Chapter 136

They were all a little frightened!
"I heard it was a medical accident!" A woman with a big belly covered her stomach and replied, with a look of shock, fear, and panic: "You didn't see it. I was at the scene at the time, waiting for an examination, and suddenly From the end of the corridor there was a sudden sound of sparks, and there was a burst of crackling... Don't mention how terrible it was. At that time, I was stunned. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and ran out. Not long after I came out, That corner of the building collapsed, it was really scary, how could such a thing happen in the hospital, I will not dare to go to the hospital in the future, you may not know that in the operating room, a woman was rushed in and said that she was undergoing surgery due to premature birth, This time, I see, it's miserable, everything is gone..." The woman who covered her belly said pitifully with a look of fear.

"Ah... no way?" "Is there someone else operating inside?" "That's human life, I don't know if it escaped, it won't be like this..." "..." Everyone who heard the pregnant woman said exclaimed.

However, Wei Han and Lin Su rushed forward at the same time.

Wei Han even clasped the pregnant woman with both arms, and said anxiously with cold eyes: "What did you just say, say it again, you said that there is a premature birth in the operating room?"

"Yes, tell me quickly..." Lin Su asked sharply with a pale face.

The woman with the big belly looked at him, first she was frozen by Wei Han's handsome face, and then she was grabbed by two forceful forces. She met him fiercely, with red eyes and fierce expression, and swallowed her saliva cautiously. Shrinking her body tremblingly, if it wasn't for her big belly, she couldn't really shrink, otherwise she might really shrink into a ball, until Lin Su rescued her from Wei Han's hands and patted her, she opened her mouth, The voice was still trembling slightly, obviously frightened: "Yes, there is a premature woman in the operating room, why do you..."

As she spoke, she seemed to be thinking of something. She looked at Wei Han and Lin Su, opened her mouth, and covered it with her hands again: "Could it be, wouldn't you..." It must be a friend or relative of the premature pregnant woman ?She didn't finish speaking, and unconsciously retreated again.

She was terrified.

"Are you sure?" Wei Han didn't go forward to grab the pregnant woman, but asked more sternly, a premature woman, Wei Wan is premature, premature...


"Did you run out when the accident happened?" Wei Han asked again, his eyes were cold and tightened, as were his hands, Lin Su bit his lips until blood was all over them.

"This... this..."

"Say it……"

"I didn't see this, but when I ran, the door of the operating room inside was still closed, and no one came out..." Besides, anesthesia is injected during general operations, and even if something happens, you can run away, but the operating room on the operating table A woman can't run away unless someone hugs her and runs away!
The woman with a big belly in the back didn't dare to say that she was unlucky, and Wei Han frightened her heart that had finally calmed down when she came out.

Listen, Wei Han fell silent.

I was cold all over, and dejected.

The same is true for Lin Su next to him.

Women with big bellies can think of it, why can't they think of it?

It's just that they can't believe it.

A person who was able to make phone calls yesterday and was still fine, how could it be possible that he disappeared in a blink of an eye, gone...

They didn't believe it, and both of them rushed in at the same time.

In fact, the first time they rushed here, they rushed in when they saw the building bursting with sparks, and there was no one there. Even the operating room they mentioned collapsed in front of them. I knew that if Wei Wan was really inside...

At this time, the police cars outside the hospital came one after another, as well as ambulances from other hospitals.

Those who were accidentally injured were taken to other hospitals for treatment, and people from the police car sealed off the scene.

Lin Su and Wei Han rushed to the front of the building, only to encounter doctors and staff from the hospital spreading out together, and the whole building collapsed, turning into a pool of burning ruins...

They still want to rush in.

"Stop them quickly." The people who got off from the police car behind rushed over to stop Wei Han and Lin Su, not letting them in, because the building inside was already in flames, and everyone had spilled out.

"Let me go!" "Let go!" Wei Han and Lin Su both said in cold voices, trying to break free.

Wei Wan is very important to them, one is a best friend, a sister, and the other is a beloved woman...

They were dragged by the rushing fire alarm and couldn't get away.

"Let go" "Let go!"

There are faint footsteps and sounds beside him.

Wei Han and Lin Su suddenly turned their heads back at the same time, because the group of doctors behind them who came out of the hospital, the staff were reporting casualties to the police outside. This accident caused a lot of losses to the entire hospital. A corner building collapsed and was destroyed. A doctor and a premature doctor were all killed at the same time, and no one was spared.

Did not escape.

It is very likely that he was killed following the collapsed building.

"What's the name of the pregnant woman?" Wei Han and Lin Su didn't wait to finish listening, they both reacted at the same time and rushed in front of the dean. Wei Han stretched out his hand to grab the dean's collar, Stopped by the police officer next to him: "Sir, please be careful with your words and deeds."

