Chapter 194

Fingers caressed across her face.

In fact, no matter which face she is, she is her, Wei Wan is still Wei Wan, she is in his heart!

The words fall...

Qi Feng hugged Wei Wan.

When Wei Wan was stunned by the miss he said and the expression on his face, she hugged her again.

He seemed reluctant to let go, didn't want to let go.

Hold very tight.

Head buried in her hair!
"Wei Wan..." Wei Wan listened to Qi Feng's hoarse voice, felt his exhausted strength in holding her, and the faint trembling of his thin body. She wanted to push his hand away. The hand fell down, unable to move when trying to struggle.

Perhaps, she would never be able to refuse Qi Feng.

Two years is not enough.

Or 20 years can!

Two years is too little and too short to make people forget a person!

Especially since she knew he was doing it for...


Does she really want to forget him in 20 years?
"What about you, have you thought about me?" He asked in a low and hoarse voice, hugging her tightly and asking, did she think about him?

Wei Wan never thought that he would ask her this way.

Qi Feng never thought that he would still open his mouth.

After tonight, he didn't know if he would have the chance to see her again in the future, touch her again, if there was such a chance!

So, he asked.

two years...

Did she think about him?
"Thought about it." Without making Qi Feng wait too long, Wei Wan answered him. When Qi Feng asked her if she missed her, the answer rolled on the tip of her tongue, and then fell down.

"Yes, I thought about you." After finishing speaking, Wei Wan felt a little awkwardly stiff, she wanted to push Qi Feng away and look at him.

She spoke lightly, her eyes blurred.

It's just that Qi Feng didn't let her push her away, instead he clasped his hands even tighter: "Really?"

he asked, his tone heavy.

With some inexplicable stuff.

"Well, I miss you." Wei Wan affirmed.

"Me too."

Qi Feng seemed to sigh, as if he had got what he wanted, he hugged her, hugged her, suddenly lifted her face with one hand, lowered his head to her, he kissed her, and kissed her suddenly, Even more caught off guard.

Soft lips fell on Wei Wan's lips.

At that moment, seeing the thin and handsome face magnified in the eyes, I felt the soft coldness on the lips.

Wei Wan was dumbfounded.

She could only look straight at Qi Feng's face enlarged in her eyes.

He kissed her?
These three words echoed in my mind.

Qi Feng only held Wei Wan's lips lightly, and stroked lightly...

so light.

So cautious.

As if he was afraid that a little heavier would scare her away, as if in his dreams, it would break at the touch of a touch, he was so careful, looking at her, kissing her, with the gentlest force, the most careful gesture, and the most sincere sincere heart.


The autumn wind blows, and the fallen leaves are colorful and fluttering. In the garden, a man and a woman are kissing.

Not an intense kiss.

Not a collision of passions.

Some are warmth that can't be more careful.

Something wakes up in this one kiss.

There is something lost, something lost, forgotten, and the feeling of giving up is sprouting.

What's wrong!
Messed up again...

Wei Wan, Qi Feng, at this moment, they looked at each other with throbbing in each other's eyes.

Just, can't.

At the side and rear, in a dark shadow, there is a pair of eyes staring at it. At the moment when Qi Feng kissed Wei Wan, he stared at it firmly. In the darkness, there were a pair of very beautiful eyes, but at this moment, the flashing emotions in them overwhelmed Wei Wan. That beauty was completely destroyed.

Resentment, hatred, burns inside.

The beautiful eyes stared resentfully at the two people hugging each other.

He bit his lip tightly.

Qi Feng...


That bitch dared to openly seduce Qi Feng, even...

Standing up, she watched, gritted her teeth and stared fiercely, something flickered in her eyes, and turned around!

at the same time……

Others saw this scene.

In the corner of the garden, he saw Qin Tian who had gone and returned, or rather never left.

Put your hand on your forehead, where it was injured by Qi Feng.

He pressed it, stood there, and kept looking at Qi Feng and Wei Wan.

looking at...

Watching them talk and look at each other.

Watching the two turn around and stop again.

I even saw Qi Feng hugging Wei Wan, until now, the two of them kissed...

His hands were clenched... making noises, Qin Tian clenched his hands into fists, staring at Qi Feng and Wei Wan with red and fierce eyes as if they were going to eat people and kill people, staring straight, through the night Staring, like a pair of gnawing wolf eyes.

He didn't know why they were so angry.

Qin Tian forgot that he had no right to be angry at all.

At this moment, seeing Qi Feng hugging Wei Wan and kissing him, he was so angry in his heart, so wanted to get angry, rushed forward, separated them, and then threw his fist at Qi me, making me feel angry. he go...

The clenched hand hit the grass and sank heavily.

With the terrifying anger of Qin Tian's whole body.

He especially hates Wei Wan and Qi Feng, how dare they lie to others, lie to him!
Didn't it mean that they separated long ago, Qi Feng abandoned Wei Wan and married another, did they both have wives?Why are they still together, and what to say now?
Laughing at himself, ridiculing, sneering... Qin Tian wished he could strangle Wei Wan and Qi Feng to death.

