Chapter 135

She immediately got up and wanted to escape, she also missed the baby...

What's more, if this absurdity continues, she doesn't know if there will be a day when the two of them will not be able to stand up or get out of bed.

"But I really can't bear it, wife! I still want to be with my wife..." Wei Wan couldn't escape at all. She just stood up when she was hugged to death by someone. , and someone's thoughts, dirty thoughts, Wei Wan is very clear, what does he want to do!
"Wife, I want you!" Sure enough, Qi Feng nibbled on Wei Wan, hugged her tightly, pulled off the nightgown on her body, hesitated for a while, and hugged her to the big bed.

Soon, stealing fragrance and stealing jade turned into a real love affair with bed brothers!

The hysteresis, panting, ignited again in this room!


Wei Wan couldn't refuse, couldn't refuse Qi Feng's courtship.

Every time she shook her head, but every time she found that she was completely eaten by him.

In the end, she didn't bother to resist.

This is a normal married life...

After the honeymoon is over, Wei Wan and Qi Feng return to China and return to City B.

When we got off the plane, it was already late at night.

The two returned to their home by car. After taking a shower, teasing, and HHHH, they hugged their wife and husband, and both of them fell asleep from exhaustion.

next day
In the morning, Qi Feng didn't go to the company, neither did Wei Wan. They decided to visit the three old people in Qi's old house together. Although Qi Feng's three uncles were dissatisfied with their marriage, they didn't make any decisions about their marriage and engagement. They didn't know what happened or did something bad, Wei Wan still suggested to visit them.

Anyway, she is a junior, and now she is the daughter-in-law of the Qi family, and those three old people are elders, out of politeness and upbringing, they should visit them after their honeymoon, even if they don't see her It's their business too.

In the same way, I also went to see the butler of the Qi family who has always been very good to Qi Feng.

As expected, none of the three old men saw Wei Wan.

He only said that since she is the daughter-in-law of the Qi family, she should obey the rules of a woman and not do anything that would embarrass the Qi family.

Qi Feng looked very bad at the scene, and Wei Wan comforted him, but she didn't care much about what they said, she didn't live together anyway, and she didn't see her often, so it was nothing.

I don't know if they were forced to accept her by Qi Feng, or...

Finally, Wei Wan and Qi Feng met the butler with kind eyes.

Sitting with Qi Feng in the tea room, drank the tea he brewed. As Qi Feng said, the tea was full of fragrance, with astringent and sweet taste, and it was the best brewed tea she had ever drunk.

Wei Wan could tell that the butler was really for Qi Feng, as long as Qi Feng was happy, he was also happy, and he was very kind to her.

After returning home, Wei Wan was a little tired. She glanced at the baby she was raising and fell asleep from exhaustion.

Until Qi Feng came back at night and kissed her awake.

Life goes on like this, plain and happy.

Wei Wan continued to work at Wei's, this was the decision of the two of them, since they got used to staying in Wei's, they just stayed there, anyway, Wei Han is their friend, and the relationship between Lin Su and Wei Han seems to be getting better and better. good.

Time flies by in every happiness, and leaves traces in every day.

It seemed that everything was moving in a good direction, and all troubles were far away from her.

Everything is on track!
Two months later.

Wei Wan found out that she was pregnant.

Since she was pregnant last time, Wei Wan had some experience. In the early stage, she faintly felt that her body was unconsciously tired, tired, and her body was a little heavy, as if it was not as light as before. When she brushed her teeth in the morning, she faintly felt vomiting.

At first Wei Wan didn't pay attention, thinking it was because she was uncomfortable.

Seeing the flesh on the stomach, I thought it was gaining weight.

As the saying goes, the heart is wide and the body is fat.

After marrying Qi Feng, Wei Wan has been living a very good life, very happy, and she doesn't feel a little fatter.

Until, the routine period did not come.

Qi Feng asked inadvertently.

Wei Wan just found out that she had neglected it. She was frightened. Needless to say, she was dragged by Qi Feng to the hospital. The result of the examination was that she was pregnant, just two months old, which meant that the child was on their honeymoon. Only when or after returning.

Nothing to worry about.

Wei Wan was stunned on the spot, and after being stunned, she was caught off guard by joy, ecstasy, child, baby.

Qi Feng did the same, with a father-to-be smirk on his face.

Staring straight at her and smiling, everyone around him laughed.

At the beginning, Wei Wan was a little worried, afraid that Qi Feng didn't want to have a baby so early. Knowing about Han Wei, she could tell that Qi Feng didn't like children very much, and she never mentioned that the two of them wanted a baby. Also used sets.

"Wei Wan, I'm going to be a father..." Unexpectedly, before Wei Wan had time to worry, she was embraced by the father-to-be who came back to his senses, and the two of them were having fun in the hospital.

Qi Feng even hugged her and cried.


Wei Wan lived a life of raising pigs.

get married, get pregnant, have kids...

Wei Wan feels that she has lived the life she has always wanted, with a husband she loves and a child she loves, and then, the family holds hands and raises the children, and the two of them grow old together, living a happy life.