The police officer who stopped Wei Han was obviously a rookie.

And the middle-aged man next to him, who seemed to be a police officer, stopped him immediately: "Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Wei, you are here too..." He seemed to know Wei Han, and his expression was a little flattering. By the way, Wei Han .

"Tell me, what's the name of that pregnant woman." Wei Han ignored him, only looked at the dean, and asked with a frosty face.

His hands clenched into fists involuntarily.

Show your muscles.

Nervous or scared?
Scared to hear the answer!
For the first time in Wei Han's heart, he was afraid that it was really her. He heard her name said from the director of the hospital in front of him. If it wasn't for her, they still had hope. If it was really her, they dare not think... …

After all, the dean was not frightened by Wei Han's expression. He straightened his collar, coughed, and then spoke a name between Wei Han and Lin Su's clasped hands staring at him: " It seems to be called Wei Wan."

Seeing the wide eyes of a man and a woman in front of him, the dean added for some reason: "I just found out, it seems to be her!"

You are?
He wanted to ask, but the answer was so obvious.

After getting the answer, Wei Han and Lin Su couldn't do anything, and the words Wei Wan and Wei Wan kept ringing in their ears.

Who do these two characters represent?
Looking up mechanically, the flames of the turret in the distance have been burnt out, and there are ruins all over the place, ruins where nothing can be seen.

Even if the people around them said it, they couldn't hear it.

They vaguely heard someone calling them, heard footsteps, they turned their heads, and the next moment, their eyes narrowed, and they saw a few steps behind them, standing there alone, with a tired and pale face, His whole body was covered with burns, as if he had rushed out of the fire, his eyes were blood red, and he was lifeless.

Except for those eyes.

Those blood-red eyes are like walking corpses!

Obviously heard the words of the dean.

Qi Feng stood there, with a blood-red face behind Wei Han and Lin Su, tired and stiff, with a wrinkled suit, messy face with bruises and plastered hair, limping feet, walking towards Wei Han and Lin Su step by step. Lin Su.

"Where's Wei Wan?" He jolted up to Wei Han, his long body was no longer tall and straight, showing decadence.

He asked, as if he was asking Wei Han, but also as if he was asking himself.

He lost the treasure on his heart.

Nothing can happen to her!

"Where's Wei Wan?"

he asked again.

"Qi Feng..." Lin Su stretched out his hand, but it fell halfway. Where's Wei Wan?
She also wants to ask.

What about their Wei Wan?

"Where's Wei Wan? Where's my Wan'er?" Qi Feng asked loudly, turned to all the people present, and asked everyone around him aggressively. Almost fell.

Everyone present was shocked by the sadness of losing all that came out of him.

The name Wei Wan has been engraved in the hearts of many people.

Wei Wan...

"You give me back Wei Wan!" Finally, Qi Feng rushed to the dean, pulled him and shouted, it was the first time that Qi Feng, the always elegant and charming president of the Qi family, was so imageless.

"Qi Feng!" Wei Han has gradually calmed down, he rushed to Qi Feng in a few steps and held him back, stopped drinking, his eyes looked around intentionally or unintentionally, what was in his dark and cold eyes?
"Wei Han, tell me what about Wei Wan?"



An extremely sad voice, as if he had lost everything, came from Qi Feng's mouth, and he squatted on the ground.

Wei Han and Lin Su were equally sad.

The darkness in Wei Han's eyes was as thick as ink, hiding obscure wounds, and Lin Su cried.

A drop of tear fell down.

Tears are pouring down!

The people they brought around formed a circle, this scene was reflected in the eyes of many people, and this scene made many people cry!
In the distance, a small camera captures everything that happens here without missing a beat, and transmits it to a place not far from here, a room, where there is a person, one sitting in a wheelchair man smiling charmingly.

Very good, very good.

Very exciting!
You know, this is just the beginning...

Looking at the sadness and pain of the long man in the camera video, listening to the sad and tearful voice from inside.

"Hahaha..." A hearty and charming laugh came from the mouth of the man in the wheelchair.

It's spread far and wide.

He smiled and looked down at the wheelchair under him. The expression on his face suddenly became sharp, full of charm, and his slender hand suddenly swept away.

He looked at the broken things and laughed again.

Can't stop laughing.

Laugh like crazy.

She smiled with malice and hatred on her face.

Outside the door, a gentle and indifferent man put his hand on the door, and took it back, with his back to the door, the man inside the door, and the bursts of devilish laughter, he looked down at the hand. He didn't know if he was doing something wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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