Chapter 952
"Well, the general is very smart. In the eyes of many people, as a general, he should be the kind of person who is big and three rough. But the general is different. The general is not only five big and three thick, but also has a good brain."

"That's right, I'm just waiting for you. It's nothing to kill people, I will do it too. But there are many people, he is not worthy of me personally!"

"Of course, it's one thing if it's not worth taking a shot. If I don't kill them, I won't let it go. Therefore, these people have to be killed, and they have to be killed. I don't want to get my hands dirty and kill a few rebels." Of course, I don’t want to let my subjects take action, so I can only trouble the general!”

"If the general doesn't want to, he can refuse. However, even though the general has rebellion now, it's still dead, but I said, as long as you haven't rebelled, the laws of the Great Qin punish people and don't punish them, so I won't take action against the general. .”

"But if the general doesn't obey orders, it's tantamount to disobedience. This disobedience, to put it mildly, is no different from rebellion. At that time, even if I want to keep the general, I'm afraid there will be nothing I can do!"

"The general might as well think about it carefully!"

Ying Shou looked at Shi Potian appreciatively, and when he spoke, he had an expression of grasping the world, as if as long as he wanted, no one or anything in the world could escape his grasp forever.

"Thank you for the opportunity given by Your Majesty. I understand. I will consider this matter carefully. But there is one thing that I still don't understand. Please answer one or two questions, Your Majesty!"

Shi Potian's eyes flickered. At this moment, he understood very well that what Ying Shou had said was very clear. Today, as long as he refuses, he will be the one who will die the next moment.

In name, Ying Shou seemed to give him a chance to think about it, but in fact, he had no choice at all.

Now, the [-] Huben Army has been transferred by the emperor, as long as he refuses, after his death, it will be the turn of the [-] Huben Army.

He knows which is more important, the lives of these 3000 people or the lives of 3 people.

The point is that it is impossible for him to lose his life for the sake of those 3000 people. Now he has already had no choice but to strike. If this sword is fired, the [-] tiger army will be a hundred times stronger. The predecessors are stronger than the [-] brave warriors.

Therefore, the emperor did not give him a chance to choose, and it was impossible for him to give himself another chance to choose.

Of course, at this moment just now, he also thought about the arrival of [-] tiger and ben troops, who would directly take the opportunity to take down Yingshou.

But this thought just flashed through his mind.

Here, after all, it is still within the territory of Great Qin.In the Northeast Great Wall, even if the number of cases is weak now, there are still [-] Qin Ruishi in any case.

The combat power of these [-] strong Qin soldiers is not comparable to the [-] Huns who rushed in at the beginning.

Even if he has [-] tigers and cardinals, it is no problem to take down the [-] troops, but if he wants to eat them all, he will have to pay a lot of money.And this price was far from what he was willing to pay.

The most important thing is that Ying Shou is still here today. At the beginning, he only had 70 forbidden troops, and he dared to fight hundreds of thousands of rebels. He then mobilized [-] troops, [-] million troops, and destroyed them overnight. .

Shi Potian didn't think that he could achieve such glory with an army of [-] tigers, nor did he think that he could easily break the myth of Ying Shou.

If you act impulsively, the final result may not only be a stillborn plan, even if the plan succeeds, you will not get any benefits.Therefore, the idea of ​​directly attacking Ying Shou was killed by him in the cradle.

"Well, please tell me, General!"

Facing Shi Potian's question, Ying Shou did not refuse, and said with a smile!

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, the general has always been very puzzled, where the flaw appeared, and His Majesty was the first to notice that the general was wrong!"

Shi Potian narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Ying Shoudao.

"Really? Could it be that the general felt that he was hiding it well, and I shouldn't know?"

"In my opinion, that doesn't seem to be the meaning, does it? It seems that the general is already ready to be discovered by me, isn't he?"

Ying Shou pretended to be surprised.

"That's right, Your Majesty, the last general has indeed already made preparations. In order to protect himself, he personally led the Huben army to destroy the [-] Hun army. In fact, it is just to find a gold medal for himself."

"After all, even if His Majesty finds out, just because of this battle, His Majesty cannot dispose of the last general arbitrarily, otherwise he will be criticized by the world and people will be confused."

"But the last general really doesn't understand, the last general has reached this level, what else is worthy of His Majesty's doubts!"

Shi Potian didn't deny it, and said again.

"Hehe, that's right, you did a good job, but unfortunately, because you did so well, I have to doubt it. I also gave you a chance, but in the face of my test, you did better, but The results are all the opposite of what I wanted, so I can be sure!"

"At the beginning, I deliberately suppressed you. If you were not a guilty conscience, relying on your prestige and ability, you should have opposed it. But you didn't. You were seeking sympathy, and you were forbearing!"

"And the subsequent trip to the South China Sea, everything about the South China Sea, you have disappointed me. You say, I should be so stupid as to wait somewhere else so that I can't see through it?"

Ying Shou sneered, and after finishing speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, I've told you what you want to know. You step back, remember, with this, don't let me down, otherwise, You have planned for a long time, I am afraid that you will end up with nothing, and you will not even have a chance to make a move!"

Shi Potian's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that the self-righteous mastery he had always thought of had countless flaws in Ying Shou's view.

He finally understood that fighting with Ying Shou was a mistake in itself, and his restraint was a big mistake.

Now that he has come to this point, he has no way out, he can only appease this level first, and then make plans.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your guidance, the general understands! The general will leave!"

Shi Potian cupped his hands, took a deep breath, said goodbye, and left.

Beside Ying Shou, Nan Yan watched all this silently, for a moment, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Above the court, indeed, the wind is surging, and the undercurrent is endless!

In the past, the emperor also told him about this stone-breaking thing, but she still couldn't believe it until now.To this day, Shi Potian personally admitted that she finally had to believe it.

Who would have imagined that the great general Shi Potian, who once did his best for the first emperor of Qin, lived a bright and upright life, and was a great hero who stood up to heaven and earth, but in the end, he reappeared in the temple of the Great Qin as a traitor and rebel. Feel endless irony!

On the other side, Jun Wuyou stood there without saying a word from the beginning to the end.Faced with Shi Potian's exposure, he was really surprised at the first moment, but soon he calmed down, as if everything was normal.

Seeing Shi Potian leave, he finally said with a smile: "It seems that His Majesty is not in the mood to see Caomin today, so it is better for Caomin to leave first!"

(End of this chapter)

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