Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 938 Great Qin Glory

Chapter 938 Great Qin Glory
"What did I hear just now? The emperor rode alone, broke into the 80 army, and beheaded the four top generals? Could it be that the 80 army is a vegetarian? Or is it that the top generals are so fragile that they can kill them?" Can it be killed?"

The [-] troops looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts trembling endlessly, they couldn't believe what the emperor and Nehman's conversation just now meant.

At this moment, Ying Shou spoke up, and said with a smile, "Soldiers, get ready to go!"

"Of course, before we leave, there are some things that you have to listen to me!"

As he spoke, Ying Shou raised his hand, pointed to the 80 troops in all directions, and said with a loud smile, "Look carefully, do you see clearly? There are 80 people here, 80 troops, and 80 so-called wolf soldiers." Donghu army!"

"They said they said wolves, how fierce they were in the past, but you take a good look, now, my Great Qin army of [-] is in their stomachs, what can they do?"

"Where I am, even an army of 80 so-called wolves must obediently give way."

"Even last night, I killed hundreds of nearly a thousand of them, including their four great generals, but what can they do, can't they just stand here obediently, come and go with me, not daring to stop them?"

"Do you know what that means?"

As soon as this remark came out, the [-] army trembled again and looked at Ying Shou in shock.

If the previous conversation between Ying Shou and Nehman was worthy of speculation, then there is no need to guess what he said now.

The emperor didn't come here to be a guest at all, he came to kill people.

Even in a big country, how many people can be generals?
In a country, there can be many generals, and thousands of generals are nothing.Anyone above the commander of a thousand can be called a general.Like Daqin, at least there were hundreds of generals.

But there are only a few who can really be generals.Those generals were either talented generals who ruled over one side, or top-notch generals with unworthy courage.

Among them, Yu Wencheng, Xu Chu, Tu Shi, Shi Potian and others are all generals.

But even so, there are less than ten generals in Daqin now, and the emperor directly beheaded the four generals of Donghu with this move.

However, that's all, but the 80 army was retested, but the emperor still had no choice but to let the emperor do his best here, coming in and out, and no one dared to stop him.

What's more, the emperor still puts up such a big battle here and no one cares. What did the emperor do to make the 80 army so dare not even have the heart to resist?
At this moment, not only the [-] army was shocked, but even Su Heng, Chen Dan and others were stunned.It is also hard for them to imagine how the emperor did it.

Could it be that the emperor is really like the folklore, with three heads and six arms, a body as big as a mountain, a god and a man descended into the world, invincible in the world, and no one can resist wherever he passes?

Shock shrouded everyone's heart, and at the same time, an invisible arrogance filled the hearts of the [-] troops.

Before, facing the 80 troops, they would still feel afraid, but now, looking at the 80 troops around them, they found that there was anger in these people's eyes, but they were clearly suppressing them and did not dare to explode.This made them suddenly have a feeling of dominance and invincibility.

Why is Daqin proud?

This is the pride of Daqin!
It has to be said that at this moment, the glory of Daqin was pushed down to the peak by Ying Shou, and what happened today is enough for future generations to recite through the ages.

However, under the shroud of glory, the 80 army of the Great Qin Dynasty also took precautions. They all knew that sometimes, one person suppressed too hard, and once he went crazy, it would be difficult to deal with, let alone the [-] army?

Nowadays, the emperor is so arrogant in front of the army, but it is easy to cause public anger.If Donghu's 80 troops suddenly go mad and are unprepared, they will be in danger the next moment.

So whether it was for the emperor or for self-protection, the [-] Qin Ruishi were completely vigilant.

At the same time, they also looked at the emperor strangely, not quite understanding why the emperor added a sentence at the end and what it meant.

Seeing the attitude of the crowd, Ying Shou sneered and said, "I'll tell you what this means. What happened today is the honor I bestow on you. For the rest of your life, if you retire from the army, you can spend the rest of your life with your children and grandchildren." Boasting, tell them, in the past, among the 80 troops, it was said that the 80 troops could only stare blankly when facing you, not even daring to take a deep breath?"

"Why? Because they are weak, and they are afraid that I, Daqin, will destroy them. They can only bear it when they are angry, and they can only endure it. This is the fate of the weak!"

"In this world, the prosperity of a country does not only come from its national strength, but also depends on its military."

"Only an army that is not afraid of life and death and makes the world fear can support the glory of a country. Only a country that can be conquered by the world can be treated with such respect!"

"Now, I have won this glory back for you with my own strength, but in the future, whether you can win back more glory depends on whether you have the courage and qualifications to protect it."

"Remember, Daqin's world was created by fighting, without giving in. When facing the enemy, I beat him, beat him hard, until he surrendered, lying on the ground without daring to take a breath."

"Otherwise, give in again and again, command to make the enemy even more arrogant, understand?"

Ying Shou's voice spread far and wide. Although almost none of the 80 Donghu army could understand what he said, there were still a few of them who could understand. All of a sudden, these people were about to explode.

The emperor of Qin was arrogant and arrogant without limits, and the 80 army was used as a negative teaching material, which was simply the ultimate humiliation.

All eyes were on Nehman, only looking forward to this moment, when Nehman gave an order, they rushed out immediately.

But under their gaze, Nehaman stood on the spot with his fists clenched, didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

At this moment, Nehman's anger burst out again, but he did not vent it completely after all.

Under the strange atmosphere at Donghu, the [-] Qin army faced Ying Shou's last sentence: "Do you understand?"

The next moment, a deafening voice sounded: "Understood!"

"My emperor is mighty!"

Ying Shou nodded slightly. At this moment, he heard a kind of supreme pride from the voices of the [-] troops, which was a kind of glory shrouded in glory.

He knew that his goal had been achieved.

Immediately, Ying Shou stopped talking nonsense, waved his big hand, and shouted: "The army is going out, follow me back to the Great Wall!"


The 80 army promised, and the next moment, the mighty army formed a long dragon, slowly pulled away from the encirclement of the [-] Donghu army, and left in the direction of the Great Wall at a leisurely pace.

(End of this chapter)

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