Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 950 Apocalyptic Quotations

Chapter 950 Apocalyptic Quotations
"Sima Xun, you go down too!"

Ying Shou looked at Sima Xun and gave orders with a smile.

"No, the general is waiting outside. This place is remote. If His Majesty needs anything, you can call the general at any time, and the general can do it!"

Sima Xun cupped his hands, said goodbye, turned and left, came to the gate of the courtyard, found a seat, and sat down firmly, like an immovable rock.

"Zhang Qian, this trip must have taken you a lot of time, right? How is your book of Quotations from the Apocalypse going?"

In the room, Ying Shou looked at Zhang Qian and said with a smile.

Zhang Qian, a very powerful person in history, is also the most embarrassing person beside Ying Shou today.

At first, when Ying Shou summoned him out, he exchanged language systems from all over the world for him from the system.

You know, in history, Zhang Qian was the first person in the Central Plains who was not as good as the Western Regions. He opened the Silk Road with his own hands.
Since then, the Central Plains has truly connected with the world for the first time, and it is also the first person in this world to pioneer world trade.

If you want to say that during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who in the world made the most contribution.Some people said it was Huo Qubing, who sealed off the wolf and lived in Xuxu, and some said it was Wei Qing, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, but in Yingshou's view, it was neither Huo Qubing nor Wei Qing, but Zhang Qian.

Emperor Wu of the Han's war against the Xiongnu originated from the perennial oppression of the Han Dynasty, but Emperor Wu of the Han's competition for the world came from the worldview that Zhang Qian opened up for him.

It was Zhang Qian who let Emperor Wu of the Han know that the world is so big that it is unimaginable, so he, like Ying Shou today, wants to conquer this boundless world.

It's a pity that although Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was a legend, his abilities were limited after all.His ambition can be infinite, but his ability still cannot support his ambition.

This is not to say that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was incapable. In fact, if you look at history, you will find that ruling the world has never been that simple.

Kings who can govern the world well are basically weak kings in terms of strength.Take the distance between the Han Dynasty, the two emperors, Wen and Jing, were the ones who created the prosperity of the Han Dynasty, and they were the ones who were bullied the worst by the Huns.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty fought and killed all his life, but there were flaws in governance after all.

After fighting for a lifetime, looking back, I suddenly found that the lifelong enemy has been eliminated. However, the goal has not been reached, and the national strength has already been exhausted, and it is too overdrawn to continue overdrawing.

He wants to continue to expand the territory of the big man, but he has no power anymore.

Even, the glory of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty directly exhausted all the luck and lifeline of the Western Han Dynasty.So that after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Western Han Dynasty declined, so that it was finally buried.

This is the result of a country that only pays attention to combat power and does not pay attention to governing the world.

Ying Shou came from later generations, and he has learned too much from the past. He knows very well that a country that only pays attention to war will often waste its national power.Such as Qin Huang Han Wu.

And a country only pays attention to governing the world, but gives up the control of war, and often suffers from bullying, such as the Song Dynasty in history, especially the Southern Song Dynasty.

This is basically doomed. It can be said that in this world, it is really too difficult to come up with a perfect method.

Therefore, Ying Shou attaches great importance to war and wants to achieve his own ambitions, but he also wants to create a great cause for future generations, so sometimes he will never relax his governance of the world when he is wronged.

Looking at Zhang Qian in front of him, Ying Shou still remembered the joy he had at the beginning. What Ying Shou thought was that he would continue to go on missions for himself and prepare for his domination of the world.

At that time, thinking about this scene was so exciting, but as time passed, Zhang Qian seemed to be hidden in the snow and never used again.

Because of Ying Shou's self-defeating martial arts, Zhang Qian had no chance to use his strength.Compared with Li Yuanba, Xu Chu, Di Renjie, Yuwen Chengdu and others, Zhang Qian seemed a bit wronged.

In the end, Ying Shou decided to let him write a book and was ready.

That's right, Ying Shou has been preparing to abolish his martial arts all along, and he doesn't want to rely on his own strength to ignore what Daqin should have, but it doesn't mean that he can't teach others what he should have.

From now on, his goal is the world, since he doesn't want to stand in front of the battle, of course he can only find another person who can lead the battle.But the language itself is a big problem.

Therefore, Zhang Qian began to write a book, Apocalypse Quotations, preparing to systematically compose all the languages ​​in his mind, and spread them in the Great Qin for later use.

Therefore, people with a discerning eye will find that Zhang Qian, the emperor's envoy who was supposed to appear in the court, basically never appeared in the court, and he was working hard almost every day.

Of course, if Ying Shou wanted to, he could also exchange the sting for an apocalypse quotation, but he didn't do that, since he decided to abolish his martial arts, since he decided to get rid of the power of the system.

He will never continue to think about the system unless he is cornered.

As for the many people or things brought from the system at this moment, since you have got it, let's keep it.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the journey has been long and turbulent. It has indeed taken a lot of time, so that I haven't written a single word."

"However, the language of the world, I have already divided it into categories and combined all the similarities. I believe that after I settle down, within three years, I will be able to record all these grammars in the book."

"Of course, if His Majesty convenes, when you return to the court, you can also record and spread the world at the same time. The minister will start from the languages ​​around Daqin, and gradually expand the world from near to far. What does Your Majesty think?"

When Ying Shou looked at Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian cupped his hands and replied respectfully.

"Well, very good, since this is the case, I will definitely satisfy you and let you settle down earlier."

"In addition, if you feel that there are not enough people, you can come and tell me at any time, and I will send you as many people as you want!"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. The 100 people His Majesty has assigned to me are more than enough. If necessary, I will definitely report to you!"

Zhang Qian said respectfully.

"Okay, then you should go down first and rest more. I heard that in Xianyang, you often stay up for days, thinking hard, and writing this apocalyptic quotation."

"It's really a good thing, but don't get tired, otherwise, I won't be able to find someone to replace you!"

Ying Shou waved his hands.

"No, thank you Your Majesty for your concern, I understand!"

Zhang Qian smiled slightly, cupped his hands to say goodbye, and turned his head to leave here.

In the end, only Jun Wuyou and Shi Potian were left in the room.

Shi Potian stood on the spot all the time, looking a little distracted and absent-minded.Between thoughts drifting away, I don't know what to think.

However, his eyes looked at the emperor from time to time, with a hint of vigilance and confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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