Chapter 191

"Wei Wan, I want to ask you, do you hate me?" Qin Tian asked Wei Wan after a while.

hate her?
After he finished asking, he looked straight at her.

"I hated it." Wei Wan glanced at him and answered him. She used to hate that way, but later she stopped hating. He, Wei Yue, and Wei's mother are not worth it. Now they have nothing to do with her. They are They, she is her, they no longer intersect, and each has a life.

If she hated, she also hated herself. She was useless and misunderstood the wrong person.

What's more, it takes too much effort to hate someone. It's not worth letting her live in hatred just to hate him.

Qin Tianwei and Wei's mother are not worthy of her hatred.

She believes that she doesn't need to hate to take revenge, and one day they will get retribution.

She only hates Qi Feng and Si Luo!
Thinking of Si Luo who was in the hall just now, Qi Feng...

"What about now?" Qin Tian frowned.

"I don't hate anymore." With a faint smile, Wei Wan told the truth.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Qin Tian grabbed her hands and held her.

"You said you don't hate me, is that true?" he asked.

Wei Wan stopped trying to break free, and she also frowned, looking at Qin Tian: "Of course it's true." She nodded.

It's just that she didn't expect it.

"Then let's get together again, Wei Wan, give me a chance, let me take care of you, let's get together again, remarry, okay?" He was so excited that he hugged her into his arms and kept saying with.

Said something that made Wei Wan stunned.

together again?
take care of her?

It's getting more and more outrageous, more and more dizzy, what is Qin Tian talking about?Does he know what he's talking about?

"What did you say?" Wei Wan pushed back his embrace: "Let go of me, Qin Tian."

"I won't let it go, listen to me, Wei Wan, I regret it, I found out that the person I love the most is you, and I have always loved you, it was my fault before, it was my fault, I shouldn't have betrayed you, You shouldn't cheat, you shouldn't be tempted by Wei Yue to do something sorry for you, please forgive me, I know I was wrong!" Not only did Qin Tian not let go of Wei Wan, but he hugged him even tighter.

He actually confessed to her in his mouth.

Is she still the favorite?He is wrong?Shouldn't you betray her?Forgive him?
Wei Wan was dumbfounded.

What is this Qin Tian talking about?he……

"what are you saying?"

"Haven't you heard clearly, Wei Wan, I regret it, I found that I still love you, I have never loved other women, Su Ai and Wei Yue are the ones who seduced me, they are my love, but I don't want to, just because ..." Qin Tian blamed all those betrayals on the woman, and after talking about it, he didn't know what he thought of, so he stopped talking.

Wei Wan's complexion became bad.

She knew what Qin Tian meant. His was different. He wanted to remarry her?

want to be with her.

Want her to start with him again!
Who does he think he is?

If you want to leave, you can leave, but now you can be together with a word of regret?
What does he think of her as Wei Wan?
Don't say that she doesn't love him for a long time now, it's good if she doesn't hate him, and she still wants her to be with him again?he is really...

Even if she still loves him, she will not agree to be with him!
"But will it? Because of what..." Wei Wan wanted to hear what he said, but what was behind it!
She really didn't expect that one day Qin Tian would come to her to confess, saying that he regretted it and still loved her?She didn't believe it. She wasn't even sure whether he had really loved her. She also said that he had always loved her and betrayed her while loving her?
Or are men like this?

Can sex and love be separated?Can you love someone while sleeping with another woman?
How funny!

"Do you really want to listen?" For some unknown reason, Qin Tian clasped Wei Wan's hand even harder, as if recalling some bad memory.

"Speak." Wei Wan listened attentively.

"Wei Wan, your father's name is Wei Hai?"

"Yes!" Dad?What does Qin Tian want to say?How could it involve Dad?Wei Wan suddenly had a thought in her heart, and even a feeling, that long-standing doubt seemed to be solved immediately.

"Then do you still remember... that car accident!" Qin Tian's voice became cold.

"A car accident?"

"It's the car accident where your father Wei Hai passed away!"

"Remember." The feeling in Wei Wan's heart became stronger. She clenched her hands tightly, her body stiffened, and she retreated from Qin Tian's embrace. would leave her and die.

"Then, what I'm going to say next is that you may not believe it, but I don't know if you remember that car accident and a family of three died together in the accident..." Qin Tian looked at Wei Wan, his eyes twisted, Maybe it was the pain that made him like this.


Sure enough?
"And the family of three who collided with your father and died were my parents and my younger sister, so...and you are the only survivor of that car accident!" Qin Tian didn't need to finish, Wei Wan already understood.

"So you put the hatred of the death of your relatives on me, approached me for revenge, pretended to fall in love with me, loved me, and married me, just to make me suffer and take revenge on me? Right?" There is no more pain, When the truth was revealed layer by layer, Wei Wan had already become numb.

