Chapter 196

Do not……

Impossible, she loves Qi, she is Qi's wife, she is her wife, she will not give Qi to her, to any woman, Qi is hers.

She will not admit that she is Qi Feng's ex-wife, she is not.

She's just a bitch who seduces Qi, nothing, Wei Wan, no!

Xu Man may have accepted too many things in an instant, too exciting and shocked, and his whole body was in a trance and abnormal.

"Bitch, bitch..." Xu Man was still screaming, in a dazed way.

"Xu Man!"

After Wei Wan came back to her senses, looking at Xu Man like this, her face turned cold, and she stood up slowly, the next moment.

"Slap..." With a sound, she also raised her hand, and returned a slap, hitting Xu Man's unprepared face.

Wei Wan didn't let anyone bully her, she didn't do anything if no one slapped her.

In front, the thin coughing figure stopped amidst the sound of two applause, and turned around.

As soon as Wei Wan's slap fell, Qi Feng turned around.

The next moment, Xu Man, Wei Wan and the two covering their faces came into his eyes, but he couldn't imagine when Xu Man would come out?when are you here?After coughing again, Qi Feng covered his mouth, and after a while, he took his hands off and looked at them.

Finally looked at Wei Wan.

"Xu Man." It's just that he looked at Wei Wan, but what he called was Xu Man's name. After the words fell, Wei Wan's eyes flashed, her face remained unchanged, she was still indifferent, and her hand still kept the feeling that it was about to fall again. action, and Xu Man...

When he saw the front face turned around, he put his hand down.

Hearing him call her name at this time, she was a little flustered, nervous, and afraid, but more of it was gritted hatred. She immediately stared at Qi Feng, her body was slightly stiff, and wanted to rush up, but Wei Wan was caught. Thinking of Wei Wan's identity: "Qi..."

"Come here soon." To Xu Man, Qi Feng frowned and spoke.

Didn't say anything and didn't want to listen.

This time

Nervousness, fear, panic, and all kinds of emotions suddenly disappeared, not disappearing, but no longer panic, fear, and worry... She still had the spirit to give Wei Wan a fierce look with her lips pursed: "Don't try to compete with me, even if you are his ex-wife!"

Wei Wan's face remained unchanged, her eyes flickered.

After Xu Man finished speaking, he stopped and looked at them, and Qi Feng, who had a pale and thin face, ran towards them.

"Qi...what's the matter with you, are you okay?" Xu Man ran over anxiously with worry and concern on his face, and immediately stretched out his hand worriedly in front of Qi Feng, looked at him, and wanted to go forward to help him, Because his body seemed to be shaking a little, and under the cough, he was weak and pale.

"It's okay." Qi Feng waved to Xu Man, expressing that it's okay.

His eyes were still looking at Wei Wan in the distance.

There was something on her face for a moment, but in the next second, it disappeared again, and she couldn't see it anymore. He looked at Wei Wan, and Wei Wan also looked at him, at him and Xu Man, at this moment, she felt that she really what do you understand...

Qi Feng and Xu Man.

They are husband and wife!

She, Wei Wan, is indeed nothing.

Ha ha……

Neither of them spoke. Xu Man stood aside and looked at Qi Feng. It was just that face, the light flashing in the eyes on that face. Only she could understand how much resentment there was. It turned out that it was no wonder that Qi Feng and this With a woman like this, no wonder there were those inexplicable words at the wedding two years ago.

Qi Feng knew for a long time that this woman was his ex-wife, she was not dead, but it was said that she changed her face, right?

face change?

But I don't know why Qi Feng didn't go with her.

It seems...

She doesn't know, but since Qi Feng didn't choose to be with this woman, then...

And didn't this woman leave, so she couldn't find it? Why did she reappear after two years?Still hooking up and hooking up and down?After provoking a man, and now she is running to make love to her again, do you want to snatch her back and destroy her marriage?

No, she won't, won't allow.

Didn't she change her face?
Then continue to be her Xiaoru, Qi is hers, and she will not give it up to others.

"Qi..." Xu Man thought, and after the expression on her face twisted, she returned to her usual elegance. She was still worried, and covered her face with one hand, then, holding Qi Feng's hand, she called out .

"What did you do just now?" Qi Feng asked Xu Man, his voice was low, and he couldn't tell whether it was worry or carelessness, the distance was too far, Wei Wan couldn't hear Qi Feng's voice, she only saw Qi Feng Turning to Xu Man, of course his gaze was still on her.

"I...I, and Miss Xiaoru. I..." After Xu Man heard Qi Feng's question, she covered her face even more tightly, leaning in front of him, feeling aggrieved sad way.

It's just that Qi Feng can't see it.

He didn't look at her, and of course he couldn't see the feigned grievance and sadness on her face.

Not even waiting for her to really answer.

Perhaps it wasn't her answer he wanted, but someone else's.

He took a deep look at Wei Wan in the distance.

Qi Feng turned around.

Nothing was said.

