Chapter 939 Rules
Official historian records: In the spring of the second year of Emperor Wu of the Great Qin Dynasty, Emperor Wu was willing to gamble and admit defeat. He came to Donghu, full of anger, rode alone that night, and entered the camp of 80 Donghu wolf soldiers!

There are more than [-] wolf soldiers, and no one can stop them.None of the four generals was spared and died under his horse!
Donghu God of War Nehman, powerless to resist, 80 troops dare not breathe!

The 80 Qin army greeted Shengjia and drove out [-] troops to make way. Seeing the Qin army turning into a long dragon and leaving, the sound of countless teeth cracking sounded, but no one dared to do it.

Great Qin Glory shines in all directions!Emperor Wu passed by, like the sun and the moon shrouded, overlooking the world!

This record is recorded in the army from the Northeast Great Wall, and the back is recorded in the book, passed down through the ages, and achieved the glory of the Great Qin.

The description in it is vivid. When the army started to leave, they did hear countless gnashing of teeth in all directions. It is doubtful whether someone among them directly crushed their teeth.

That voice sounds like nothing to one or two people, but it is very loud when 80 people gather together.

Nehman looked at Yingshou who had finally completely left the camp, and the [-] Qin army. He trembled, staggered, and almost fell to the ground without standing still.

At this moment, if someone could see the face under his mask, they would find that the corner of his mouth was already full of blood.

His teeth were not crushed, but his gums couldn't bear it after all, and blood flowed out.

His face was pale for a while, and his whole body was chilling, as if he was dead, very cold.

At this moment, he felt dizzy and dizzy, as if his heart was tightly held in the palm of his hand, and the pain was unbearable.

Nehman glanced at Master Kunlun at the side, and saw that Master Kunlun had already returned to the big tent.

Nehman felt a burst of exhaustion all over his body. He dragged his physically and mentally exhausted body and followed into the big tent. He suddenly found that in the big tent at this moment, except for Master Kunlun and the attendant boy Jianyun, the Tianmen envoys no longer knew When to leave in disorder.

Nehaman stepped forward, knelt down in front of Master Kunlun, prostrated himself on the ground, his voice was hoarse and trembling, and shouted: "Master, I don't understand, please teach me!"

Master Kunlun stood with his hands behind his back, turned his back to Nehaman, and said with a smile, "What do you not understand?"

Nehaman shouted: "I don't understand why the Master backed down again and again, why the Master endured such humiliation, and why the Master tolerated Ying Shou so much, please teach me!"

At this moment, the resentment suppressed deep in Nehman's heart finally roared out.

When Ying Shou was around, he didn't dare to ask too many questions, for fear of refuting Master Kunlun's face, but now, there is no outsider here.

Master Kunlun is at Tianmen and has never been an outsider, so he can ask.

"teach you?"

"Hehe, how to teach you? How to teach you?"

"It's time to teach you. Didn't Ying Shou already teach you?"

Master Kunlun shook his head and smiled, then turned around slowly, looking down at Nehman who was prostrate on the ground, his voice was indifferent and cold.

At this moment, Master Kunlun seemed to be a completely different person compared to when he was facing Ying Shou.

In front of Ying Shou, he was like an amiable old man, without any airs, very casual and harmonious.

But at this moment, he seemed to be a high god, his words and deeds made people irresistible and unable to refute.

"Nihaman still doesn't understand, I beg the Master to teach me!"

Nehman's eyes flashed, he raised his head, looked at Master Kunlun, and shouted again.

"Hehe, don't you still understand? Well, the old man will tell you why this is so!"

"Ying Shou has just made it clear enough, this itself is a world where strength is the most important thing, and fists are the most important thing!"

"You ask the old man, why do you have to back down again and again, and the old man tells you, because you are not strong enough. If you were strong enough, you could have won Ying Shou by yourself last night, why should you be controlled by others?"

"In this world, wolves eat sheep, and sheep eat grass. What can you do with your 80 army? Then Ying Shou is a wolf. When he comes, it is a wolf joining the sheep."

"If you are full, you will leave naturally. Otherwise, you sheep will be the ones who will suffer in the end. Tell the old man, who can blame you for this?"

Having said that, Master Kunlun paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled, and said, "Do you still remember the two words Ying Shou has been talking about?"

Nehaman frowned puzzled, and said, "Which two words?"

Master Kunlun said: "Rules!"


Nehman was even more puzzled.

"That's right, it's the rules."

"Do you think that Yingshou is here to humiliate you this night? No, he is here to teach you how to behave, how to do things, and how to become stronger!"

"The word rules, you'd better keep them in your heart forever. If you are weak, you must have the rules of the weak. If you are strong, you must have the rules of the strong."

"The strong can trample on the rules of the weak at will. However, once the weak touches the rules of the strong, there is only one end, disaster!"

"Who do you think Ying Shou is? That's the enemy Haotian has been waiting for for hundreds of years!"

"You are self-righteous and playing tricks with him, aren't you looking for death? If Ying Shou didn't think that you still have something to use, you would have been a dead person. Where would you have the opportunity to be filled with anger?"

Master Kunlun put his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky while speaking, and said in a low voice, "You have to remember, your opponent is Qin State now, Ying Shou can represent Qin State, but Qin State cannot represent Ying Shou."

"If you want to fight Qin Guo, it's up to you how you want to fight, but you must not think about fighting Ying Shou. Because Ying Shou's opponent is Haotian, you think you can win him once, but in fact, you are You are digging your own grave. In front of Ying Shou in the future, learn more about Qin's rules!"

During the conversation, Nehaman was silent. After a long time, he seemed to understand something, and seemed to be lost in confusion.

"The Venerable Master said, Ying Shou is teaching me how to become strong. What does that mean?"

In the endless confusion, Nehman couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart.

"Hehe, you have been dazzled by anger now. Could it be that you have forgotten what the plan of the Heavenly Gate means? Do you think that Ying Shou was forced to come to Donghu? Do you think that with your little strength, Can you force that Ying Shou?"

"In the final analysis, Tianmen is using Yingshou's ambition to take this opportunity to unify Daqin, but why isn't Yingshou using Tianmen's ambition to use you as Daqin's sharpening stone?"

"Ying Shou teaches you the rules, and he is teaching you how to become stronger. Because he feels that with your current strength, you are not worthy of being the whetstone of Qin, let alone fighting with him, so he needs you to become stronger." stronger."

"Only when you are strong can he completely change the Qin Kingdom, do you understand?"

"One more thing, you think Ying Shou is just here to humiliate you today, but you don't understand that today, he does have face, and Qin Jun also has his own glory and arrogance."

"But the power he left behind for you is something you have never had before. This power will far exceed your imagination!"

(End of this chapter)

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