Her heart has been invulnerable through repeated torture and blows.

Qin Tian's so-called revenge can't affect her at all.

Besides, she no longer loves him!
It's just for the relationship that I gave, sincerely, for the first time, the first love is not worth it, I thought they were in love with each other sincerely, but the world is unpredictable, he betrayed, divorced, the two walked away, just hate it .

I didn't expect the truth to be so!
The bloody and thunderous truth!

"No, I..." Qin Tian didn't know why he thought of telling her the truth, looked up, and she was a little anxious to say something when she saw Qin Tian.

"Needless to say, Qin Tian." Wei Wan shook her head to stop him, she didn't want to hear it anymore, this truth shocked her.

"Wei Wan!"

"say no more……"

"No, I..."

"I don't need to say it, Qin Tian." Wei Wan broke away from Qin Tian's hands and hugged her. She retreated, kept retreating, and retreated far away. After she shook her head, she calmed down and watched the chasing Qin Tian: "Don't chase after me, Qin Tian, ​​I'll tell you right now, there is absolutely no possibility for me to be with you, no matter whether you regret it or love me, it is impossible for me to be together with you again, let alone Remarried with you, we will go our separate ways and live our own lives as before."

"Wei Wan, you can't!"

"I can, this is my business, I decide, we are over long ago, divorced, nothing, now I know the truth, it is even more impossible, I was stupid before, you should go to Wei Yue, I will I won't accompany you." After finishing speaking, Wei Wan turned around and walked into the hall.

There are many people there...

Unexpectedly, just as Wei Wan turned around, Qin Tian rushed up behind her and hugged her tightly: "Wei Wan, you can't go, I love you, I regret it, stay with me, I believe you still have feelings for me Yes, she loved me so much before..."

He seemed to have fallen into something, a little confused.

"You also said that was in the past, let me go, Qin Tian." Wei Wan took a deep breath, she knew she couldn't panic or mess up.

She has to calm down and find a way, there is no one in this garden!

"No, don't let go, promise me, Wei Wan!" Qin Tian hugged him tighter and tighter, so tight that Wei Wan's whole body hurt, she struggled and moved.

The words fall...

"She won't promise you!"

At this time...

Suddenly a familiar voice came from the side. Accompanied by this voice, a person came out and walked in front of Qin Tian and Wei Wan. Under the dim light, it was Qi Feng. Why is he here?Why?
"Qi Feng..." Wei Wan didn't speak, she just looked at Qi Feng, and Qin Tian frowned after seeing Qi Feng appear.

Qi Feng didn't speak, and didn't look at Wei Wan, he approached step by step, and then approached.

Wei Wan couldn't tell what she was feeling in her heart at this moment, she still looked at him, although he had a cold face and didn't even glance at her!



With a sound, Qi Feng suddenly swung his fist, and punched Qin Tian who was hugging Wei Wan: "Let go of her, let go..." While waving his fist, he pulled Wei Wan's arm, ordering Qin Tian to hug Wei Wan. Heaven let go of Wei Wan.

Will Qin Tian let it go?
Of course not, he also grabbed Wei Wan's other hand.

Both men shook their fists.

It seemed that reason had disappeared from these two men, they only saw each other in their eyes, both men had fierce expressions on their faces, and kept waving their fists.

Wei Wan was caught between them.

Pulled by two forces.

She no longer looked at Qi Feng, her body swayed weakly with their strength like a small boat, she wanted to break free, but their hands held tightly, as if they would lose everything if they let go, they would not let go, they would not let go.

"Stop hitting, let me go, let me go..." Wei Wan looked at their fists that kept waving, and carefully avoided them. She still wanted to struggle and break free, but she couldn't. angry.

"Let go of me, you two let go, Qi Feng, Qin Tian, ​​let go, I want to hit you and hit me, let me go..."

"Qi Feng..." "Qin Tian..."

Wei Wan yelled, but those two people were like crazy, they couldn't hear them at all, they were still fighting.

Wei Wan gritted her teeth, hated and angry.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar: "Go to hell!"

She stabilized her body desperately, then, lowering her head, bit one of the hands that was holding onto her arm.

"Ah..." Suddenly, there was a sound of killing a pig.

It's just that compared to the sound coming from the hall, it was instantly drowned out, and there was no sound. Wei Wan had already freed one hand at this time, and she didn't care, as long as she struggled away, the other hand would bite away again. under the blood.

She bit the hand.


"Bite it..." A familiar voice fell, panting low.

Wei Wan couldn't bite anymore, she knew who the owner of the remaining hand was, she raised her head, and slowly met Qi Feng's gaze, her phoenix eyes were half-closed, covering her powerless emotional gaze , she looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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