Kill them all together.

Fortunately, there was still a sliver of reason that stopped him.

He really wanted to rush out...

But no, tonight, here, at this reception, there are a lot of people!

Thinking of Si Luo, thinking of Wei Wan's rejection.

Qin Tian was furious in his heart.

She rejects him!

How could it be possible, he even took the initiative to admit his mistake to her, and there was a reason why he did that at the beginning, he told Wei Wan, but she still rejected him...

From two years ago, after Wei Wan disappeared completely, Qin Tian already knew that he regretted it, or earlier, as early as the day Wei Wanzhen and Qi Feng got married, he regretted, regretted divorcing Wei Wan, otherwise, these men, Be it Qi Feng or Wei Han...only he can get Wei Wan.

She is his wife.

Not theirs.

Just his.

None of them can get Wei Wan, only him...

At that time, he thought that if he saw Wei Wan again, he would definitely take her back. She loved him so much before, and he wanted her to fall in love with him again. Say that paragraph and start over.

He asked her to agree.

Agree to start over with him.

in the hall...

By the window sill covered by white gauze and cloth curtains, there were two people there, a warm and indifferent man and a charming man, Si Luo and Zuo Si, they stood there, looking through the opened floor-to-ceiling glass windows. fall outside.

There is a corner of the garden.

Not knowing what to see, Si Luo smiled coldly.

There was sarcasm in Mo Mei's eyes, sarcasm.

There is also a hint of cold darkness.

No one knew what Si Luo was thinking at this time, he was usually capricious, unpredictable, and people couldn't understand him. He was even more unfathomable and unpredictable at this time.

Unpredictable what will happen...

"It's them." He hooked his lips, but smiled coldly.

"..." The man standing behind him, his warm and indifferent eyes flickered, without a sound.

"It's wonderful!" said the devilish man again, his devilish eyes became deeper and deeper, as what he saw outside the window was bottomless, until it was completely merged into the darkness, and he couldn't tell the difference, what was white and what was black ?Thick as ink.


"So this is your decision, your choice!" The charming man Si Luo said suddenly, still looking out of the window sill.

To say something so incomprehensible.

But those who know will understand.

What does it mean to choose!
"What an infatuation!" The last words came out of Si Luo's mouth. He withdrew his gaze, looked at the figures intertwined with lights in the hall, looked at those people talking and laughing, looked at these people, and then, he looked at Behind him is the gentle and indifferent man Zuo Si.

"I didn't expect him to be so infatuated. Do you think I should fulfill him?" Mo Mei said with a smile on his face, fulfillment?But why, the coldness in those words, the killing intent is so obvious?

Is it perfect?
Or destruction?

"..." Zuo Si remained silent, only looking at Si Luo indifferently.

This expression directly angered Si Luo.

"What are you thinking? Still thinking about your old lover?" But the more Si Luo became angry, on the contrary, he would not get angry, but the devilish smile on his face became brighter, deeper, and more dangerous. He raised his eyebrows.

"..." Knowing Siluoruzuosi, of course he could see that he was angry.

But he remained silent.

That's how Zuo Si sent Wei Wan away and Si Luo shot him with his own hands.

Indifferent to indifference.

Indifferently, a perverted man like Si Luo frowned.

"What did that old lover of yours say to you just now?" So Si Luo frowned at Zuo Si, he was displeased and dissatisfied with his indifference, but for Zuo Si, Si Luo would always be more Tolerance, even though he shot at that betrayal, Zuo Si did not die.

It would be hard to tell if it was another person.

Zuo Si is a special person.

For Si Luo.

So he can allow him to have his own character.

"Nothing." This time, Zuo Si answered Si Luo's question.

As for him, he really thought about Lin Su as Si Luo said.

At this moment, what appeared in his mind was Lin Su, and what she said, she asked him to help her, help her... Zuo Si glanced at Si Luo in front of him, looked at his devilishly handsome face, looked at him ...

He narrowed his eyes lightly.

Thinking of what Lin Su said...

He promised her.

For so many years, he knows her love for him, he knows everything, she has never asked him, so as long as it is what she wants, he will agree!

even if...

Because it's time to end it too.

After so much entanglement, how many people have been hurt by this incident.

It's over, it's over.

Qi Feng also said it was over.

It seems that the day of ending is not far away.

The end of everything means a new beginning.

It's just the end, who will draw it out?
"Go and find Wei Yue." Si Luo stared out of the window again, and said suddenly.

"You..." Didn't answer yes immediately, Zuo Si put aside his thoughts, and suddenly returned to his senses. After listening to Si Luo's words, he frowned, frowning slightly for a second, he looked at Si Luo's handsome face, looked at the pair of books The demon-like eyes were covered by a cloud of black, and he couldn't see anything.

(End of this chapter)

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