Chapter 190

"Si Luo, we should settle it." In the hall, Qi Feng said suddenly, after Wei Wan left, his eyes and expression had never been firmer and colder than before.

"What did you say?" Si Luo's charming smile changed, he stared closely at Qi Feng, frowning, looking at such a resolute and cold Qi Feng, he...his hands clenched into Fist, eyes flashed: "What are you going to do?"

Mo Mei's smile faded away, and Si Luo was never serious.

"It's over!"

"Qi Feng..."

"You forced me."

"Am I forcing you? Who is forcing whom? You are really doing it for a woman..."




The two men looked at each other, but one's face was resolutely cold, while the other was no longer so enchanting, with complicated light in his eyes. This kind of Si Luo seemed to have stripped away that layer of enchanting darkness, which is rare. familiar expression.

Zuo Si lowered his eyes and remained silent, with no unnecessary expression on his face.

As for Xu Man, he was long gone.

"If so, then I will kill her!" Si Luo stared at Qi Feng and said suddenly.

"You won't!" Qi Feng also stared at Si Luo, he replied.

"I will, don't you know me yet?"

"You might have been able to before, but now you won't..."

"What did you say?"

"You know what I'm talking about, what I mean, you know it yourself, don't deceive yourself, you have already told her..." Needless to say, Qi Feng's eyes became complicated.

"No, you don't understand and you don't understand, I will really kill her!" Si Luo said coldly, denying that the murderous intent really flashed in the demon's eyes, and Qi Feng's eyes were completely suppressed. A man who is cruel to everything, who believes in things, and does not let go when he is wrong.

Si Luo to Wei Wan...he can see it!

"If you still don't admit it, then I will stop you!"

"You can't stop it."

"I'm willing to do anything!"


"it's me!"

"Why? Qi Feng! She is really so important, so important that you become like this?" There is also hatred in Si Luo's eyes, and Qi Feng has mixed hatred in his eyes. Emotions.

Is this hatred pure hatred, or extreme love hatred?

"Yes, she is my life, without her, I will not live alone." Qi Feng looked into Si Luo's eyes, this was his final conclusion, the answer to the life of the walking dead after losing her , Without her, he really would rather die than live, as if thinking of something, a vain and empty smile floated on his face.

"I'm going to kill her now, to see if you really want to die, do you want to die? Then I will fulfill you!" The complex distortion in Si Luo's eyes was twisted hideously in Qi Feng's words, and he suddenly Slide the wheelchair and ask Zuo Si to push him out.

Wei Wan...

He was going to find her, so life would be better than death.

"Siluo!" Qi Feng came to his senses and stopped Siluo.

"Why are you afraid?" Si Luo, who stopped the wheelchair, turned his back to Qi Feng, turned his head sideways, looked at him, and said coldly.

"No, I just want to tell you, if you want to hurt her, then kill me first, kill me, otherwise, I will never let you hurt her again, I will kill you, she has already Took too much."

"Hehe, hahaha..." After listening to Qi Feng's words, Si Luo Momei's eyes were covered with blackness. Neither Feng nor Si Luo dared to approach and retreated.


The night is very deep, very deep!

They seemed to feel a biting chill.

It's so cold before it's winter!
"What are you laughing at? Si Luo, don't believe it!"

"I believe, I believe you want to kill me for a woman! Very good! Great..." Why didn't he laugh, this was the best joke he had ever heard, Qi Feng actually wanted to kill me for a woman, for that Wei Want to kill him?
"..." Qi Feng looked at Si Luo, who was laughing wildly, with a cold face.

"However, you want to kill me, so your child doesn't want it?" Si Luo smiled wildly, wildly, cruelly and fiercely, and said coldly with his lips curled up charmingly.

"Child?" Qi Feng's face changed, he...

"Yes, your child."

"I don't have any children." He loosened his hands and spoke in a flat voice.

"It seems that I didn't make it clear. I'm talking about Wei Wan and you, not about Xu Mansheng..." Looking at the expression on Qi Feng's face that changed from indifference to coldness after hearing about Wei Wansheng's child , Si Luo's eyes darkened even more.

Sure enough, I care so much.


Qi Feng looked at Si Luo deeply: "What do you mean?"

"What do you say?"

"Then, I will kill your child too." Qi Feng also said suddenly.

"..." Si Luo Mo's charming dark eyes opened wide, his brows were frowned, and he looked at Qi Feng.

"Yes, you heard me right, Si Luo, if you dare, I will kill your child too, oh, I forgot to tell you, your child, Han Wei gave birth to you, already over four years old, see Come on, you never knew!"

"What? Qi Feng, what did you say?" If Si Luo could stand up, he would stand up now: "Tell me again."

