Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 947 The Arrival of the Team

Chapter 947 The Arrival of the Team
All the generals looked at Su Heng in bewilderment, and they were all very puzzled. Why did this general suddenly seem to be a different person? Previously, the general was not such a person.

"Let you go back and rest, can't you hear me?"

Seeing that the generals would not leave, Su Heng's eyes sharpened, and he said coldly.


The generals were startled, and hurriedly handed over their hands to promise, although they were puzzled, they turned around and left here one by one.

This night, Ying Shou did not rest until the next day, watching the sun rise from the east and the purple air come from the east. After the rising sun, Ying Shou returned to the other courtyard that Su Heng had arranged for him.

Under the service of the maid summoned by Su Heng, he burned incense and took a bath to wash away the dust before falling asleep.


After waiting for another three days, on this day, I finally saw Da Qin's team coming to Donghu from a distance.

There is a queen who is pregnant with a dragon species in the team, and Ying Shou went out to greet her personally, how could Su Heng be careless?He also took all the generals to follow.

The team came from afar. Among them, Li Yuanba, Xu Chu, Sima Xun, Shi Potian, Zhang Qian, Jun Wuyou and others led [-] imperial troops to protect the Great Qin Empress, as well as Li Yuanba, Xu Chu and other family members.

When the team approached, Li Yuanba, Xu Chu, Sima Xun, Shi Potian, Zhang Qian, Jun Wuyou and others got off their horses at the same time, knelt on the ground together with the [-] imperial guards, and shouted loudly: "See my emperor, long live your majesty! Long live!"

When all the generals shouted, the Jiulong chariot slowly opened in the procession. With her swollen belly, Nan Yan slowly got out of the chariot with the help of a maid. Behind her was Li Yuanba's wife Chunxiang.

Accompanied by Xu Chu's wife, Zhang Cuihua and a group of maids, they quickly headed towards Yingshou.

"The concubine pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Walking in front of Ying Shou Geng, Nan Yan immediately knelt down.Behind him, Chunxiang and a group of maids, including the shrew who never behaved, no, Zhang Cuihua, the widow, also knelt down and saluted very respectfully, kowtow

"The courtier's wife pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live Your Majesty!"

"The servants see His Majesty the Emperor, Long live Your Majesty!"

On this side, when all the soldiers bowed down, on the other side, all the generals of the Great Wall also knelt down on one knee at the same time, clasped their hands and cupped their fists, and shouted: "See empress empress, empress, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"

Very complicated rules, after a salute, a large area of ​​the scene has already knelt down.

"What is the empress doing? She has her stomach full, and she still salutes like this. I'm not afraid that the movements will be too big and affect the fetus!"

Ying Shou smiled slightly. After not seeing him for over a month, he could tell that Nanyan's belly seemed to be a little bigger.

"And you, get up quickly, Chunxiang, and Mrs. Zhang, get up quickly, too."

"If you're pregnant, don't make any big gifts in the future. Children are important, so protect them well. These children are my Daqin's hope in the future!"

While speaking, Ying Shou looked at the [-] forbidden troops behind the queen, and a group of generals, and ordered to stand up.At the same time, he specifically confessed to Chunxiang, Zhang Cuihua and other pregnant women.

When everyone heard the words, they kowtowed and stood up.

Zhang Cuihua looked at Ying Shou nervously, not daring to step forward at all.

Perhaps it was the reason why Ying Shou punished Xu Chu too severely before, almost beating Xu Chu to death, so that Zhang Cuihua, who had always been fearless, now felt like a mouse seeing a cat when he heard the word emperor. Don't dare to take a breath.

However, in many cases, the emperor's reputation will be exposed when troubles arise.She knew that it was impossible for the emperor to help him, but the emperor's reputation was loud and powerful.

As the general's wife, he can frighten a lot of people as soon as he utters the word "emperor".

Ordinary people can't afford to provoke him, and the officials in the court know that although her husband Xu Chu has no major positions, and even spends all day idle in Xianyang, he is a real general of the Great Qin Dynasty and is deeply favored by the emperor. .Therefore, no one dared to provoke her.

In this way, she pulled the emperor's banner even more unscrupulously.

Of course, it is one thing to raise the big flag, but it is another thing to really dare to get close to the big flag. For example, at this moment, when she saw Ying Shou, Zhang Cuihua only felt panic and backed away, wishing to go far How far to hide.

If it wasn't for the fear of violating the emperor's rules, it can be said that she would have already run away regardless of the child in her stomach.

"The concubine thanked His Majesty, but the etiquette cannot be abandoned, otherwise the etiquette will collapse and the music will be ruined, what's the point? Your Majesty can't ignore the righteousness of the country just because of spoiling!"

Nan Yan got up, looked at Ying Shou with a smile on her face, and smiled softly.

As the pregnancy got longer and her belly got bigger and bigger, the aura of maternal love on her body became more and more obvious.

Every move, every frown and smile, gave people a very gentle and peaceful feeling.

"Look at what the queen said, can this also be related to the righteousness of the family and the country?"

Ying Shou was a little speechless. I had to say that although Nan Yan was free and easy by nature, in certain occasions, the word "rule" was always determined and could not be refuted.

"Isn't it? Your Majesty, don't forget that a long-distance decision will be destroyed by an ant's nest. Do small things and do great righteousness. Rituals are in the world, and etiquette cannot be abolished. Otherwise, if everyone abolishes etiquette for various reasons, how can this world be abolished?" No mess?"

Nan Yan laughed softly.

"All right, all right, the empress is right, the empress is the most reasonable, okay? I can't beat you, but you have to remember, the salute is the salute, and you can't hurt my emperor's son, otherwise I won't forgive you."

"Let's go, you should be tired from the long journey for more than a month. Rest well for a few days before setting off for Donghu Royal Court!"

Ying Shou looked helpless, took Nan Yan's little hand, and left here straight away.

"You guys get up too, Su Heng, arrange what needs to be arranged first, everyone is tired, take a good rest for a few days, understand?"

After walking a few steps, Ying Shou looked at Su Heng and the others who were still kneeling on the ground, waiting for the queen to forgive him, and said in a deep voice.


Su Heng responded, and did not get up until Ying Shou had completely left. He went forward to meet the escorting team of the emperor and empress, and walked towards the barracks not far away. At noon, they were all settled down.

Although this is the former land of Yan, after all, it is at the border between the former Yan State and Donghu, and the capital of Yan State is not here, so it is obviously impossible to live in the palace. "

"So Ying Shou still brought Nan Yan, under the service of a group of maids, back to the mansion that Su Heng specially arranged for him.

The mansion is large, but not luxurious. Before Ying Shou arrived, this was the General's Mansion of the entire Northeast Great Wall Guard Army.

The courtyard wall of the house is made of loess. When you enter the inside, there are basically only weeds left in the huge courtyard.Moreover, many weeds were almost trampled to the ground, out of shape.Obviously, there is no less trampling on weekdays.

In such a place, it is a joke to say that you can enjoy the scenery and experience the beauty of different regions.

(End of this chapter)

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