Chapter 170

"You... smoke less in the future. If you don't want to die right away, you should also know the current condition of your body. Smoking is very damaging to your body, and you should also pay attention to rest and don't get too tired. , like you don’t listen now, it won’t work if you continue like this, I told you earlier in the morning and told you, you can’t go on like this, otherwise, no amount of medicine will work, you should know, you didn’t care about your health like this before , why..." The man sighed when he saw this, his dissatisfaction eased, he patted Qi Feng's shoulder weakly, his words were earnest, his eyes covered by glasses were full of concern.

While talking, he glanced at the secretary on the side with dissatisfaction: "I remember I told you last time, pay attention to your president's health, remind him to take medicine, check up, and not smoke too much!" good.

Hearing this, the secretary on the other side cast a glance at the CEO of his family, and thought to himself: "It's not that he doesn't persuade, it's that he can't persuade him. The president doesn't even listen to the words of the president's wife. How can he listen to him? It's really inside and out. not human.

Qi Feng also touched his nose embarrassingly, trying to change the subject, he knew his body: "Is this what you are here today?"

He put his hand on the other person's shoulder and patted it. He also knew that he was worried about him, and his heart warmed up.

It's just that he...

He's afraid he doesn't have enough time...

"Well, come and see you by the way." The man nodded, and the two stood together in front of the window. The man didn't know what to think, and suddenly said: "I met Wei Han at the airport two days ago. He seems to have just returned from abroad. I don't know what he is busy with? Does he seem to go abroad a lot?"

He didn't notice the sudden change on Qi Feng's face when he mentioned Wei Han.

But it was only for a moment, and it recovered again, and it was no longer visible.

It is suspected to be an illusion!

"Hmm..." Qi Feng hummed.

Do you often go abroad?
Is he going to see her?

how is she
Wei Han and her...

The light in his eyes sank, and Qi Feng looked out of the french window again: "Maybe he has something to do abroad." He slowly clenched and loosened his hands, raised his head, and narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah." The man also nodded: "However, what about you? Still can't forget your ex-wife?"

The man seemed to speak casually, but his eyes under the glasses were full of worry. He stared closely at Qi Feng, seeing the immediate change in the cold expression in Qi Feng's eyes, he sighed inwardly.

He knows exactly how Qi Feng's body is now, and he is doing it for his ex-wife...

He only saw Wei Wan at Qi Feng and Wei Wan's wedding.

He didn't know Wei Wan well, he only knew that something happened prematurely, and later, he didn't know, he only knew that Qi Feng's body seemed to have deteriorated because of her, he was very dissatisfied with Wei Wan in his heart, and didn't care, Qi Feng...

"..." Qi Feng didn't answer.

ex-wife?Why did he feel so painful and uncomfortable when he heard these two words?

Obviously he has Xu Man, everything becomes the past when he decides, and he will still be suffocated.

Close your eyes to suppress the pain in your eyes.

"Speaking of which, I want to tell you something. You may not know it. I saw your wife in the hospital just before I came here." His eyes flashed, and the man changed the subject, perhaps because he knew that he had stepped on Qi Feng's pain. Bar.

"Hospital?" Qi Feng still closed his eyes.


"What did she go to the hospital for?"

"Guess what, I want to congratulate you!"

"Congratulations?" Qi Feng frowned very tightly at this time, congratulations to him?
What need to congratulate him?


Why did Xu Man go to the hospital?
"Yes, you are going to be a father, of course congratulations...Xu Man is pregnant!" The man raised a smile on his face and said to Qi Feng: "Be happy, be happy, I will tell you as soon as I get the news .”

Qi Feng frowned: "What did you say?"

He suddenly opened his eyes, turned around, and looked at the man wearing glasses with a gentle face: "Say it again."

Xu Man is pregnant?
Seeing Qi Feng like this, he didn't seem to be excited, the man patted him on the shoulder: "Then let me say it again, your wife is pregnant." Seeing that his face was not only not excited but turned ugly, he immediately said: "Don't worry, you The child is very healthy, and the wife is also in good health, and will definitely be born safely."

He thought he was thinking about the accident that his ex-wife Wei Wan gave birth prematurely!
But Qi Feng's face has returned to indifference, the clouds are calm and the wind is clear.

Not the slightest bit of excitement.

Qi family, a low-key and luxurious room, in the bedroom of Qi Feng and Xu Man after they got married, a woman who doesn't look very good, but elegant and beautiful with a touch of gentleness is lying on the bed, stroking her belly.

Who is she?
She was Xu Man who had just returned from the hospital.

At this time, she looked a little rounder, her hands were moving and rubbing on her still flat belly, but she was a little dazed, she didn't know what she was thinking, there was a touch of happiness, and a touch of joy on her face. There is a faint worry...

There are unspeakable worries hidden in the joy.

I don't know what she is worried about.


two months...

Is it that night?

