Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 144 Trouble

Chapter 144 Trouble
"Oh, that old guy is really rude!"

The first ray of light in the morning, through the glazed window, sprinkled on the perfect cheeks of the handsome man lying on the big velvet bed, exuding an inexplicable holy radiance.

Feeling the slightly hot temperature on his face, Lin Feng's eyes moved slightly at this time, he opened his eyes and got up from the bed, rubbed his drowsy head with his right hand, and said.

After meeting with Uncle Mo yesterday, he was dragged to a dinner by Uncle Mo, and finally got to know the real bishop of the Wuhun Temple in the capital, what is his name.

Lin Feng shook his drowsy head. He drank too much yesterday, and his memory is already blurred. Although the old uncle Mo introduced him, the bishop also introduced many high-level officials in the capital's Wuhun Temple to him.

But after he passed out from drinking, he forgot all about it when he woke up!Can't even remember the name!
It's all the fault of Uncle Mo, who tried his best to drink himself, but he was actually a little happy to see Uncle Mo again, so he didn't refuse. Fragmented.

Fortunately, I didn't go crazy with alcohol, otherwise I would be ugly!
Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Lin Feng thought to himself, and immediately circulated the soul power in his body to drive out the remaining alcohol in his body.

After a while, I felt that my body had completely disappeared. At this time, I also opened my eyes, looked at the room I was in, and looked towards the glazed window at the same time.

Obviously, this place seems to be in the Wuhun Palace where I met Old Uncle Mo yesterday.

"For no apparent reason, it's a new day!"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes slightly at this time, looking at the setting sun in the blue sky outside the glazed window. Judging from this position, it should be around ten o'clock in the morning.

"Forget it, Old Uncle Mo should be leaving, and I should go back to the academy to start training, that little fox is already at level 47, I can't be too far behind..."

Lin Feng shook his head, turned over and got up from the bed, ready to go back to the academy and continue his daily practice.

"Qian Renxue? It's been more than ten years since I saw her. When I saw her last time in Wuhun Palace, how old was I, seven?"

Lin Feng shook his head, walked out of the room, and said uncertainly.

At the same time, he also recalled a long time of memories in his mind. If it wasn't for the memory fragments of Qian Renxue remaining in his mind, otherwise, he would have forgotten this person long ago.

But the impression is not particularly deep, I just vaguely remember that I seemed to tell her a story and played a piece of music.

It seems that Qian Renxue was sent to this Heaven Dou Empire to be a fake prince. After Lin Feng only met him once, he never met again.

"Well... She probably doesn't remember me either."

Lin Feng rubbed his chin and said to himself.

Immediately, a look of indifference appeared on his face, he didn't remember exactly, it's best to ignore his own person, lest he send himself off from time to time, wasting his training time.

"By the way, the Shrek people should have arrived at the Tiandou Royal Academy yesterday afternoon, and now they should be able to meet those two girls in the academy when they go back..."

Lin Feng walked out of the Wuhun Hall at this time, raised his head slightly, looked at the mountain peak of Tiandou Royal Academy sitting on the ground, and thought to himself.

However, when he thought of the two girls whom he hadn't seen for several days, the conversation with Uncle Mo yesterday reverberated in Lin Feng's mind inexplicably.

"...If one day in the future, that little girl from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is embraced by another man, how would you feel at that time?"

"...Since you find it hard to accept, then in your heart, you don't simply regard her as a friend."

Shaking his head to clear the thoughts in his mind, Lin Feng also sighed, raised his head, held the back of his head with his hands, looked at the sun in the sky that was not dazzling at this time, and whispered.

"Oh, it's troublesome..."



However, just when Lin Feng thought that he would be able to see Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing when he went back, the Shrek people seemed to be in trouble.

At this time, when the three elders of the education committee of Mengshenji were receiving the Shrek people who came from afar, footsteps suddenly came from outside the education committee, followed by a voice.

"Is the Chief Dream Machine here?"

Before the person arrived, a voice came in from outside. This person's voice was loud and full of confidence.

But there was a sense of aloofness in the voice, although it was not overbearing, it was definitely not humble.

Soon three people came in from outside, one of them Shrek everyone recognized, it was the young man who made things difficult for them at the foot of the mountain yesterday and was finally kicked away by Dai Mubai.

At this time, the young man was standing on the left side, with a haughty look on his face and strong hatred in his eyes.

In the center is an old man in Chinese clothes. This person is wearing a rhubarb robe, embroidered with clusters of flowers, but he doesn't look messy at all. His gray hair is neatly combed behind his head. .

This person is exactly the royal noble with great power in the Heaven Dou Empire, Prince Xue Xing!

But at this moment, everyone was looking at an old man on the right side of Prince Xue Xing, with serious expressions.

This person was slender and looked like a javelin. His beard and hair were extremely rare dark green, and his eyes shone like emeralds.

The whole person gave off an illusory feeling, like a phantom, unable to see the steps under his feet, but always followed the old man in fine clothes.

This person has no expression on his face, or rather the expression on his face is completely rigid, with sunken cheeks and messy green hair on his head.

The clothes on his body are just plain gray robes, which are in stark contrast to the old man in rich clothes beside him.

At this time, his hands were tucked into the sleeve robe, and he walked into the hall of the education committee. He just closed his eyes and didn't even look at everyone present.




"Hmph, I was driven down, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, the pustule kicked away by Dai Mubai turned out to be the Fourth Prince."

The Shrek people went down the mountain again at this time. The group of people along the way were all depressed because of the previous accidents and did not speak. Of course, this group of people did not include Ning Rongrong who had no sense of collective honor.

At this time, he finally went down the mountain, and came to the clear small lake at the foot of the mountain, Ning Rongrong saw the communication between Dai Mubai and Flender standing still in front, and couldn't help but said to Zhu Zhuqing beside him.

"Well, after all, they have Title Douluo."

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing's black eyes flickered, and the small hands hanging on the waist clenched their fists tightly, thinking of what Dugu Bo did just now, although it also made her feel a little uncomfortable, but more of them still had feelings for each other again. Yearning for strength.

If she can have the power of Title Douluo, she will definitely be able to break free from all shackles!

"Title Douluo, it doesn't matter, but didn't that bastard Lin Feng say he was waiting for us at Tiandou Royal Academy? Why didn't he see anyone else?"

(End of this chapter)

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