Chapter 940
Master Kunlun looked outside, and when he spoke, his tone was dignified, with a sigh, but also with a touch of surprise.

This was the first time he showed surprise, and this surprise was only because of what Ying Shou did that night.

In this world, there are many people who think they understand Ying Shou, but in fact, there are only a few people who can really guess Ying Shou's intentions.

And so far, there is only one person who can really understand Ying Shou, Master Kunlun.

Because you can feel it, you understand it better.

There are not many people who can really reach this level. In today's world, Ying Shou counts as one, and Master Kunlun counts as one.

They are people of the same level, so they all understand the real height between each other, and they understand the feeling of overlooking the world even more.

Maybe they will be angry too, but how many things in this world are worthy of their anger?
Master Kunlun knew that Ying Shou had many weaknesses because his foundation was still very weak.At least for now, compared with Tianmen's hundreds of years of accumulation, Yingshou really has no foundation at all.

Under such circumstances, no matter how strong Ying Shou is, Tianmen can use too many things for him. On the contrary, it is difficult for him to use Tianmen. Flaws, so there is today's game.

Of course, Tianmen is Tianmen, and Donghu is Donghu.Although Dong Huni Haman belongs to Tianmen Great Emperor, he seems to be a light-weight existence in Tianmen.

But in fact, Donghu is just a branch of Tianmen, an existence that can't even touch the core.

Tianmen can fight Ying Shou, but if Nihaman wants to fight Ying Shou, that is a joke.When Ying Shou came here last night, he was really angry.But from the point that Ying Shou didn't kill Nehman directly, Master Kunlun could tell that Ying Shou didn't want to kill Nehman.

On the contrary, all his insults to Nehaman were just to accumulate strength for Nehaman.

As the night passed, not only did Daqin get the glory he deserved, but Nehman also got many unexpected things, and these were all given to Nehman by Ying Shou invisibly.

"The power that Ying Shou left behind for me is very powerful, far beyond my expectations?"

Nehaman muttered to himself, and looked at Master Kunlun very puzzled.

"Still don't understand? Look outside!"

Master Kunlun smiled, and suddenly raised his head.

Nehman got up, turned his head and looked outside, and saw hundreds of generals gathered in front of the camp at the same time.

"Marshal Qi, the Qin people are too deceitful, please order the Marshal, I will destroy the Great Wall of Qin State with an army of 80, and destroy Qin State!"

"I beg the Marshal to give you an order. I'll fight out immediately, stop Ying Shou, and destroy Qin State!"

"Marshal, what happened today is a great shame and humiliation, please order the Marshal to destroy Qin!"

Hundreds of generals knelt down in front of the big tent at the same time, and it was not difficult to hear the monstrous anger amidst the roars.

Before, under Nehman's strong suppression, they didn't understand why Nehman made such a decision, but they finally endured it.

Now, the people of Qin are no longer here, and the emperor of Qin has also left. They must have an explanation, or an order, an order that will never stop.

As the so-called clay figurines are still three-pointed, let alone living people, or these Donghu troops who have always been known as wolf soldiers?
As the voices of all the soldiers sounded, behind them, 80 troops knelt on the ground at the same time, and the voice shook the heavens: "I beg the Marshal to give you an order, we will immediately stop Qin Huang Yingshou, destroy the [-] troops of Qin, destroy the Great Wall, and enter Within the Great Wall, destroy Qin State!"

The sound was so deafening that even the [-] Great Qin army that had walked ten miles away could basically hear it clearly.

All of a sudden, the 80 troops all changed their colors. After all, could the [-] troops still be unbearable?
What if Donghu's 80 troops suddenly come here?
You know, Donghu's army is mostly cavalry.Looking at Qin's side, there are [-] troops, and more than [-] are infantry.

How can these two-legged ones run faster than four-legged ones?

Once the enemy army decided to catch up, the [-] army could not be its opponent at all.

"Send the order, the whole army will speed up and rush back to the Great Wall, don't slack off!"

Su Heng understands very well that when fighting in this place, it is not only the weakness of manpower, but also the right time and place, which are all trying to restrain Daqin.

Regardless of whether the enemy army will catch up immediately, they must leave here first.Only by returning to the Great Wall and relying on the Great Wall can we have the strength to fight, otherwise, we will definitely not be able to win today.

However, just as Su Heng finished speaking, Ying Shou's voice suddenly sounded, saying, "What's the hurry? Could it be that the enemy's yelling made you scared out of your wits?"

"Hehe, the glory I won for you, was thrown out of the sky so quickly by you?"

The whole army slowed down for me, and took a rest on the three-mile road. I want to see if the 80 ants in Donghu really dare to catch up with me here.

It's fine if they don't come, if I want to come, I will let them come and go!
Ying Shou's voice wasn't loud, but it wasn't low either. With his mighty power spreading, the [-] troops could hear it clearly, as if thunder was blowing in their ears. In a short time, the enemy's army from ten miles away The roar was completely covered up.

The 80 troops looked at each other, all of them speechless, they didn't understand where the emperor's confidence came from, and he wanted to kill the [-] troops directly.

However, they were relieved when they thought that the emperor rode alone last night, entered the enemy camp, and wiped out the four generals, but defeated the 80 troops.

They didn't understand what the emperor had done during this period, and they didn't understand why the 80 army had no temper in front of the emperor.

But they knew that the 80 army dared to roar like this only after the emperor left.

That being the case, what is there to worry about?


Su Heng also thought of this. For a moment, he was angry and angry with the emperor, surprised and happy.

He didn't know whether he should be angry or surprised.But now he is too lazy to oppose Ying Shou.

From last night until now, he and Ying Shou have only met twice, but he clearly senses that the current Ying Shou is no longer the Ying Shou who used to be in the hall, listening to the voices of the world.

Once upon a time, the emperor's decision, the people of the world, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty were all qualified to discuss and even change it.

But now, the emperor's order cannot be changed, and no one can change the decision he made.

This made Su Heng feel powerless, which made him angry, but the result of Ying Shou's actions surprised him, so he didn't want to refute too much.

Since the emperor likes to do it, let's do it.It's okay for the emperor to hold on, but if he can't hold it, he can't control it, and it's considered the punishment given to him by heaven as the emperor.

With this in mind, Su Heng made a promise, and immediately sent out Ying Shou's order to lead the army forward slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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