Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 937 Sending Away the God of Plague

Chapter 937 Sending Away the God of Plague
"Mr.'s words are wrong. As the saying goes, help people to the end and send you to the palace. So many things have been done before, so why not send me a ride now?"

"Furthermore, if the guest wants to leave and the host doesn't see him off, that would be so rude, and he will be easily criticized in the future. I'm also thinking about Donghu, sir, don't you think so?"

Faced with Master Kunlun's obstruction, Ying Shou waved his hand and said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, yes, I know Qin Huang has good intentions, but even so, it should be all right for the old man to send Qin Huang off in person, right?"

Master Kunlun was speechless, and looked at Nehman, who was trembling all over. After all, he still couldn't bear to order the Donghu God of War who was already extremely angry.

Immediately, Master Kunlun stood up personally, made a gesture of invitation, and said: "Qin Huang, I will send you off in person, shouldn't it hurt Qin Huang's face?"

Seeing this, Ying Shou's eyes flashed, he took a deep look at Master Kunlun, and then at Nehman.

After sizing him up, Ying Shou couldn't help but shook his head, stood up, and said with a smile, "Since Mr. is so condescending, why would I say that I would lose face. Even so, I will take my leave first!"

While talking, Ying Shou finally took a step and walked outside.

But when he came in front of Nehman, Ying Shou suddenly stopped and said with a smile, "Nihman, the war god of Donghu, the generalissimo of the three armies of Donghu, the emperor of Tianmen, the true uncrowned king of Donghu!"

"Hehe, each of these titles can be said to be resounding throughout the world, shocking the ages. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the title is, it will always be just a joke if it doesn't have enough strength."

"If you have time, you should learn a thing or two from your husband. Otherwise, if you are like you, let alone fight with me, you are not worthy to be my opponent even if it is my old general who is already a hero. I only need to be a general in Daqin. It will crush you!"

"Next, make good use of your role, don't let me down too much!"

As he said that, Ying Shou patted Nehman on the shoulder, and it was obvious that at this moment, Nehman trembled all over, and his body froze immediately, standing on the spot like a piece of wood.

He could even clearly hear Nehaman's gnashing of teeth, it was really loud.


Seeing this, Ying Shou laughed loudly, and without any hesitation, he walked directly towards the outside.

Nehman didn't move, his eyes were fixed on the front of him, as if he was in a daze.

However, if someone who observes carefully is beside him, he will find that in his palm, blood is slowly flowing out.

It was because the fist was clenched too tightly, even the skin on the palm of the hand could not bear it, and it was caused by cracking, not because the nails were sunk into the flesh.

Master Kunlun is a person who observes subtleties. He can tell that Nehman is very calm at this moment, so calm that his body is completely still.

But when a person is the craziest, it is also the calmest time.

This is like the oppression in the sky before the violent storm, everything is still, and it is like the unprecedented calm before the volcanic eruption.

The wind and rain are about to come and the building is full of wind. This is a good expression of Nehman's state at this moment.

The intense anger has almost exceeded the limit he can bear, and now he needs to vent, crazily venting.

Even if the person standing in front of him is a god, as long as this anger erupts, he will spare no effort to rush forward in an instant.Even if it is death, the other party must be uncomfortable.

Slowly, Nihaman turned his head slowly, looked towards Ying Shou's back, and at the same time, saw the 80 Qin army surrounded by his [-] troops.

Now, all he needed was an order from him, even if Ying Shou couldn't be killed, none of the [-] troops could escape.

Murderous intent flickered in his eyes, and his hand slowly stretched behind his back, clasped the scimitar at his waist, and slowly pulled it out.

All the strength, at this moment, has gathered in his throat, and he is about to let out a roar, ordering an army of 80, to attack at all costs.

However, at this moment, a hand suddenly patted on his shoulder, and a laugh sounded, saying: "Marshal, it's okay to go out with the old man to see him off, right?"

Nihaman turned his head suddenly, and saw Master Kunlun staring at him with a smile on his face, those eyes seemed to be talking back.

The smile on that face made Master Kunlun's old face full of goose skin folds. It was a very common smile for an old man, but in Nehman's eyes, it seemed to have a special magical power that made him The anger in his heart disappeared in an instant like the sun melting into snow.

Faced with Master Kunlun's smile, Nihaman came back to his senses for a moment. He couldn't refuse his request and chose to obey.

He nodded slightly, and followed Master Kunlun forward, and he also followed behind Master Kunlun, and followed together.


"Be flat!"

Outside the big tent, Ying Shou walked out, looked at the Daqin soldiers kneeling everywhere, waved his sleeves, and shouted loudly.

The mountain wind blew, the banners fluttered, and the cloak behind Yingshou was swaying with the wind. Standing in front of the big tent, above all armies, like the Nine Heavens God of War, the supreme ruler.

The [-] troops kowtowed to the mountain and shouted: "Thank you, my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Afterwards, the army got up one after another, and Ying Shou looked at the newly made chariot. Although it was rough, it was obviously made on site.

What he wants now is just a form, to build momentum with the form, without too much compromise.

Now that the chariot is ready, of course he doesn't care about good or bad.

I saw him taking a step forward and heading directly towards the chariot.

When he came to the chariot, he boarded the chariot, and stood with his hands behind his back. Facing the big tent of Donghu's army, he laughed and said, "This night, I will be taken care of by Donghu God of War. I missed last night and killed you four great generals." , Although I am guilty, but what happened will happen after all, no matter how guilty I am, it will be useless."

"In the future, if you worship, please say hello for me and say goodbye!"

Nehaman had a gloomy face, and was about to say something, but he saw the Master Kunlun glanced at him. Immediately, Nehaman took a deep breath, sneered, cupped his hands and said: "Qin Emperor is polite, today I have done what the way of hospitality should do for Donghu, but Qin Huang's way of treating guests is also engraved in Donghu's heart, and sooner or later, I will definitely repay Daqin twice as much!"

Ying Shou nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, then I'll wait. I also want to see if your Donghu has the courage to break into the 80 army of our Great Qin. I also want to see, your Donghu You have the ability to kill the top four generals of my Great Qin, hahaha!"

The conversation between Ying Shou and Nihaman instantly attracted the attention of [-] Qin troops.

"What, the emperor came here last night and killed the four top generals of Donghu?"

"Are you kidding me? The four top generals, beheaded if they say they will be killed? And the emperor is fine, so why do you want to be treated so graciously?"

(End of this chapter)

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