Chapter 134

"Qi Feng!" Wei Wan reacted, wiped the saliva left by someone on her face, and the teeth marks around her mouth, and looked at Qi Feng's back, angry!

The first day of the wedding began under such circumstances!
After seeing the baby sleeping soundly in the incubator, Wei Wan and Qi Feng embarked on a honeymoon trip.

Wei Wan ignored Qi Feng until she got on the plane.

She has been annoyed about the morning...

this man...

At the beginning, Qi Feng laughed so hard that Wei Wan ignored him, but he also smiled, that complacent, in the airport, he smiled so pretentiously that it dazzled the eyes of the beauties around him, even the flight attendants were affectionate Look over here.

He even came here whenever he was free and asked them if they needed anything else, without even looking at Wei Wan, just ignoring them.

Wei Wan frowned at this.

He didn't say anything, closed his eyes and slept, and ignored Qi Feng.

The ostentatious peacock!

However, Wei Wan's eyes were impatient listening to the beautiful flight attendant's deliberately charming voice, and the man was still laughing and chatting with others. just go down.

Just as Wei Wan opened her eyes, she didn't expect that stewardess to come again. She didn't know what she brought, and the man next to her started talking and laughing at her again. The laughter of the two...

"Qi Feng!" Until Wei Wan frowned lightly and called his name.

"What's the matter?" Qi Feng looked back at her, a little puzzled, seeing her frowning with a calm face, he felt something was wrong, and came over to end the communication with the flight attendant.

Of course, Wei Wan received an angry look from the stewardess for this.

Wei Wan turned her eyes away.

How could she have forgotten that Qi Feng is a man who provokes people to death.

"What, are you jealous?" He still leaned over at this moment, and asked with a playful smile.

Wei Wan directly pushed his face away: "I'm so jealous."

Cover the book and ignore him again, let him call.

Qi Feng complained.

"If you're jealous, you're jealous!"

"I told you I'm not jealous!"

Wei Wan was angry.

She's so damn jealous...

Maldives in April

It is the place where Wei Wan and Qi Feng decided to go on their honeymoon trip.

Strolling on the blue seaside, walking in the noisy streets, hiding in the quiet villages, in the Maldives, it is like being in paradise!


Snorkeling is possible during the day.

You can lie on the beach and bask in the sun. The sun in spring and April is warm and a bit hot. Go swimming in the sea, go to the SPA in the afternoon, go to the beach to pose for photos in the evening, go fishing, and there is a salon party waiting for you to dance at night. BABIQ (beach barbecue ).

Up and down the sea!Or rent a small seaplane and overlook the panoramic view of Madai.You can also make an appointment to watch the glass of the underwater world
You can have a panoramic view of the magnificent underwater world.

When I came to the Maldives, what I saw was the clear water, blue sky, sea and sky line, so beautiful, so picturesque, Wei Wan and Qi Feng were together, blowing the sea breeze and basking in the sun, neither of them went snorkeling, but watched from the side, warm The sun is basking in the body, lazy.

"Would you like to go play?" Beside him, Qi Feng put his hand on Wei Wan's stomach.

Wei Wan was only wearing a thin shirt, trousers, and a sun hat.

Qi Feng wears less than Wei Wan.

The long figure is exposed.

It attracted the attention of many beauties from all over the world who came and went only in bikinis.

Some beauties even came forward to strike up a conversation.

Of course Qi Feng just ignores him, because from the time he got off the plane to now, Wei Wan has never paid any attention to him, and no one would even look at what he said, so he had to follow Wei Wan, wherever she went, where did he go .

The planned sweet honeymoon trip fell through.

He still can't find the reason for her anger!
It can't be because of that morning, it's been a day, is it really jealous?
But she refused to admit it.

Qi Feng was extremely resentful at this time, like a little resentful husband who was abandoned, looking resentfully at the beautiful woman who covered her face with a straw hat.

I am very impatient with the beauties who come forward to strike up a conversation.

Just when he was about to explode, for some reason, his eyes suddenly turned bright.

Withdrew his hand from Wei Wan's stomach: "If you ignore me again, I'll go play alone, there are so many beauties!" His voice seemed very excited.

After speaking, Wei Wan remained silent.

"Wan'er... Wan'er... I really went to play alone!"


"Wei Wan."


"Wei Wan... I went diving with the beauty!"


For a long time, Wei Wan still didn't move, and Qi Feng's expression was a little bit bad. At this moment, a person came over...

After a long while, the sound of footsteps disappeared, and Qi Feng's voice disappeared.

And Wei Wan, whose face was covered under the hat, frowned and lifted the hat, and the side was empty, without the man who had been fawning over her, she frowned, where did Qi Feng go?Surrounded by strangers, there is no familiar figure.

Wei Wan suddenly panicked.

Also uneasy.

