Chapter 195

When Zuo Si actually spoke about it, Si Luo raised his eyebrows, didn't say anything, and took a deep look at him: "Go, bring her to see me, just say that I want to see her, I believe, she will come." The tone is confident.

He knew Wei Yue too well.

She was naive and ignorant before.

She is ignorant to fearless.

Now, after experiencing everything, she is gaudy.

...he understands it all.

Because everything about her was caused by him alone.

The innocent and sweet past.

The present, which is rapidly aging and gaudy, has become unrecognizable.

It started when she came into his sight.

At the very beginning, it was her honor to be seen by him!

The time should have come, and she should have officially started to have seizures. As expected of the latest researched sample, it was only a short period of time. Just looking at Wei Yue's aging speed, Si Luo knew that the sample was very successful.

She was the subject of his experiment.


There is another thing, torture and training, no doubt, Wei Yue is very successful.

Just looking at how she is helping Qin Tian wander among all kinds of men, how she looks with ease...

What a woman with endless potential!
If Wei Wan hadn't appeared first, he thought he would be more interested in Wei Yue, after all, there are not many women like Xiao Qiang, with strong vitality!
As for Wei Wan...


Zuo Si came over, behind him was Wei Yue.

She walked in front of Si Luo with Zuo Si.

Her hair was a little messy, her clothes were slightly disheveled, her face was smudged with heavy makeup, her lips were a little swollen, she didn't know what she was doing before, but when she saw Si Luo, the expression on her face immediately became resentful. I used to look at him pitifully.

"Boss Si, master..." she called.

The resentful eyes stared straight at him.

But he didn't dare to be as presumptuous as before.

She was really scared, afraid of many people, many people, the fearlessness of the ignorant people before was gone, tortured again and again, even Xiaoqiang couldn't stand it, even though he survived, Wei Yue has gone through vicissitudes.

Especially after returning to Qin Tian's side...

She didn't dare to recall Qin Tian's torture to her.

And mother, mommy...

Wei Yue never thought that her mommy would become like that, she was no longer human, it was just a numb, thoughtless piece of wood, still incomplete, only two or three years old, before she knew it, mommy That's it...

She knew that her brother-in-law was the real fear.

No, it's all terrible.

These men are so scary...

Wei Yue, does she regret it?
She regretted it.

She thought about it more than once, if her sister was still there, she would tell her that she regretted it, she really regretted it, if she could do it all over again, she would definitely... definitely not betray her sister, definitely not, sister...she didn't know that she Will I still see my sister in my life?

It's just that everything can't be repeated again, so it's ridiculous and sad to get what kind of fruit you plant.


Of course, this is not Si Luo's perception. He looked at Wei Yue's face with heavy makeup.

It was supposed to be an innocent, sweet and fair-skinned beauty.

"It's a pity, it's a pity..." Zuo Si stood back behind Si Luo again. After observing Wei Yue's face, Si Luo narrowed his eyes magically and sighed, what a pity?
Wei Yue only knew that she was trembling all over.

She is also afraid of Si Luo.

He didn't hesitate to hand her over to Qin Tian, ​​otherwise, she wouldn't need to know about that, she wouldn't need to know about Mommy...

"Want to know why I asked you to come here?" Si Luo slid the wheelchair, turned around, looked at the people who were talking in the hall, glanced at those gazes, and fell on a few points if there was nothing. , Wei Hanlin Su, Su Ai sitting in the corner...

There are a few missing in the hall, not even the hostess and hostess!

"Master, I don't know." Wei Yue shook his head carelessly.

"Don't you know?" Looking away, Si Luo once again looked at Wei Yue: "Did you notice that there are several people missing here?"

"Yes, Qi, Qin Tian, ​​and..."



"Go, I'm calling you here to tell you, you don't know yet, that Xiaoru is the real identity of her you've seen."

"Her?" Wei Yue's expression changed, his real identity?
She thought about the woman she saw just now running from Si Luo's side to Wei Han's side, she seemed to know Qi Feng and the others, that woman...

There is also a sense of familiarity...

"Yes, it's her. Did I forget to tell you that she is your sister, Wei Wan. She didn't die, but survived. It's just that she was saved by me at that time. Her face was ruined and she had plastic surgery. , Lost memory..." Lost memory, true or false?Throw thought of that woman, a wise woman!
And Wei Yue didn't need Si Luo to say anything, she would understand.

"Sister? Sister..." That Xiaoru turned out to be her sister?She didn't want to believe it, but she felt that there was nothing wrong with telling her, yes, sister...

isn't she dead?
That woman she doesn't like, hates and resents is actually her sister?She can still see her sister, sister, will she forgive her?

She wants to go back to the past with her sister...