"Cough, cough, cough..." With that series of coughing sounds, which were painful and uncomfortable, he entered the hall.

" for me...let me help you." After Xu Man also glanced at Wei Wan, he chased Qi Feng and helped him leave together. The two figures quickly disappeared behind Wei Wan. Wan's eyes.

She was left alone.

She stood there.

Cover your face with your hands.

There is the imprint left by Xu Man, there are vaguely the fingerprints of his fingers, red and slightly swollen!

Wei Wan bit her lip, biting it tightly, her eyes looked there, at the door of the hall, all the surging things inside were annihilated after that person left, hidden in the bottom of her eyes, never to be seen again, see unclear.

Qi Feng.

Xu Man.

Wei Wan didn't know what to think of, she suddenly pursed her lips and smiled.

Laugh louder and louder.

The more he laughed, tears fell from those eyes.

Drop by drop splashed in my heart.

Sore, bitter.

All kinds of flavors, thousands of flavors!
At this time, one by one came to my heart, and melted in Wei Wan's heart, bitter and sour to the bone.

Her gaze was still fixed there, fixed on the entrance of the hall where Qi Feng and Xu Man disappeared together just now, her eyes were still the figures of the two of them when they turned and left together, supporting the back of the leaving together, Wei Wan raised her head.

She seemed to be crying.

She closed her eyes, pressed her lips tightly together, and just like that, she stood like this for a long time.

Standing legs and feet sore.

Wei Wan squatted down.

hold yourself.

Hold yourself tightly to drive away the chill that is all over your body and mind.

Suddenly, she really felt that she should not come back, return to the country, should not come here, to attend this banquet!
Why come?

He's just in poor health, nothing else, why is she doing this?
Even if something really happened to him, there was Xu Man.

He has his wife and children, who are his closest relatives, who will take care of him, and she, a woman who has long been outdated, a woman who has long been... She and him have never had a relationship, it doesn't matter, why bother to come here like this .

Figured this out.

Wei Wan stood up, glanced at the hustle and bustle of the hall, but she turned around and walked in another direction.

She decides to leave.

He took out his cell phone from his handbag.

She pulls out the phone.

Wei Wan glanced at the garden surrounded by the lights of the hall, and walked towards the small path with faint yellow street lights. The road was very quiet, the surroundings were very dark, the lights alternated, gray and black were reflected, and the phone was connected.

It was Wei Han's cool voice.


"It's me." Wei Wan immediately responded lightly.

Just looking at the black and gray colors around the trail, and listening to the hustle and bustle behind her, her eyes were a little dry.

Maybe it was getting too cold at night, which made her shiver.

Maybe it was because the scene of Qi Feng wiping Xu Man away still remained in his mind, so it was bitter.

"Where are you? Are you going to come in? Are you in the garden? I'll pick you up." Wei Han's voice on the phone was very worried and anxious, and he could faintly hear the music conversation from him, Against the noisy background and the roar of the night wind, Wei Wan raised her head and looked at the thick black sky.

Close your eyes and open them.

"I want to go back first..." Before Wei Han could finish speaking, Wei Wan opened her mouth, and anxiously put the concern in his words into her heart, and slowly melted away.

It melted into a tear in dry eyes.

"Wei Wan, what's the matter with you, is something wrong?" Hearing this, Wei Han's voice became even more worried, and the worry and anxiety came directly from the phone, and went straight to Wei Wan's heart. In the night when she was alone, the coldness in her heart and body melted away.

"It's okay, I just don't like this kind of occasion. You should know that I've never liked it and I'm not used to it. I also attended the reception and met people. I'm a little bored, so I want to go back first." Wei Wan immediately explained.

She didn't want Wei Han to worry.

The corners of her mouth were raised slightly, and there were friends beside her.

Wei Han, Lin Su.

And they...

"Well, then I'll come to you. Tell me where you are. When I come over, I'll take you back together."

"no need."

"Where are you, say..."

"It's really not necessary, Wei Han, you'd better stay and come back with Lin Su, it's not good to leave now, I'll just go back alone, don't worry, nothing will happen." He took a deep breath before refusing If Wei Han wants to come to her to send her back together.

"...Okay, then be careful by yourself."

After a long while, Wei Han said.

After disconnecting the call, Wei Wan looked at her phone for a long time...

Sometimes it doesn't have to be love.

Friendship, family affection is also love.

Nothing less than love...

She seemed to be able to see Wei Han's cold face worrying about her at this time, and Lin Su... This is warmth, her baby Cheng, Guo Ran, friendship, family affection, not bad!

After Wei Wan cut off the call...

Wei Han, who was with Lin Su in the hall, was holding his mobile phone, staring at the screen of the phone that was slowly blacking out, wondering what he was thinking. After a long time, he raised his head and looked around the entire hall. The person who should be there just now people who come back.

Wei Han frowned.

His dark and cold eyes swept to one corner.

There, there are a few figures...

(End of this chapter)

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