Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 946 Six Realms

Chapter 946 Four Realms
Finally, in Sima Ying's records, the Dao of Sword briefly stated that there are four realms of swords, the first is: sword moves, fierce and fierce, invincible, and sword moves in the world, only fast and unbreakable.The first move is strong, and the second mover will lose.

The most powerful sword is extremely sharp, and it can be smashed like mud, so it fights openly and secretly, fights bravely and fiercely, and is proud of it!

Second: Swordsmanship, the so-called rigidity is easy to break, and extreme strength is humiliating. Only when you are extremely yin and soft can you conquer the world, so use softness to overcome rigidity, smooth and feminine!But after being so yin and soft, she still hides her sharpness!

Third: sword heart, clear mind and see nature.This realm, returning to nature, does not require any gorgeous processing, without any femininity, and returns to the purest and most beautiful side of human nature.

Fourth: The sword of the world, this sword no longer has any femininity, and there is no need to deliberately remind yourself to be upright and upright.Where the sword passes, the world is opened up, and what is created is a new world.This is an invisible sword. The person who holds this sword is no longer stuck in things. Plants, trees, bamboos, stones, and all creatures in the world can be swords.

It has no birth and existence, and follows the hearts of all living beings, manifesting various forms, entering the state where no sword is better than having a sword, which is the state of the supreme sword.

Why did Ying Shou once wield the Tianyue Sword and sweep away the invincible hands in the world?Just because of his strength, it is already enough to support him to enter the third realm, break through all laws with one force, do the things of a gentleman, and practice the way of a sage.

But in the end, why did Ying Shou abandon the sword again?Because his state of mind has reached the fourth realm, what he pursues is the power of the fourth realm, which is what Master Kunlun said, the treasures of the Central Plains, the power of the Central Plains to change the world.

Sima Ying's kendo theory not only summarizes the kendo, but also summarizes the different realms of life in the world.

For example, ordinary people, fighting for power, fighting for fame and fortune, spend their whole life, but actually achieve nothing, and are mediocre. This is a person in the first state.

People in the second realm are feminine and tactful, they will never give up in order to achieve their goals, they are gloomy and gloomy, and they will do everything they can.People in this realm, their battles are more used in schemes.The two are fighting each other, and often the only way is to fight with soldiers, and conspiracies and tricks emerge in endlessly.

Such a person may gain something in the end, but he will not be able to stand on the stage after all.

Just like the former King Yelang, in order to deal with Ying Shou, he staged bitter tricks, pleaded guilty, and suffered all kinds of humiliation, only hoping to win three points of Ying Shou's sympathy.

It is undeniable that most people can't help being moved when faced with this situation.However, how could Ying Shou's realm be compared with him?
Before the Dao, all small tricks are just a joke.In the end, King Yelang could only be manipulated by Ying Shou.

In the end, King Yelang became enlightened. He jumped from the second realm to the third realm, and defeated Han Xin's femininity and viciousness forcefully by means of aboveboard.

But he is only in the third realm after all, like Sima Ying, he seems to have enlightened.

In the end, he chose to surrender, because he knew that it would be impossible for him to achieve the highest level in his life.

This is Kendo!
This is life too!
This is the realm of kendo!

This is also the realm of life!

Su Heng quietly listened to Ying Shou's description of Sima Ying's transcript, the more he listened, the more he became silent, and finally fell into endless contemplation.

After Ying Shou finished speaking, he stood quietly beside Ying Shou for two hours, and finally realized something.

"I understand!"

Taking a deep breath, Su Heng suddenly knelt down beside Ying Shou, kowtowed and said, "Thank you for your enlightenment, Your Majesty will finally understand what your Majesty said!"

"Your Majesty is right. After all, the last general and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are too narrow-minded. They only want to be perfect, but they are smooth and feminine. They cannot be called on the stage, let alone a sage. They can only be politicians!"

"Compared to the generalissimo, compared to my majesty, the last general is very far away, really far away. If he responded to his majesty's order and broke all laws with one force and swept the world, why is there today's trouble?"

"Of course, there is no chance of regret in this world. For some things, just do it. Whether it is right or wrong can only be judged by time."

"Nowadays, when the rebellion comes out, after all the calculations are made, and it is myself and the whole Daqin who are involved in the calculations. This is the result!"

As he said that, Su Heng had a guilty look on his face.

Before that, he was still angry with the emperor, but after Ying Shou finished telling Sima Ying's notes, he realized how many good opportunities he and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty had missed in just one year, so that Daqin finally fell into a trap. This is a situation where there are enemies from both sides.

Perhaps, this is the punishment that time has given to himself, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and even the entire Great Qin Dynasty.

The emperor was right, he didn't punish anyone, but there were some punishments that he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"Understood, then go to rest. You are the chief general in the army, and the lives of [-] soldiers depend on you. You must remember that this is your sword."

"As a swordsman, live with the sword and die with the sword. Not only the sword should protect the person, but also the person should protect the sword. Take a good rest, recharge your batteries, and protect your sword!"

Ying Shou smiled slightly. He knew Su Heng quite well.

After all, he used to be a general in the palace and had a lot of contacts. Since Ying Shou wants to employ people, he must understand the survival of the fittest and their advantages and disadvantages.

In his impression, Su Heng has never been a qualified general, but he must be a qualified swordsman.

His military talent is like his sword. He doesn't have such a strong military strategy, but the combat power he exerts is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Compared with Generalissimo Wei Liaozi, he certainly has no such qualifications.But among the generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, Su Heng's ability to arrange troops on the battlefield is among the best.

Even compared with Ren Xiao, Yuwen Chengdu, etc., they are not inferior.That's why Ying Shou thinks highly of him, and hopes that he can exert more power, so he will say so much to him tonight.

Otherwise, as Ying Shou said, he wouldn't explain anything, and he didn't bother to say much.Only those who can force him to look at him differently are qualified to ask him to give advice.

"The last general obeys, won't His Majesty take a rest?"

Su Heng cupped his hands and said respectfully.

"No need, I'm not tired. This is the first time I've come to Yandi, let me see the great mountains and rivers here!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "Go down!"

Su Heng heard the words, got up slowly, and said: "No, I will leave!"

After speaking, Su Heng turned around and left the place.

The generals were still watching from a distance. Seeing Su Heng walking back, the generals quickly surrounded him and asked, "General, is Your Majesty angry?"

"General, what did you and His Majesty say, why did you stand there for two or three hours?"

While speaking, all the generals looked curious. They all wanted to know whether the emperor would be unhappy with today's events.

"Okay, it's all right. Your Majesty has ordered you all to go back and rest. If you don't rest now, how will you have the energy to lead the army in the future? Step back!"

Su Heng ignored everyone's inquiries, but ordered them to disperse them directly.

(End of this chapter)

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