"Probably you forgot, five years ago, that night..." Qi Feng said coldly, he helped Si Luo recall, he thought of Han Wei, although Han Wei was to blame, but what happened that night...

There is also Han Wei who is recuperating abroad so far!

"That night?" Si Luo seemed to be thinking about it, and when he thought about it, he opened his devilish eyes and frowned.

"Child? Where is it?" He looked up at Qi Feng.

Qi Feng didn't answer Si Luo again, he went out of the hall.

When passing by...

A word falls.

"I will wait for you at twelve o'clock in the evening..." In one sentence, one time.

Seeing Qi Feng's back, Si Luo shook hands into fists: "Do you really think that a child can stop me? My child, what about my child, is it twelve o'clock? Okay, I want to see what you want What kind of ending will come!"


"Zuo Si, check for me immediately if Qi Feng has a four and a half year old child..."

"Yes!" Zuo Si, who had been standing behind him expressionlessly, replied, and then pulled out the phone.

"Help check one thing... hurry up!"

At this moment, Si Luo thought of something completely irrelevant to the child. He half-closed his eyes, and what echoed in his mind was Qi Feng's questioning him. Can he really do it?Wei Wan, that woman... deceived herself?No, just a woman!

But even so, he clenched his hands tightly, and his heart tightened when he thought of really killing that woman.


He can't, this woman, Qi Feng is the only one who is like this, he can't bear it, can't...

at the same time……

In the garden, Wei Wan, who wanted to be alone, didn't get the quietness she wanted.

After she arrived in the garden, a person was already waiting there.

Qin Tian!

I don't know when he came here, when he stood in the garden?When Wei Wan saw it, she frowned, turned around without saying a word, and was about to leave, but a pair of big hands grabbed her arms, stopped her from leaving, and even clasped her hands, trapping her in place.

"Wei Wan, wait..." he called her.

wait for him?


Wei Wan directly wanted to shake off Qin Tian's grip on her hand: "Let go of me, Qin Tian!"

"Wait, Wei Wan, I have something to tell you, I want to tell you..." Qin Tian didn't let go, and held Wei Wan's hand even tighter, taking her off and not letting her go, the expression on his face Because of the unknown light in the garden, she couldn't see very clearly, she only saw his vague features and the outline of his face.

Can't see the expression!
"No, let me go, let go, Qin Tian." Of course Wei Wan refused, she didn't think there was anything to say between her and Qin Tian, ​​what should have been said a few years ago, and she couldn't forget the two Years ago he suddenly appeared and threatened her. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have to leave City B like that!
What's more, since she came here today, she found that Qin Tian seemed to be different, looking at her eyes.

Have regrets?

And love?

Did you make a mistake!
Did Qin Tian take the wrong medicine, or was the door jammed?Wei Wan shook her head, she was reluctant to think about it, maybe she was wrong, but unexpectedly, she saw him again in the garden!

"Listen to me, Wei Wan, listen to me, okay, I have something to tell you, just for a while." Wei Wan's refusal just made Qin Tian tighten his hands even more.

Wei Wan also realized it.

She turned her thoughts away and took a look around. Apart from the shadowy scene illuminated by the leaking light, there was a dark garden tree shadow in the distance. She stopped struggling and moved, and she looked at Qin Tian: "Mr. Let me go, you should be waiting for someone, as for what President Qin wants to say, let me go first."

I’m waiting for you!Unexpectedly, Qin Tian said so.

Wei Wan fainted.

He, Qin Tian, ​​is waiting for her?
"Then let me go." Wei Wan forced her to calm down and said, looking at Qin Tian, ​​asking him to let go of her hand, she was strangled so tightly that it hurt a little.

"Then you promise me not to run away, listen to me, okay?" Although Qin Tian's tone was still a little cold, it was surprisingly good. It really made Wei Wan wonder if he didn't know what to play again or was really trapped by the door. up?
"Okay." Wei Wan nodded, promised him not to run away, and asked him to let go.

"You said, don't run." Qin Tian took a deep look at Wei Wan, and let go of his hand.

Wei Wan immediately withdrew her hand and glanced at it. It was a little blue. Qin Tian's strength was too great, and it still hurt a little when he gently rubbed it.

Qin Tian also saw it and looked at her.

He wanted to reach out again: "I hurt you, let me see."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Wan took a step back, not letting him approach, touch!

"Speak, don't you have something to say?" Wei Wan asked calmly after a few steps away, but she wanted to see what he was going to say?
"I..." Qin Tian looked at her, wanting to say something, but he seemed a little hesitant.

"..." Wei Wan rubbed her hands, looked around calmly, to see if anyone was there, in case Qin Tian...

(End of this chapter)

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