How good it was before everything changed!
"Siluo and Wei Yue?" Lin Su and Wei Han, who sensed Si Luo's gaze on the other side, looked at each other. After seeing Wei Yue appearing, they both paid attention to Si Luo's side. Too far away to see what he is going to do?
Lin Su fixed his gaze on Zuo Si for a few seconds.

Wei Han didn't speak, but glanced at Lin Su.

Shen Ling!

"What is that Si Luo going to do again?" Lin Su finally looked away from Zuo Si and turned to Wei Han.

Wei Han just shook his head, and took a deep look at Si Luo with his dark eyes.

He didn't want to meet Siluo Momei's eyes.

The two men confronted each other for a while.


Wei Han saw the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then, Wei Yue left without knowing where he went.

"Why doesn't Wei Wan come in? The reception is almost over, but Qi Feng and Xu Man are not here." Lin Su looked around, thinking of a quiet Wei Wan outside, not knowing that she is now... …

Wei Han's eyes darkened.

in the garden...

Qi Feng kissed Wei Wan, but that kiss was too short.

The two are kissing in the garden.

Soft and warm.

Like the breeze caressing, fleeting.

Wei Wan pushed Qi Feng away.

She finally pushed him away. Now that everything is different, Qi Feng's kiss is a crime to her and to the two of them now. Yes, it is an act that violates the secular morality. Father, she is a mother.

He is no longer her husband, but has become the husband of another woman, Xu Man.

She is no longer his wife.

His wife is not her.

So this kiss, after the initial palpitations and revived those suppressed emotions, almost made Wei Wan cry.

Such a gentle and warm kiss only gave her coldness.

The man who kisses her is no longer single, no longer hers, but someone else's. They have become shameless cheating, cheating other people's wives behind their backs, Wei Wan is the most shameless the behavior of.

Just like Wei Yue and Qin Tian back then!

Therefore, Wei Wan bit her lip and pushed Qi Feng away.

What they just did has already desecrated the marriage.

Wei Wan was very sad.

She didn't expect that one day, she would be in this position. She wanted to blame Qi Feng, but when she saw the expression on his face that instantly dimmed, she couldn't blame her. Could it be her?Blame herself?She should have turned and left when she saw Qi Feng.

"Why?" Qi Feng asked her, he looked at his empty hands, looked at Wei Wan, the expression on his face was the injury, pain, and sadness that Wei Wan could never describe.

"……"Why?Wei Wan pursed her lips, holding back her tears and looking at Qi Feng.

"Where do we leave Xu Man like this!"

The words fall...

Wei Wan couldn't say anything more.

The expression on Qi Feng's face froze.

"I'm sorry." He moved his hands, not knowing what to do, his eyes sparkled, and he wanted to say something, but until the end, he just looked at her deeply, said sorry, and after he finished speaking, he turned around with an expression has become indifferent.

Go ahead and go.

"Qi Feng..." The name in Wei Wan's mouth twitched at the corner of Wei Wan's mouth, and when he spat it out, the figure had gone away.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Night Breeze seemed to be unable to be jealous any longer, and there was a faint sound of piercing coughing, accompanied by the sound of the wind.

It hurt Wei Wan's ears even more.

She looked at Qi Feng going away, reached out, took a step, stopped again, lowered her head, the darkness covered her face, blurred, she sat down slumped, and was about to fall to the ground.

"Pa..." At this time, a figure suddenly rushed out from one side. Before Wei Wan could react in time and see clearly, she was really pushed to the ground, and with a slap, she fell together and landed on Wei Wan's face. Wan's face.

"How dare you seduce Qi..." This figure is Xu Man, she stared fiercely at Wei Wan, who was caught off guard by that slap, and said resentfully, rubbing her hands with too much force , she was in pain too, but...

Wei Wan raised her head, covered her mouth, frowned and met Xu Man's resentful eyes in disbelief.

No, not just resentment.

There are more complex emotions mixed with panic, fear, and panic!
Xu Man has been watching for a long time, since Wei Wan just came out and met Qin Tian.

Just curious at first.

Curious about Wei Wanhe's hostility towards her, and seeing Qin Tian appearing later, he felt complacent after being surprised, thinking that he was going to know some secret, but unexpectedly it was indeed a secret, but the secret was too heavy.

She didn't know at the time, if she knew, if she had a choice, Xu Man would rather she didn't know that this woman, a woman named Xiaoru, was actually...

So when Qin Tian called Wei Wan's name, when Qi Feng called it like that.

Wei Wan's identity is exposed.

Xu Man's astonishment at that moment, from shock, disbelief, impossibility, disbelief, to having to believe, had to believe, Qi Feng actually hugged her...

Xu Man tried his best not to rush out.

Later she knew more.

They kissed, kissed!
Xu Man felt dizzy, nothing was real anymore, what was real and what was fake?Wei Wan?who is it?Qi Feng's ex-wife, the dead woman who died prematurely, is she still alive?not dead?Surprisingly alive, but also found it?

(End of this chapter)

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