Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 143 Shocking News

Chapter 143 Shocking News
"Uh, I..."


Just as Lin Feng wanted to continue to defend himself, Uncle Mo, who had figured out Lin Feng's character, also directly interrupted Lin Feng's words.

"You kid, don't you want to keep talking hard!"

Uncle Mo rubbed his chin, walked slightly, his figure kept swaying in front of Lin Feng, and kept looking at Lin Feng.

"Hasn't anything happened between you and those two little girls for so long?" Old Uncle Mo asked with narrowed eyes.

Hearing what Old Uncle Mo said, although Lin Feng really wanted to tell him directly and loudly.

No!We are all innocent!

But thinking of Ning Rongrong, Lin Feng couldn't help but pause for a moment, looked at Old Uncle Mo and said.

"Zhu Zhuqing and I are absolutely innocent, I just teach her to improve her strength."

"Hehe, although I don't know what happened to you, the second daughter of the Zhu family who came into contact with you later, but I know that you are definitely related to that little girl from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

With a clear smile on Uncle Mo's face, he said to him.

"It's just that the little girl couldn't stand the temptation and fell in love with me. But I rejected it in the end, and now we are just pure friends."

Seeing Uncle Mo's expression, Lin Feng spread his hands paralyzed and explained to him.

"Don't you really have any special feelings for the little girl from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

Uncle Mo approached Lin Feng with his ordinary old face, and asked him if he had any deep meaning.

With a clear conscience, Lin Feng coughed lightly, raised his head, and said forcefully.

"Of course!"

"Hehe, young man! I always lie to myself, alas, I have seen a lot!"

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Old Uncle Mo put his hands behind his back, looked cheerful, and immediately glanced at Lin Feng, and asked indifferently.

"You think so now, so let me ask you, if one day in the future, that little girl from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is embraced by another man, how would you feel at that time?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng also subconsciously imagined the scene of clinging to his delicate and lively girl all day and being embraced by another man.

The originally raised face also froze slightly, his brows slowly frowned, he let out a breath, looked at that old uncle Mo's meaningful eyes, and said in a low voice.

"It seems... a bit unacceptable."

"Hey, since you find it hard to accept, then in your heart, you don't simply regard her as a friend..." Old Uncle Mo said with a half-smile.

"This is just a man's selfish possessiveness."

Lin Feng also avoided the sight of that old uncle Mo, and continued to argue.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Ning Fengzhi to have many heirs, and the only precious daughter was hooked up by you boy. If you don't practice hard now, it will be dangerous to step on two boats in the future!"

Uncle Mo didn't listen to Lin Feng's voice of defense, but said with a hint of inexplicable meaning in his words, shaking his head to himself.

"I... By the way, Uncle Mo, didn't I ask you what the purpose of coming here is? No matter what you said, gossip came to me!"

Just as Lin Feng wanted to continue explaining, he suddenly remembered that the topic he started seemed to be interrupted by Uncle Mo, and he led him directly into the ditch!

Be an emotional guide and life mentor directly in front of yourself!
"It's not that you are not up to date, the speed of cultivation is so slow, and the strength is so weak, it makes me worry about your future, old man!"

At this time, Old Uncle Mo was sitting on the chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling window again, and said slowly.

"It's obviously your old habit of gossiping again!"

Lin Feng looked at that old uncle Mo with contemptuous eyes, then exhaled and said.

"What are you doing here? I won't be led into a ditch by you this time!"

"Actually, it's not an important matter. The crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe, is actually a member of my Spirit Hall, and also the daughter of His Majesty the Pope, Qian Renxue. The reason why I came here is to take care of things... Hmm? Why don't you seem surprised?"

Old Uncle Mo said slowly with a slightly dignified expression, and looked at Lin Feng immediately after speaking, a little surprised, obviously he had uttered such a shocking news.

You must know that when I knew such a shocking news, I was shocked for a long time.

He revealed such a leaked news that can be said to shock the mainland to this kid, but this kid didn't respond for a long time?Could it be that he didn't say it just now?
For a while, Uncle Mo also wondered if he had a bad memory, worked too hard for the Wuhun Palace, and was exhausted in his prime of life.

"Well, I'm very surprised! It's just that my city is very deep, unlike your old uncle, who is still like a child at such an age, and puts all expressions on his face."

Looking at Uncle Mo's appearance, Lin Feng finally felt that he had been suppressed in the conversation with Uncle Mo just now, so he pulled back a sentence and couldn't help but run.

"Hehe, you kid just talk a lot of nonsense."

Hearing this, Old Uncle Mo also cursed with a smile, and continued to speak without paying attention to Lin Feng's reaction just now.

"Actually, I called you here to inform you that the daughter of His Majesty the Pope already knows about your entry into the Tiandou Imperial Academy and your identity."

"Huh? How did she know?" Hearing this, Lin Feng asked.

"The Tiandou Imperial Academy originally supported Qian Renxue's forces, no, it should be said to support the crown prince's "Xue Qinghe".

You should have seen the three Contras of the Education Committee, right?They are supporting this prince, so the news of your admission should be known to this "prince" in the past few days. "

"Then what about my identity? Could it be..." Lin Feng frowned, puzzled, secretly wondering if that Meng Shenji was dishonest and leaked his identity!
"Don't guess, don't guess! I told her."

Glancing at Lin Feng's appearance, Uncle Mo also waved his big hand and said directly.

"What did you tell her to do..."

Lin Feng looked at Uncle Mo in front of him and said speechlessly.

"Our His Majesty the Pope is going to do big things now, and you just happen to be in this position, so you don't need to do anything! How can you marry that little girl Hu Liena in the future!"

Uncle Mo lay on the chair and said rather lazily.


Lin Feng had nothing to say, he could only admire this old uncle Mo's clear thinking, his three words were inseparable from who he wanted to marry, and who and so had something to do with him.

How much does he want to marry his own wife!
Fu forehead sighed softly, then looked at Uncle Mo in front of him, and continued to ask weakly.

"and then?"

"And then, then it's gone!"

"It's gone?" Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's gone!" Uncle Mo continued to affirm.

"Wouldn't it be all right if you just ask someone you trust to pass on this bit of news to me?"

Lin Feng looked at Uncle Mo and said speechlessly.

"Although this is the truth, I told you at the beginning that the main reason I called you here is to see what you look like after not seeing you for nearly a year..."


(End of this chapter)

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