Chapter 951
"Stone breaks the sky!"

Ying Shou finally called Shi Potian's name, with a pair of deep eyes, he looked up and down Shi Potian, as if he wanted to see through Shi Potian completely.

"The end is here!"

Shi Potian trembled all over, and hurriedly clapped his hands in response.

"Hehe, it's Potian, you seem to be very afraid of me!"

Ying Shou laughed.

"Report to Your Majesty, the last general dare not!"

Shi Potian said with a serious expression on his face.

"That's right, so you're not afraid of me?"

"That's right. You, Shi Potian, dare to do anything. In this world, who else is worthy of your fear? It doesn't matter if it's Zhen, or Haotian. After all, it's just your stepping stone."

"I heard that you married a beautiful lady in the South China Sea. How about it? Are you satisfied with the wife that my queen trained for you?"

There is something in Yingshou's words.


Shi Potian was startled, and looked at Ying Shou flickeringly, feeling inexplicably panicked, not knowing how to answer Ying Shou's question.

Could it be that today, the emperor is ready for a showdown?

Or is he going to deal with himself directly regardless of the plan?

Thinking of this, Shi Potian immediately became vigilant. Although he felt that Ying Shou might let him go because of that plan, he knew better that he actually didn't play a big role in that plan.On the contrary, it may cause a lot of things beyond Ying Shou's expectation. Once Ying Shou takes action against him in order to prevent problems before they happen, it is not surprising at all.

"Don't be so nervous, Shi Potian, if I want to kill you, even if you have thousands of lives, you will die!"

Seeing Shi Potian's vigilant look, Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and said, "You think you are very important in the plan, but in my opinion, no one is indispensable in this world.

The reason why I keep you is because I am too lazy to do anything. There will be many people who will kill you in the future, and you are not worthy of letting my hands be dirty! "

Shi Potian's expression changed, it was very ugly.

Having said all of this, it can basically be regarded as lifting the veil that he and the emperor only met.

In the past, both parties knew what kind of person the other was, but there was a veil standing there, but no one was willing to tear it off.

In other words, for the emperor, he didn't want to tear it apart.But for Shi Potian, he really didn't dare to tear it open.Because once it is torn apart, he won't even have the last leeway.

"Your Majesty finally broke the peace!"

Shi Potian took a deep breath, forced his head up, and looked at Ying Shou, with a low voice, looking at Ying Shoudao.

"Hehe, it's already come to this point, do you think it's meaningful to break or not break?"

Ying Shou laughed.

"It's really meaningless, but at this time, the emperor is still not ready to do something?"

Shi Potian also smiled slightly, looking at Ying Shoudao.

"Forget it, I'm not going to do anything, but the specific outcome depends on your choice!"

Ying Shou shrugged his shoulders, looking at Shi Potian with an expression of condescending and playing with the world, which made Shi Potian's bad feeling even stronger.

"What do you mean? Could it be that His Majesty thinks that at this time, why is there still a way to go back?"

Shi Potian looked solemn, he thought that the emperor was giving him a chance to change his mind and return to Daqin, otherwise, he would surely die.

"No, I can give others any chance, but you will never have any chance. You have to understand that this dog who betrayed its master will never be familiar with it. No matter how humble such a dog is, I will never give it any chance. Don't give him any chance!"

Ying Shou shook his head and said with a smile.

Shi Potian's face froze, looking very ugly.Ying Shou called him a dog right in front of his face.

But, at this moment, what can he do?
"Since this is the case, I don't know how His Majesty will make the final choice?"

Shi Potian breathed a sigh of relief, instead of having an attack, he said coldly.

"It's very simple, let's kill someone for me at the end!"

Ying Shou waved his hands and said with a smile: "Before, I went to the Northwest Great Wall once, and before I met Wei Liaozi, I sent an order for Wei Liaozi to mobilize [-] tiger and cardinal troops to come to the Northeast Great Wall. I believe it will take less than two days. , the [-] Tigers and Ben army should also arrive!"

"I still remember that before you returned to the Great Qin Dynasty, you took action and wiped out a hundred thousand Hun troops for me. This is the first gift you gave me."

"Now, we are about to part ways, so you should give me another gift!"

"All we monarchs and ministers have seen is that I have taken you in for more than half a year. So far, you have fought two battles for me. One, you led an army of [-] tigers and cardinals to destroy an army of [-] Xiongnu. And, on the South China Sea Islands, you fought against each other for me. Kill thousands of masters under him."

"Today, you will kill all those who betrayed me for me. This is the last gift!"

While speaking, Ying Shou stared at Shi Potian with a smile on his face, not giving Shi Potian any chance or reason to refuse.

"Those who betrayed His Majesty?"

Shi Potian thought for a while, and suddenly thought of those three thousand brave warriors, and said: "Your Majesty is saying..."

"That's right, it's the three thousand brave warriors under your command. Before, I really didn't expect that you would manipulate these three thousand brave warriors to betray me in order to let me leave earlier, far away in the South China Sea. It’s really beyond my expectation, it’s not easy!”

"Unfortunately, you still don't know me well enough. I have indeed stepped into this shocking situation, but it doesn't mean that I can let others play with me."

"In some bureaus, if I am willing to go in, I will naturally go in. But whoever dares to push me behind my back, I will definitely make his life worse than death!"

"Finally, you have to understand one thing. I don't recommend that others come to be spies in front of me."

"Even in death, as long as he is capable, I will enshrine him with high officials and rich salary. As long as he doesn't rebel for a day, I don't care about it. But when he betrays, when he rebels, I don't care. It can't stay any longer."

"The sky is big and the earth is big. As long as I make up my mind, he will die wherever he goes. Those three thousand dared soldiers were the first batch of betrayals. I can't tolerate it. What can Donghu do? Even if an army of 80 can How? I want them to die, who can protect them?"

Ying Shou nodded, and when he spoke, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was domineering. It can be said that those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish.

"Hehe, I understand. In the final analysis, His Majesty is trying to kill chickens and monkeys. His Majesty wants everyone in the world to know that His Majesty wants to kill everyone, but no one can protect him."

"So a few days ago, His Majesty just rushed to the Great Wall, and he couldn't wait to kill the Donghu camp, destroying the other four generals, more than a thousand people. In one night, he forced the Donghu God of War, Nehaman, to have no resistance. Your Majesty This is Liwei!"

"It's just that the last general didn't understand why His Majesty had to wait until now when His Majesty could do it back then. It turns out that His Majesty was waiting for the last general, and His Majesty wanted the last general to take action!"

Shi Potian laughed. At this moment, his face was so ugly and ugly. He never thought that Ying Shou would treat him so viciously like playing with a plaything.This is letting yourself break your own arm.

(End of this chapter)

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