Lin Su, who learned that she was pregnant, ran to the door with Wei Han, wanting to be a godmother.

Wei Wan made fun of her and Wei Han.

Lin Su sneered, Wei Han seemed to frown, and glanced at her.

All happy for her.

Sister Wang also came to congratulate them, and Wei Han later brought Guo Ran, who recovered well and could already talk to people.

Every day before going out, Qi Feng would touch Wei Wan's belly, and he would come to her as soon as he came back, and before going to sleep, he would touch her belly and talk to the baby inside. The expectant mother and father were so happy that they put everything aside.

Belly is getting bigger day by day.

will move.

will kick.

For a period of time, Wei Wan was sick and had severe pregnancy sickness. Qi Feng didn't go to the company every day, just guarding her, watching her vomit, while he felt uncomfortable, hugging her, feeding her, as long as she wanted to eat He said that even if he was flying, he would find someone to fly him back immediately.

Wei Wan has become fatter, but with a smile on her face, anyone who has seen it will smile knowingly, so happy.

Two months before the due date...

Qi Feng was on a business trip suddenly, and Wei Wan sent him away at home.

Before leaving, Qi Feng kissed her face and lips, hugged her and said, "Wait for me to come back." He will come back tomorrow, and tell her to stay at home, obediently, and wait for him, because there is a manufacturer abroad If there is a problem, he has to solve it himself. The people there do not accept other people to go, but only admit Qi Feng. Originally, Qi Feng didn't want to go. .

But there is only one day, and you can come back the next day. After discussing with Wei Wan, Qi Feng still went.

However, the next day, until late at night, Qi Feng did not come back.

Wei Wan began to feel a little uneasy after Qi Feng left, but she told herself that nothing would happen, she must be pregnant and just thinking about it, but, the more this happened, the more uneasy she became, and the next afternoon, Qi Feng was still missing silhouette, she unplugged his phone.

Shut down.

Wei Wan panicked.

She waited at home all night, and at dawn, Qi Feng was still missing, and her phone was still turned off.

Holding the landline, Wei Wan felt a pain in her stomach, which was unbearable. She clenched the handrail of the spiral staircase next to her, but it hurt so badly...

At this time, the phone she hung up rang, and Wei Wan Yixi quickly picked it up.

Then, his complexion changed drastically.

The phone fell from her hand, and Wei Wan fell to the ground.

No one knows who made that call and what was said...

It was the servant who was invited who found her.

In the early morning, the ambulance rang and rushed into the garden house.

Wei Wan was helped into the ambulance.

Sent to the operating room.

premature birth.

In the operating room, Wei Wan took out a child from her womb by caesarean section... Wei Wan was anesthetized at this time, unconscious, and at this time, Wei Han and Lin Su who got the news and rushed to the hospital were on their way, Wei Han was calm Face, constantly pulling out the phone.

So is Lin Su.

The two headed towards the hospital in a car.

Half a day later, they met at the entrance of the hospital and rushed in together, but they searched the entire hospital and all the hospitals in city B, but they couldn't find Wei Wan.

Wei Wan is gone.

They stood at the entrance of the hospital they reported on the phone, looking at the crowd rushing out of it, at the place where the crowd was most chaotic, the flames soaring into the sky at the corner of the surgery building, and at the corner of the building with a "boom..." It collapsed, and more and more people were watching.

Sirens, alarms, exclamations, messy footsteps, and hustle and bustle sounded over them one by one.

They were pushed to the outside by the onlookers.

You can only see the back of the head in black.

Can only see the sky fire clouds.

The voices of discussion came in waves.

"I heard it was a medical accident..." The curious exclamation person outside asked, and the person next to him immediately agreed: "It is possible, otherwise how could something suddenly go wrong, catch fire and explode? The current building is not easy Something happened, not to mention the hospital."

"What kind of medical malpractice is that?" "I don't know..."

"Shouldn't the medical accident be on the side of the laboratory building? Why is it on the side of the operating room, and it's also the maternity room?"

So many questions, so many guesses...

"That's right, even if it's a medical accident, it shouldn't be the maternity room..." "But it's also possible..." "Could it not be a medical accident, but someone deliberately sabotaged it?" "It's possible..." "Hmm... ..."

Wei Han and Lin Su's ears were full of such discussions and guesses.

They stood there in a daze, staring at the collapsed building, unable to recover.

They couldn't believe that Wei Wan was in there.

He searched all over the hospitals in City B, and the result he got was that they couldn't believe it, they couldn't believe it, but it happened in front of them, in the flames soaring into the sky, the fact that Wei Wan had really entered this hospital...

At this time, the people who rushed out of it all stopped in front of the crowd of onlookers, panting.

If you know someone, pull those who rushed out and ask.

"What the hell happened here? You came out from inside, you should know something, right?" Most of the people who rushed out were patients who also came to see the doctor for an examination. The doctors and staff of the hospital gathered inside, and there were a few conflicts in maintaining order. from.

(End of this chapter)

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