Chapter 169

"Baby, do you like it? This is Singapore?" She hugged the baby on her chest, kissed it, and said softly to her little face.

The baby, like her mother, seemed to like this strange country very much, and her big black pearl-like eyes rolled around.

Yay... yelling, giggling... laughing.

That cheerful, pink face is like a little bun. Looking at it white and tender, it makes people want to take two bites of the bun. Now, with a smile, it looks even pinker and more like a little bun.

"Baby, you are so cute." Wei Wan was so cute.

Your own child is cute!
Another kiss.

With a giggle...

Even Wei Han, who had been keeping a cold face after getting on the plane, couldn't help but calm down. Looking at the mother and daughter who were kissing, he raised his lips.

Wei Wan's room is on the second floor, and Wei Han directed people to move things in and put them away.

"In the future, you will live here." He said.

Wei Han told Wei Wan that this is an empty villa, there is no one there, only a few servants who are responsible for cleaning from time to time, usually, only he will come to live here when he is on a business trip.

He wanted her to be here, just right.

Wei Wan wanted to refuse.

Looking at the villa in front of her, and the low-key but luxurious room in front of her, she shook her head, she didn't want to do this, this kind of room was not what she should live in, and this was not the place for her to stay.

That's not what she wanted.

She didn't want to be like this with Wei Han, this is Wei Han's house, and he has helped her a lot.

She believed that if it wasn't for him at the airport today, Si Luo would not let her go easily.

She didn't know what they were talking about though.

But she always remembered what he said, not to let that person hurt her, even if he just said it.

Now, he wants to help her like this again, asking her to live here?

no need!

"No need." Wei Wan refused Wei Han. Here, forget it. After waiting for two days and resting, she wants to go out and find a small house by herself, which is enough for her and the baby to live in. Then, she will Find a job, or find a job to do at home, and study.

Just her and the baby.

There is no need for such a big house, let alone Wei Han's, they are friends, and only friends.

"Wei Wan!" Hearing her rejection, Wei Han frowned displeased.

It's not that he didn't think that Wei Wan would refuse, because what he knew was just...

"No need." Wei Wan smiled and shook her head.

"You just came here, and you are not familiar with anything, besides, it will be much more convenient for you to live here." Wei Han frowned even more, he didn't want her to suffer.

There is a part of my heart that wants to take care of her more.

Just because she didn't want to.

"It's really not necessary." She still shook her head, she owed him a lot, and if she owed him more, she...

"Listen to me, don't be in a hurry to find a house, you still have to take the baby with you, if you don't want to, you should think more about the baby, it's not convenient for you to take it alone." Wei Han finally healed a little and his face returned He sank down, stared at her, and even threw the baby out, asking her to agree.

"This..." Wei Wan glanced at the baby in her arms, and had to admit that Wei Han found her weakness, and this place is better for the baby.

"Okay, I'll live here first, thank you, I'll move after I find a house." After thinking about it, she still made it clear to Wei Han.

Seeing Wei Han wanted to say something again, she immediately stopped her: "Wei Han, really, I don't like living in such a place, you should know me, I still like ordinary life, don't worry, I'm not capricious or In addition, believe me, I can take care of myself and my baby, and I’m not going to move out right away? Let’s take a rest now.”

Even when she and Qi Feng got married and lived in the apartment they bought, she never liked it.

So spacious!
Wei Han looked at her deeply for a while, then turned and went out the door.

Wei Wan knew that he was still angry.

Why!Sighing, Wei Wan waited for the servant to move the things out, then walked to the bed, and gently put the baby on the bed, as if tired, the baby squinted his eyes and yawned cutely, then fell asleep.

Wei Wan smiled, bent down, and kissed her forehead.

Get some sleep, my baby!

Wei Wan stayed in the room for a long time.

Wei Han did not appear again.


Wei Wan and Wei Han were both tired, and they met at the dinner table.

Wei Han was still angry, and he didn't talk to her while eating, and Wei Wan didn't know how to talk to him, she just felt tired, tired and helpless.

After eating, we went back to our room

Go back to the room, lie on the bed after washing up.

Wei Wan, however, tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She turned on the wall lamp beside her, and the soft light fell down. She looked at the baby beside her, kept looking, and then looked at this room.

Really luxurious.

It's really not for her.

She's just an ordinary woman...

Close to the baby, she closed her eyes, opened them again, and got out of bed.

Wei Wan stood in front of the window sill, a strange place, a strange house, she stepped on the ground, her heart was cold, the baby's familiar and cute face was on the bed, the light was not turned on, and there was a faint light outside, she looked outside heavily black.

City B, Qi Feng...