Blame Qi Feng, where did he go, he was still there just now, why in a blink of an eye?

And if he was going where, should he tell her?Could it be that he really went to play alone?
At this time, Wei Wan's panic sank, thinking of what she saw along the way, maybe that ostentatious man really ran to play alone, Wei Wan put on her hat again and basked in the sun.

At the same moment, on the second floor of the seaside holiday house not far behind her, a man raised his binoculars to the direction where Wei Wan was lying. The binoculars captured her completely...

Wei Wan put on her hat and lay back for a while, then lifted her hat again with a frown.

Qi Feng is still no one.

She regretted it a little. She shouldn't be angry all the way and make the honeymoon of two people like this.

Taking out her mobile phone, she was going to call Qi Feng, forget it, Qi Feng is still a big boy sometimes.

at this time……

There was a sudden commotion ahead.

Many people are running in one direction.

The footsteps are messy and eager, and some of the words in the mouth can be understood by Wei Wan and some she can't understand, but it seems that there is an accident in the sea ahead when someone is diving!
A sudden intuition made Wei Wan also get up and rush over. A voice sounded in her heart, it was Qi Feng's voice. She ran to the front, holding the mobile phone in her hand. From a distance, she saw the people being fished up by the coast.

Pale, covered with sea water.

"Qi..." Wei Wan looked at the person covered in sea water, whose hands and feet were picked up pale, and was frozen in place. She could no longer move forward, and she could no longer hold the mobile phone tightly. To the ground, to the sand.

She couldn't open her mouth, so she could only stare from a distance. For a moment, her mind went blank, and there was nothing.

She felt that she couldn't breathe, her breath was holding her breath, her heartbeat was stagnant, and her whole body was weak.

Her dazed eyes were straight, and the white pupils became more and more diffuse. She didn't dare to think about what she should do, and she couldn't think about it.

Qi... She couldn't believe why, why he was clearly fine just now, accompanied her well, and flattered her, how could that evil and charming face be resentful, how could he who silently accompanied her all the time... something wrong?
How could he be picked up so powerlessly at this moment, so pale and embarrassed?
Dazed, shocked, unable to believe, had to believe...

The familiar outfits that caught the eye are indeed all in place!
Wei Wan no longer dared to confirm whether that face was the same, it was only pale, without that ostentatious peacock smile...

The surrounding changed from a momentary silence to a sudden hustle and bustle, pulling Wei Wan back from that dazed and blank situation, her rounded pupils contracted, she slowly took steps, and walked step by step towards the place that was picked up and thrown on the beach. The paleness of the people filled with sea water.

She could hear the words around her again, she understood what she didn't understand, she looked back at where she came from, it turned out that without this person, without Qi Feng, she was so helpless and lonely.

In fact, she has always only had him!

Wei Wan suddenly felt how ridiculous her previous persistence was!

It was her indifference that ruined their supposedly happy honeymoon trip, if, if Qi Feng has something, no, no!
Otherwise, she would never forgive herself for the rest of her life!
Wei Wan, who seemed to wake up suddenly, didn't care about anything, and rushed towards the pale person lying on the beach, "Qi Feng, Qi Feng, is that you? Qi... wind……"

Wei Wan screamed frantically, her voice choked with sobs.

She is so sorry!

"Qi Feng, Qi Feng..." She only had him in her eyes, she rushed over, pushed away the people around him, and threw herself on him.

Wei Wan couldn't hear what others were saying, only heard the buzzing and buzzing in her ears, she stretched out her hand tremblingly and put it on the silent person lying in front of her, and turned to him s face.

Her heart was beating so fast that it was about to burst.

She didn't know whether she wanted this person to be Qi Feng, or if she didn't want it to be him...

If it was him, what should she do?
If not, if not, well...

It means that he may be somewhere else, where she doesn't know, well, even if it's with other women... She doesn't mind, really!
So, did she love him so deeply?

At this moment, knowing her own love, Qi Feng's love, should Wei Wan feel sad?Still happy?At least she didn't know it all her life, she thought she just liked it a little bit, a little love is stronger!
Hand moved his head over, and the next second, Wei Wan's eyes shrank again, covering her lips, wanting to cry, that face was Qi Feng's face, an evil face, but the phoenix eyes were tight Shut up, his face is pale, but I don't know why,
At this moment, she calmed down instead.

Accept calmly.

Accept is Qi!

When people talk about the most painful and sad times, they will be numb and calm, and Wei Wan is now.

Time is slow and fast.

She calmly looked at Qi Feng with a pale face.

Regardless of the strength pulling her, there were people pulling her around, trying to pull her away, and talking about something...

Wei Wan sat on the beach, holding Qi Feng's head in her hands, and put his head on her lap. Then, she carefully put her hand on the tip of his nose, feeling a faint breath with trembling hands, and then , she exhaled, still breathing, still breathing...

(End of this chapter)

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