Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 930 Chen Dan's Method

Chapter 930 Chen Dan's Method
"Chen Dan, I admit that your Confucianists are very talkative. I'm not from a famous family, so I can't speak against you."

"But you have said so much, what is the use of it other than to damage the morale of my army? You are capable, but you have come up with a way to save His Majesty!"

Dou Yun couldn't say no to Chen Dan, so he could only sullenly shouted angrily.

"That's right, Chen Dan, I've seen from the very beginning that you don't want to fight this battle. If you have a better way, you can talk about it!"

Su Heng also spoke, looked at Chen Dan and said.

He, Su Heng, was born in a military family. Although it is said that the master of the military family focuses on strategy, what he is better at is the method of arranging troops. He is not very good at these strategies.

Therefore, from the very beginning, all he thought of was fighting.From his point of view, there might be a more effective method than fighting, but at present, he has no time to think about it, the only thing he can do is to fight first.

It is said that the underdogs attacking soldiers seems to be the most stupid way to fight at every turn, but it is actually the most effective way.Otherwise, how can it be said that there is no other way but to fight?
But seeing Chen Dan's appearance at the moment, it seems that there is another way, of course he also wants to hear it.

If the emperor can be rescued and there is nothing to lose, this is of course the best.After all, in the final analysis, although war is the most effective solution, it is not unreasonable to be listed as a bad strategy for military strategists. After all, war represents loss.

On the contrary, strategy and negotiation will greatly reduce the loss of the target, so although these two are often not as effective as war, as long as they can be achieved, they will basically reduce most of the losses, or even no losses.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to go to the army to attack and plan, and then to hand over.

"Alright, since the general is willing to listen, let me tell you what I think!"

Chen Dan is too lazy to argue with a reckless man like Dou Yun. The word "war general" sounds good, but in fact, he is just a reckless man. In their eyes, everything can be resolved by force. Reasoning with them is simply a joke. .

I saw Chen Dan raised his hand and pointed at the Donghu camp, saying: "First of all, if we fight, our army will be defeated, and the remaining [-] troops will suffer losses, and they will not gain anything, let alone save His Majesty the Emperor. Even in the end, His Majesty may be put to death, this is a big taboo!"

"So in the final analysis, the general feels that this battle cannot be fought. Not only can it not be fought, but he must try his best to stabilize Donghu and not let them fight!"

"As the saying goes, go to the army to attack the plan, and then send the handover. Now that the army has come here, it is too late to discuss the attack. But there is one thing, the general, don't forget. Although I, Daqin and Donghu have not yet signed an alliance, But it can also be regarded as an ally, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is just around the corner!"

While Chen Dan was talking, Su Heng raised his hand to interrupt him, and said, "Chen Dan, do you think it's useful to say this at this time? Form an alliance with Donghu, do you believe this?"

"At least I don't believe it. Nine out of ten people in my Great Qin Dynasty don't believe it. Forming an alliance with Donghu is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. How can you establish diplomatic relations with them?"

Chen Dan shook his head and said: "Let's listen to the last general, general. Don't feel useless, there is nothing useless in this world."

"The general knows that establishing diplomatic relations with Donghu is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. Even if this covenant is signed, it is not credible, because no one knows whether it is a covenant on paper or a firm covenant between the two countries!"

"But in the final analysis, what's the deal even if it's a covenant on paper? If you don't try it, who knows, it won't work at all? At least, it's more cost-effective than going to die knowing it's death, right?"

"War and war, what you fight for is profit, what you fight is a bargain, not just for loss!"

"Furthermore, Nehman of Donghu has already come out. It is the bridge they first threw out to build diplomatic relations. Why don't I follow along and have a look, maybe the situation will turn for the better?"

Speaking of this, Chen Dan suddenly got off his horse, cupped his hands and said: "General, Chen Dan knows that the army cannot be left alone for a day, and also knows the danger of establishing diplomatic relations."

"But more often, danger often means great profit. For this kind of great profit, we must take risks, but then again, this adventure must not let the general go, otherwise, if any accident occurs, our army will Will be more passive!"

"So the general asked for orders to let the general enter the Donghu camp in person to meet with His Majesty the Emperor, and test whether what Nani Haman said is true or not."

"If the emperor really wants me to go to meet him, everyone will be happy. If Nehaman is tempting us, at worst, we will fight to the death, and our army will not be leaderless!"

Seeing this, Su Heng's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Do you want to do a test first?"

Chen Dan nodded, cupped his hands and said, "I would like to ask the general to give you an order. At least in the eyes of the general, this is a surefire solution and the only way to avoid losses!"

As he said that, Chen Dan looked at Dou Yun beside him, and said: "There is another point, I hope the general will remember. Sometimes not fighting does not mean that you are timid to fight, and it does not mean that you are afraid of death."

"It's worth dying for. Even if Chen Dan dies today, at least it can alert the army. If Chen Dan doesn't die, it means that this battle has been avoided, and we can welcome back my dear emperor!"

On the side, Old Dou Yun blushed. No matter how reckless he was, he could tell that these words were obviously meant for him.

Thinking about how he was mocking Chen Dan for fear of death just now, now that Chen Dan was going to take risks alone, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Well, General, although this Confucianist is very talkative, let alone, it makes sense."

"How about this, General, let me go. I can fight much more than this Chen Dan. If something happens, at least I can save my life better than him!"

After a moment of embarrassment, Dou Yun suddenly opened his mouth, intending to step in and take away this chance to take the risk, so as to wash away the embarrassment in his heart.

"You go, are you okay? With your temper, I'm afraid that even good things will be ruined by you. Zai said, I am going to have an audience with my emperor this time. Do you know the rules of an audience with the emperor?"

However, as soon as Dou Yun finished speaking, Chen Dan called him back after saying a word.


Dou Yun was furious, but he had nothing to say. He knew that there were many rules when meeting the emperor, and he really didn't understand so many rules, but why couldn't he save the emperor if he didn't know the rules?
"Okay, stop arguing. Chen Dan, this general agrees with you, since you propose so, then you go."

"Don't worry, if Nihaman dares to act recklessly, even if the whole army is wiped out, this general will fight him!"

"Don't talk about whether this battle can be fought or whether it will be beneficial. Some things do not mean that there is a loss. If there is no benefit, you can not do it. The prestige of my emperor and the prestige of the Great Qin must not be lost. Go!"

At this moment, Su Heng spoke again, stopped Dou Yun's dissatisfaction, and ordered directly.


Chen Dan didn't talk nonsense, promised, got on his horse and shouted: "General, wait a moment, the last general will go first!"

(End of this chapter)

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