In the middle of the night, Wei Wan fell asleep in a daze.

She seemed to see him again.

his silence.

The struggle in his eyes, the pain.

He turned and left indifferently!

She opened her mouth to call, but couldn't say his name.

Come to sleep, it's already dawn.

Beside him, the baby has woken up.

On the pillow, the corners of my eyes are dry tears...

Clutching her chest, it felt as if it had been torn apart, and every night, every morning, Wei Wan felt the pain. Only holding the baby can Wei Wan feel less pain.

If, if, it keeps hurting like this.

When can she forget and be free?

One month later

Wei Han returned home.

Wei Wan's life starts again...

She is far away from the once important people in her life, but is she really far away?Is it all over if you stay away?There is always something to cut!

Time is passing, things and people are changing, love and hate are entangled...

And City B after Wei Wan left.

Calm and calm.

It's just that a man has been looking for her and Wei Han for a month.

Qin Tian!

He guarded the downstairs where Wei Wan lived. From the day Wei Wan and Wei Han left, a month later, he still did not find Wei Wan and Wei Han. He knew that he had missed them. After Wan left City B, he stopped looking.

half a year...

There was a news from the Qi family that the three senior elders of the Qi family had officially retired and no longer participated in the management of the Qi family. The Qi family was completely in the hands of the president, Qi Feng.

Become the head of the Qi family.

one year later……

The Qi family merged with the Xu family and became one family.

City B is no longer flat, and the undercurrent is raging.

And another news...


In the CEO's office, the man standing in front of the large floor-to-ceiling glass windows turned his back to the office door. He held a cigarette between his slender fingertips and sucked it slowly. I don't know the direction, that direction...

One year, twelve months, 360 five days, it turns out that so long has passed.

That long and that short.

It was so long that he felt as if a whole life had passed, but so short that he was so far away from her in an instant!
It turned out that she had been away for a year.

A lot has changed in a year, and his plan is implemented step by step.

soon, soon...

Soon he will be able, soon he will be able... That man will also pay the price, but his body is getting heavier and weaker, he is afraid that it will be too late, there is no time!
He wants to see her...and is afraid to see her...where is she now?

doing what?
The face carved into the bone seems to appear in front of my eyes...

Qi Feng held his chest in discomfort.

mild cough.

But he is still smoking, let the smoke linger, confused!

Don't know if he'll ever see her again, hope...hope...he'll see her then...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Qi Feng said, his voice cold.

There are no fluctuations.

It's like a pool of giving up, calm and calm!


"President." The person who came was Qi Feng's secretary. Behind him, there was a man wearing glasses who followed the secretary in.

"What's the matter?" Qi Feng didn't look back, but still looked out of the window, as if there was something outside that attracted him, making him unwilling to look back, his back was straight, but he was extremely thin, and he had changed a lot in a year.

"I'm looking for you." Before the secretary had time to reply, he opened his mouth with the man wearing glasses who looked quite gentle behind him, walked around him, and walked to Qi Feng's side, frowning sideways, then The eyes under the pair of gold-rimmed glasses looked at Qi Feng with some dissatisfaction, frowned, took the cigarette in his hand away, and threw it into the ashtray beside him, and said in a displeased tone: "Why are you smoking again? ?I told you last time that you don’t want to smoke any more, it’s not good for your current body, don’t be too tired, do you want to die? Can’t you just listen to it?”

It can be seen that the man seems to be very familiar with Qi Feng.

The tone and manner of speaking are very casual.

"Why are you here?" He didn't get angry when the cigarette was taken away, but just smiled coldly, and the gloomy black in those phoenix eyes became less.

It made the gentle man with glasses frown even more: "Why am I here? If I don't come again, you don't want this body anymore. If you want to die sooner, don't bother. You don't listen to my warning and twitch like this every day." Go on, sooner or later..." After speaking, the man frowned even more, and looked at Qi Feng very dissatisfied, with worry in his eyes.

"It seems that you forgot that today is the day of routine inspection." After looking at Qi Feng for a while, the man said.

"Check? Well, I forgot." Seeing the man frowned and dissatisfied, Qi Feng seemed a little embarrassed, hooked his lips, and smiled, he really forgot... It's just his body... Sighed, he squinted Looking at the flock of birds flying past the floor-to-ceiling windows, it's just that he can't fall down yet, the plan is only halfway through, and he can't...

He will hold out until the project is completed.

The day the man fell.

Clenching his hands tightly, turning around, he apologized to the man: "Please remind me." The person who came was the family doctor of Qi's family and had a good relationship with Qi Feng. For Qi Feng's sake, he just came back from abroad...

(End of this chapter)

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