Chapter 931
"You... you you you... get out of the team!"

Chen Dan immediately stepped forward, selected ten soldiers from the army, and shouted: "All of you will go with this general to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"


Ten soldiers came out, holding halberds, and promised loudly.


With a big wave of Chen Dan's hand, he took the lead and led the ten soldiers towards Donghu camp.

"Great Qin General Chen Dan was ordered to meet with the emperor, everyone get out of the way!"

Before arriving at Donghu's army, Chen Dan drew out his long sword, pointed at the [-] army, and roared loudly.

At this time, although Donghu's army retreated nearly a hundred steps, they were still on guard against Qin's army and did not give way.

Seeing that Qin General only waited for a dozen people to come, they couldn't help being a little bit surprised, and because they didn't understand the language, they didn't understand what Qin General Chen Dan was talking about.

But at this moment, a loud shout seemed to be in response to Chen Dan, and it sounded from the Donghu barracks.

"The Grand Marshal has an order not to stop the Qin army, let them in!"

"The Grand Marshal has an order not to stop the Qin army, let them in!"

"The Grand Marshal has an order not to stop the Qin army, let them in!"

Everyone looked up at the same time, and in the distance, a general Donghu came on horseback, roaring while galloping.

Seeing this, Donghu's army looked at Chen Dan and the ten Daqin warriors in front of them, and finally retreated one after another, making way for a road that was two feet wide.

From this road to the camp of the Chinese army, there is a distance of almost a thousand meters. During this distance, there are densely packed Donghu troops on both sides.

Entering this road, it was as if he was going to the Naihe Bridge. Not to mention whether these Donghu soldiers would make a move, the military demeanor gathered by these countless figures can make people frightened.

And once these Donghu soldiers make a sudden move and set foot on this road, it is basically tantamount to going nowhere.

Not everyone is as powerful as Ying Shou Li Yuanba, who can ignore the siege of nearly a million troops.

Including Lie Yang, who is unstoppable and even hard to contend with, he can't do it either.

Once caught in the encirclement of the 80 army, no matter how powerful he is, he will die.

Behind Chen Dan, General Su Heng, General Dou Yun and others watched this scene, their faces changed slightly, and their hearts tightened.

This road feels too dangerous to them, and this kind of danger even makes them feel timid.

They didn't know, if they were themselves at this moment, would they dare to step on it, let alone whether Chen Dan would dare to take this road.

Their eyes gradually converged on Chen Dan, but Chen Dan took a deep breath, waved his hand, and shouted: "Go!"

After the words fell, Chen Dan led ten soldiers and set foot on the dangerous encirclement road.

Around is that the Qin army has always been brave and good at fighting, in the name of not being afraid, but at this moment, when he really stepped on this road, the soldier behind Chen Dan still couldn't help shaking his muscles all over his body. Every step he took, his feet would tremble.

On their bodies, cold sweat broke out in an instant, and the palms and backs of their hands were covered with hair volume, and they were all covered with water stains.

Looking at this road, it is not very far away, a distance of one thousand meters, at most two thousand steps.In normal times, a three-year-old child can easily complete the walk.

But at this time, in their view, it is like the road to heaven, every step is a test of death.

It is said that the road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky.The reason for saying this is because every step on the Shu Road is full of crises, and the current crisis is no worse than the Shu Road crisis, and even worse.

On the road of Shu, danger is dangerous, but fate can be barely controlled.

But this road is different, as long as others don't want them to live, they will die at any time.

For those who set foot on this road, no one can control their own destiny. Their lives are basically handed over to the hundreds of thousands of Donghu troops on the side of the road.

Faced with such a crisis, these ten soldiers seemed to exhaust all their strength with every step, and every time they took a step, they would feel inexplicably weak all over.

When they looked up, they suddenly found that perhaps among all the people, Chen Dan was the only one, as if he had no pressure, just straddling the horse and taking a walk in the courtyard.

Even when he had time, Chen Dan would look up and look around, as if admiring Donghu's military appearance.

This is not to say how courageous and daring a mere Confucian general like Chen Dan is, but from the moment he first proposed to come to see the emperor, he knew that he was already a dead man.

Going to Donghu Daying to pay homage to the emperor, nine times out of ten he will surely die.

He was determined to die. If Nehaman was playing tricks and finally killed him in the chaos, he would not be surprised, but would think it was very reasonable, because he had come to die in the first place.

If he didn't die in the end, it would be an unexpected joy, and if he could still take away the emperor, it would be even more joyful, a great joy.

Some people say that it is wrong to think of things as bad as possible, but in fact, people who make the worst plans are fearless.

If it breaks, it will break. It is reasonable and within the acceptable range. On the contrary, if there is a turning point, it will become a surprise.

Once you make the worst plan and decide to do it, no one will feel afraid anymore, such as Chen Dan at the moment.

Even if he had a little bit of fear in his heart, it couldn't stop him, let alone control him.

It took half a quarter of an hour for a thousand-meter journey, and Chen Dan finally took the ten soldiers to complete the journey.

At this moment, it was a soldier's clothes, already drenched in cold sweat, almost turning into water droplets.

In the big tent of the East Hu Zhongjun, the curtain was opened, and Ying Shou sat on the main seat, looking at Chen Dan and the ten soldiers who came outside step by step, Ying Shou's face was full of satisfaction.

On the side, Nihaman had a gloomy face. Although he wanted the Daqin soldiers to take Ying Shou away, he was very unhappy when the Daqin people came.

Da Qin is for their emperor, not afraid of life and death.

In this world, the most terrifying army is the army that is not afraid of death, and the most terrifying people are those who are not afraid of death.

Next, he will have a battle with Daqin. If Daqin is such a person who is not afraid of death and an army that is not afraid of death, then the resistance he encounters will be unprecedented, and he may even have no chance of winning at all. How can she be happy?
"Hahaha, Emperor Qin, it seems that you should be very happy now, right? This Qin Jun has not let you down!"

"It's amazing that they dare to step on such a difficult and dangerous road just to worship!"

Different from Nehaman's gloominess, Master Kunlun sat not far from Yingshou, and also watched the scene on the road outside, couldn't help laughing.

"It didn't disappoint me, but there is nothing to be surprised about. My Daqin has never lacked people with lofty ideals, let alone brave ones. Everything is expected!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly, and he could see that he was very happy, but when he spoke, the tone was exactly as it should have been, and the corners of Master Kunlun's mouth twitched, making him very speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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