Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 948 Unbearable

Chapter 948 Unbearable
"Yan'er, this is the place where the two countries meet. It is remote and desolate. After staying in the magnificent palace for a long time, will you feel uncomfortable when you come here suddenly? If you don't like it, I will immediately ask someone to transfer this place to you." How about the yard renovation?"

In the courtyard dormitory, Ying Shou personally arranged Nan Yan to sit on the bed, covered her with a quilt, covered her in the middle, and said with a smile.

At this time, the weather in the Northeast is still very cold, and even the snow in some places has not completely melted.

Anyone who is familiar with this place knows that the coldest time is not when it snows, but when the snow melts.The more this time, the colder it is.

Although Nan Yan was not spoiled and raised since she was a child, after all, she is now the Queen of Great Qin. When she is pregnant, she naturally receives the best treatment from all parties.

Even a little bit of cold wind will make the servants below tremble with fear.

You must know that Nan Yan is not the only one with a delicate body, but also the child in her womb. If it is a prince, then it will be the next Great Qin Emperor.This queen and prince are one, who dares to be careless?

Even if Ying Shou couldn't do it, if the queen had something wrong in front of him, after returning, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would blame themselves desperately.

The prince, sometimes not only the prince of the emperor alone, but also the prince of the world, everyone is looking forward to and watching.

Therefore, Ying Shou not only loves her, but also takes care of all her feelings.

"No need, your majesty's body can adapt to everything. What can't your concubines adapt to? Your majesty, don't forget that the next thing is for these soldiers to throw their heads and shed their blood. The catastrophe is approaching, what should I do?" Treat them well!"

Nan Yan looked around, and saw that in this courtyard, apart from a huge bed, there was also a table and desk beside it, all in all directions, it could be described as a barren house.As far as the eye could see, there were nothing but solid walls made of loess.

Looking out of the window, it is also desolate, really very remote.

But how could Nan Yan, who was used to wandering in the deep mountains and old forests since childhood, care about these things?
I saw that when he spoke, his eyes couldn't help it, showing a bit of unbearable.Especially when mentioning those soldiers, there was pity in his eyes.

Perhaps many people in the world are kept in the dark, thinking that the emperor will go to Donghu and sign the covenant, which will continue the prosperity of the ages.

But those who are kept in the dark, after all, are only some people, and even most people still cannot represent all.

Who knows, how many people in Daqin today are tossing and turning, unable to sleep all night?

These people are very clear that the emperor's trip is full of difficulties and dangers.It is even more difficult to sign a covenant.

This alliance between the two countries seems beautiful, but nine times out of ten it is false, and it is true to deal with Great Qin.

There is never a shortage of smart people in the world, and there are quite a few who can see through these things, let alone the mother of a country, the Queen of Great Qin?

Nanyan understood very well that this trip, nothing out of ten, is itself a catastrophe for Daqin.A catastrophe that had been planned for a long time, a catastrophe that even the emperor had recognized.

She couldn't stop it, didn't dare to stop it, and was unwilling to go against the emperor's wishes.But that didn't mean she wasn't worried or scared at all.

Since she was kind, she couldn't help but feel pity whenever she thought of the possible consequences of this catastrophe.

She knew very well that when the catastrophe came, the first to suffer was none other than the soldiers guarding the border of the Great Qin Great Wall at this moment.

These people are so innocent, now that the big men are in charge, and they don't know it, why bother to tire them?

Not to mention that she can also adapt to the environment that the emperor can adapt to. Even if she can't adapt to the environment here, but there are others taking care of her behind her, she can't bear to tire those soldiers anymore.

"Okay, since Yan'er has said so, let's make do with it for a few days. In two days, go to Donghu King's Court. The environment there should be fine, and we can survive!"

Ying Shou nodded, he didn't want to discuss too much with Nan Yan what would happen next, because he knew that his determination was firm, but in fact, his ears were soft.

When others dissuade him, he grits his teeth and can endure it ruthlessly, but if the queen dissuades him, he doesn't know if he can bear it.

It's not that he can't stand the wind in his ears, but that no one knows the consequences of this incident better than him.

If you want to gain, you must first give.Now, the price he paid was really too big for him.

"Your Majesty, you won't be unhappy if your concubine speaks about the generals here?"

Seeing that Ying Shou was avoiding the serious and taking the light, although Nan Yan was cheerful, she was still paranoid at this critical juncture. She couldn't help but grabbed Ying Shou's arm and asked worriedly.

"Silly Yan'er, why am I so unhappy? It's just that you are pregnant now, and there are some things that you should try not to think about if you can."

"I haven't seen you for a month. I can tell that you must be very tired along the way. I'm afraid you're not feeling well?"

Ying Shou smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to stroke Nan Yan's beautiful hair, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

"It's okay, there are some things that I don't want to think about, but it's right in front of my eyes, and I can't do it if I don't want to care about it!"

Nan Yan leaned in Ying Shou's arms, her eyes drifted away, and she said softly: "Your Majesty, these are the times, in fact, the concubine also wants to get away. Your Majesty's decision, from the current point of view, may be cruel, but in the future See, isn't it a once-and-for-all solution?"

"The concubine is not stupid. The concubine is also a doctor. I remember when I was a child, Master Xunzi taught the concubine that the doctor heals the people, and the sage heals the country."

"Governing the country and treating a disease are actually the same thing. First of all, we must find the pathology, and then we can prescribe the right medicine and treat it according to the disease!"

"A strong man breaks his wrist, endures temporary pain, and prevents lifelong troubles. Cruelty is a little cruel, but it is a very wise decision."

"So the concubine will not stop His Majesty, but more often, I can't help but think, can I make this pain less, or, let the time of this pain be reduced as much as possible!"

While speaking, Nan Yan could not bear it, and felt even more compassionate.

It seems that in her eyes, Da Qin is now a terminally ill patient. She must cut the mess quickly, cut off the wrists of a strong man, and exchange for long-term health at a certain price.

But even if he wasn't the one who got the knife, she still couldn't bear it and was full of pity when she saw the patient who was about to cut off her wrist.

"Don't worry, Yan'er, trust me, this pain won't last long, it will end soon. Take good care of your baby, and I'm going to take you back to Xianyang and leave Longer alone!"

Faced with Nan Yan's kindness, Ying Shou couldn't help empathizing, and smiled softly.

However, he said this on his lips, but in fact, he knew very well that this pain would definitely not end in just one or two months.

In his prediction, at least it will take half a year.

And when he actually went to Donghu, he realized that this pain was completely beyond his expectation, and many things were even beyond his control.

(End of this chapter)

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