That night...was she pregnant?
She always remembers that night.

That one and only night...

"Hasn't Qi come back yet?" Xu Man suddenly recovered from the trance, lowered his head and glanced at his lower abdomen, then glanced at the sky outside, and asked, asking outside the door, standing outside with two people.

"Yes." Hearing this, the two people outside immediately answered.

"Oh..." The indescribable disappointment was not the disappointment hanging on Xu Man's face, she looked down at her belly again, and touched it.

her child...

What would Qi think?
Would he be happy to know?

Slowly stroking her stomach, Xu Man knew that Qi must know by now. After the examination in the hospital, she saw the family doctor who seemed to have a good relationship with Qi Feng and who often came to the house. He would tell Qi, right?

She looked down at her belly, groping for...

Close your eyes!

Shortly after……

Footsteps were heard outside.

Xu Man immediately looked up, and it turned out that Qi Feng had come back, standing at the door of the room, but he didn't come in.

"Qi..." A little excited, a little worried, a little happy, she bit her lip and called him, trying to stand up, but just as she was about to get up, she sat down again, rubbing her belly, the tenderness and pitifulness disappeared from the beauty His eyes were straight on Qi Feng.

Qi Feng paused, with an expression on his face that no one could see the slightest emotion.

"What am I going to do when I come back?" He said, asking Xu Man coldly, a gleam of light flashed in his phoenix eyes aimed at her belly, with a faint inexplicable expression.

"I, I..." Xu Man's face was dyed red, especially when Qi Feng looked at her, she wanted to say something but couldn't say anything, so she just grabbed Qi Feng: "Aren't you coming in?"

"Just tell me what you have to say." Qi Feng slightly raised his lips, still only stood at the door, did not go in, with a distant attitude.

"Me, have you seen the family doctor?" Xu Man bit her lips, feeling a little resentful in her heart, he kept getting further and further away from her, she opened her mouth a few times, and finally only this sentence came out.

Qi Feng knew what she wanted to say, so he raised his lips coldly.

The man also walked in, and walked to Xu Man's bedside: "What?"

"Didn't he tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Qi Feng stared at Xu Man, looked at her face looking up at him, the resemblance became more and more different in time, and no trace of resemblance could be found. Has his memory changed, or has he changed?

Even the guilt melted away with time.

"I'm pregnant." Xu Man still said it herself. She originally thought that the person would tell him and he would be happy. It was because of her that he came back so early, because he knew...but, he...don't know?The man didn't tell him?
"..." Qi Feng didn't speak for a while, just looked at Xu Man.


"Qi..." Xu Man felt something was wrong, she looked at Qi Feng's expression, she didn't see joy, she didn't see anything, all she could see was calm or the usual indifference, her heart sank suddenly, is he unhappy?

Dissatisfaction welled up in Xu Man's heart, and the dissatisfaction after Xu's merger into Qi's filled her heart.


"I'm very happy." Just when Xu Man's face sank and twisted slightly, Qi Feng stretched out his hand and patted her head, and said.

"Qi..." Xu Man wanted to say something but was hugged by Qi Feng.

She can't see anything.

Can't see clearly.

are you happy?
Xu Man embraced Qi Feng and hugged her body, buried her head in it, and slowly raised the corners of her mouth.

She knew Qi would be happy!
After having a child, Qi will completely belong to her!

There is nothing wrong with Xu's being merged into Qi's...

It's all hers!

The news of Xu Man's pregnancy spread at such a time!

Co-authored the news that the Xu family was merged into the Qi family!
The news that obviously didn't need special attention suddenly spread out at this time when the Qi family merged with the Xu family, and it also attracted the attention of many people who followed the Qi family and the Xu family. All kinds of news were flying all over the sky, gossip, discussions, speculation ...

Originally, Qi's merger with Xu's sudden move had an impact on the financial and commercial circles of City B.

Many speculations mentioned the marriage between Qi and Xu a year ago, the marriage between Qi Feng and Xu Man, and the relationship between husband and wife. Many people thought that their relationship between husband and wife was cold, and some people mentioned Qi Feng's ex-wife who passed away.

Take this as a comparison... I thought it was Qi Feng who missed his ex-wife, and this year, Qi Feng has been reclusive, and there are few reports about him, but Xu Man often appears in various commercial receptions and dances.

I didn't expect the news that President Qi, who hadn't shown up for a long time, came out would be shocking news!

The Qi family merged with the Xu family...

Xu's is also a very wealthy group with branches both at home and abroad.

It's just that there is only one daughter, Xu Man.

And Qi Feng married Xu Man back then, what was the purpose of this commercial marriage?
You must know that many people have seen the wedding of Qi Feng and his ex-wife Wei Wan, and many people have paid attention to it. After all, a man like Qi Feng who comes from a family with certain abilities is very popular. Plus Wei Wan's marriage with Prince and Cinderella.

(End of this chapter)

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