In fact, he couldn't sit still at all.

He still can't be truly calm, let alone hard-hearted, just sit and watch the world's situation turbulent, so he came today.

He came to Donghu camp, he wanted to kill the three thousand dared soldiers who betrayed the Great Qin, and he wanted to seek a fair confrontation for Wei Liaozi.

These, all the time, express Ying Shou's tormenting heart at this moment. It is precisely because he can't let go that he is suffering.

Because of the torment, he couldn't help but come here and made all these actions.

In the eyes of the old man, this does not conform to the emperor's ritual.A real emperor should climb to the top of the mountain, and I will be the peak, and watch the ups and downs of the world.

In this world, nothing is ever truly fair.Life and death, life and death, these should be the most common things in the eyes of the emperor.

Only by truly achieving this can one be a true emperor, a qualified emperor.

Since ancient times, who has ever seen a person who does great things love his sons and daughters?Has anyone ever seen that person who does great things look forward and backward, and suffer because of so-and-so and so-and-so?

In the eyes of the king, right is right and wrong is wrong.

If you are right and continue, if you are wrong, it is enough to continue to act in another way.

There has never been any emperor who was too much worried about doing something wrong, let alone suffering because of someone who died.

There is never any qualified emperor who will just wander between right and wrong and engage in ideological struggles before doing things.

The old man knew that Ying Shou had always been a decisive person, and he could face anything with courage.

On the battlefield, he is a generation of killing gods, but he is not a killing machine without emotions.In many cases, he is also affectionate.

For example, now, he is not hesitant, let alone looking forward and backward, but because of the emotions in his heart, he can't let go after all.

It is precisely because of this that Ying Shou at this moment seems to be hard-hearted, but in fact, he is just wrapping himself tightly with a hard-hearted mask.

But outside of this mask, he is like a hedgehog with thorns all over his body.At this time, whoever dares to provoke him, he will be able to hurt him back thousands of times.

In his eyes, it seems that everything that does not belong to him is an enemy.For the sake of the plan, he has to endure, and once it goes beyond his plan, he will kill!

(End of this chapter)

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