Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 142 See You Again

Chapter 142 See You Again
Heaven Dou City,
As the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, its Spirit Hall naturally cannot be ignored.

The Wuhun Hall in Tiandou City is a huge dome building, but the width of the front is close to more than 200 meters, and the height is 30 meters. It is divided into five floors.

The whole building is white and brown. On the front gate and the logo of Wuhun Temple, there is an angel holding a long sword and shield.

As a member of the Wuhun Temple, Lin Feng knew that the sign on the gate actually represented the level of the Wuhun Temple's branch hall. If there was only one long sword, it represented the lowest level of the Wuhun Temple's branch hall. The Wuhun Palace is all in small towns.

The intersection of swords and shields is the second-level branch hall of the Spirit Hall. The branch halls of this kind of Spirit Hall are all stationed in some large cities and main cities, such as the Spirit Hall of Soto City back then, which was the first. second class.

And with the marks of both swords and shields and angels, apart from the headquarters of the Spirit Hall, there are only the branches of the Spirit Hall in the two major imperial cities.

Lin Feng raised his eyes, took a rough look at the back of the Wuhun Temple, and then looked at the two door guards holding long spears and wearing silver light armor at the door
The two guards looked about thirty or forty years old, judging by the fluctuations in their soul power, they were already soul masters above level [-].

Soul masters at the level of soul masters, if they want to, can also rely on their own strength to become a minor nobleman.

But here, he can only be a guard guarding the gate. From this, it can be seen how powerful the Spirit Hall is.

The door guard also spotted Lin Feng's figure at this time, and after looking at each other, one of them stepped forward, bent down and said respectfully.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng nodded. Seeing that the guard had confirmed Lin Feng's identity, he cupped his hands and said in a more respectful tone.

"Come with me, Bishop Salas has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Thank you." Lin Feng nodded, then followed the guard and walked towards the Wuhun Hall.

The 30-meter-high dome is extremely majestic. When Lin Feng walked into the hall of the Wuhun Hall, he was slightly infected by this majestic aura.

The dome of the entire hall is full of murals. In small squares, there are all kinds of Wuhun graphics drawn. The background color is shiny gold, which looks resplendent but still majestic. Quaint feeling.

There are huge crystal windows around the Wuhun Hall. Sunlight passes through the transparent crystal windows and refracts on the murals. The feeling of shining golden light is even more dazzling.

"Tsk, even though it's an imperial city, it's still too rich."

Lin Feng looked around a lot, and then secretly said in his heart, in the headquarters of the Wuhun Palace, except for the Pope's Palace, there are few magnificent buildings with such decorations.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the headquarters of Wuhundian can't even compare to a branch of the imperial city, but that the headquarters of Wuhundian is not a single dome building, but a complex of buildings of various sizes. There are all kinds of palaces.

After Lin Feng sighed slightly, he immediately turned his attention away. The guard brought Lin Feng to the reception room on this floor, and found a female soul master deacon to guide Lin Feng.

And the female soul master deacon also took Lin Feng, along the stairs of the reception room, up to the second floor of the Wuhun Hall, and came to the corridor on the second floor.

Only from here did Lin Feng see a circle of rooms, and from here he could also directly see the hall on the first floor. There was no doubt that this was where the Wuhun Palace worked.

"It's here, I'll go back first."

The female soul master deacon pointed to the three-meter-high double-opening mahogany gate in the center of the second floor, said something to Lin Feng, and left.

Seeing this, Lin Feng looked at the door in front of him without much hesitation, since he wasn't meeting other people anyway, so there was no need to knock on the door as a courtesy.

He took a step forward, put his hands on the door, exerted a little force, and with a slight sound, the door opened.

"Hey, you boy, I haven't seen you for more than half a year, and you are still so rude, you don't even knock on the door when you come in."

As the door opened, a familiar voice came from the room.

Hearing this, Lin Feng unconsciously showed a kind smile on his face. Looking at the middle-aged man in the red robe sitting on the big chair in front of the glazed window, he shook his head, shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently.

"I didn't learn this from you. Uncle Mo, you never knocked on the door when you entered my room before."

"Haha, what do you mean you learned from me, you kid! I haven't seen you for half a year, but you have grown a little taller, even taller than me..."

Uncle Mo stood up from the big chair, looked at the pair of thick eyebrows and big eyes, looked at Lin Feng and said kindly with satisfaction.

"Uncle Mo, what are you doing here? There should be a purpose."

Seeing Uncle Mo who hadn't seen him for almost a year, Lin Feng also asked curiously.

"What's the purpose? Can't I just take a look at you kid? It's been a long time since you've seen you, you white-eyed wolf kid, you're happy and happy outside, but it's my uncle, I'm old, but I still miss you You kid."

Hearing Lin Feng's question, Old Uncle Mo also smiled and said to Lin Feng at this time, but what greeted him was Lin Feng's contemptuous eyes.

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

"Haha, believe it or not, ask me what I'm doing. It's been almost a year now, what level is your soul power now?"

At this time, Old Uncle Mo withdrew his smile slightly, looked at Lin Feng, and asked.

"It's almost level 44..."

Hearing this, Lin Feng paused for a moment, then said softly,
"What! Not even level 44? That little girl, Hu Liena, is almost level 47! If you go on like this, how dare I propose marriage to His Majesty the Pope!"

Hearing this, Old Uncle Mo raised his eyebrows instantly, and said to Lin Feng that he hated iron for being weak.

"Is the little fox practicing so fast?"

Lin Feng was also a little surprised, and asked with open eyes. Although he guessed that Hu Liena's cultivation progress would definitely be much higher than his own, he was three levels ahead of him.

"Oh, you boy, I knew I wouldn't have let you go out at the beginning. I thought you were going out to practice and improve your strength. I didn't expect that you were a little girl who opened a tavern to hook up with other people. I really don't know whether to praise you or scold you for this kind of ability. you!"

When Uncle Mo saw Lin Feng's surprised look, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

"What does it mean to hook up with a little girl..."

When Lin Feng heard Uncle Mo's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help saying.

He wasn't too surprised that Uncle Mo knew roughly what he was doing, after all, these were things that were easy to find out.

"Tsk, you boy still insist on not admitting it! The little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the second daughter of the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire, don't think I don't know about the relationship between you and these two little girls!"

Uncle Mo walked up to Lin Feng in one step, opened his eyes wide, and said with a confident expression of complete mastery on his wrinkled face.

(End of this chapter)

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