Chapter 145
"Title Douluo, it doesn't matter, but didn't that bastard Lin Feng say he was waiting for us at Tiandou Royal Academy? Why didn't he see anyone else?"

Ning Rongrong kicked the stones under her feet, and said sullenly, she didn't care about being chased down by Title Douluo, she didn't have much sense of belonging to Shrek Academy because of Lin Feng.

And even though that Dugu Bo was a Titled Douluo, when she was a child, she often rode on the necks of the two big Titled Douluos of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, pulling out their beards!

Among the two titled Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, "Bone Douluo" and "Sword Douluo" are not stronger than Dugu Bo?
Even though Dugu Bo drove Shrek and her down from Tiandou Academy, she didn't feel that she was ashamed and bullied, it was just that she didn't want to bother the sect's forces to settle accounts with Dugu Bo That's all!

But it's been almost a day since I came here, and I didn't see that hateful figure of Lin Feng, which still made her feel a little depressed.

She thought that Lin Feng would give her a surprise when he arrived early!Who knew that he was driven down from Tiandou Academy by Dugu Bo, and he didn't see Lin Feng's shadow.

Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong pouted a little dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing also frowned slightly, and immediately said softly.

"Ask that little guy again, maybe he left other messages?"

After Zhu Zhuqing thought for a moment, he nodded his head and said to him.

"Oh, I almost forgot, and this!"

A look of astonishment flashed across Ning Rongrong's face, and with a wave of his little hand, rx-78 appeared beside the two of them.

"Little guy, where is Lin Feng! Tell me quickly, or I will tear you down!"

At this time Ning Rongrong bent down, put his hands on his knees, stared at the light bulb eyes of the rx-78, and threatened viciously,
Although I have been with Lin Feng for so long, I have already understood from Lin Feng's mouth that rx-78 is just a puppet of equipment, and does not understand any feelings.

But the intelligence it displayed made Ning Rongrong subconsciously regard it as a real life, and for a while threatened it viciously with a human tone.

"Master, he said, he is waiting at Tiandou Royal Academy..."

But Ning Rongrong's threat was useless, rx-78 was still repeating the message left by Lin Feng before.

"Ah! But I didn't see him at Tiandou Imperial Academy at all! Where did Lin Feng hide himself!"

When Ning Rongrong heard this answer as usual, without any other information, she sighed helplessly, got up and said.

"Huh? Waiting for us at Tiandou Academy? Could it be..."

At this time Zhu Zhuqing heard rx-78's words, seemed to have sensed something, lowered his head and muttered.

"Are you looking for Lin Feng?"

Just when Zhu Zhuqing was thinking, the sound suddenly reached the ears of the two, and the two women turned their heads together to see that it was Qin Ming who followed the Shrek people down the mountain.

Because of some of his own reasons, the teacher was humiliated, Qin Ming also gave up his status as a teacher at Tiandou Academy, and left Tiandou Imperial Academy with Flender.

"Teacher Qin? Do you know where he is?"

At this time, Ning Rongrong heard Qin Ming's words, her beautiful big eyes lit up slightly, and she spoke urgently to him.

"Lin Feng joined me...Tiandou Royal Academy two days ago, don't you know?"

When Qin Ming heard Ning Rongrong's question, he also sighed and said

Ning Rongrong stared wide-eyed, looking up at the mountain where Tiandou Royal Academy is located, her eyes were full of disbelief!
After a long time, Ning Rongrong also stamped her feet, with a look of urgency on her face, and said,

"No! Later I must go back and find "Grandpa Sword" and "Grandpa Bone" to make decisions for me!"



The original purpose of Shrek's trip was to join Tiandou Academy, but after undergoing such changes, they didn't know where to go for a while.

However, Flender, who was the dean immediately, also decided to go to Tiandou Academy to find a place to stay.

After coming to the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, beside the gate of this city, they unexpectedly found the recruitment information of another academy of the Heaven Dou Academy, Lanba Academy.

After Qin Ming's introduction, De Flender also thought of how to arrange Shrek and his party.



Lin Feng also went out from Tiandou City at this time, and returned to Tiandou Royal Academy along the way. In fact, if he could have half an hour in the morning, he would still bump into Shrek and his party at the gate of the city.

However, Shrek and his party, led by Flender, went to Lanba Academy at the same time as Lin Feng arrived at the city gate.

Therefore, Lin Feng was completely unaware of what happened to Shrek Academy. He also thought that he had collected all the things from the tavern in Tiandou City yesterday and put them in his space soul guide.

After I go back today, after Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing arrive, and when the manpower is ready, my tavern will be able to officially open!

With this in mind, Lin Feng returned to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Along the mountain stairs, when he was about to reach the entrance of the academy, he saw Sun Buyu with an extremely unsightly expression above him, standing with his hands behind his back at the entrance of the academy, and let out a long sigh.

Seeing Sun Buyu's appearance, Lin Feng was curious for a while, wondering what happened to his position as the responsible teacher, and why he sighed so much.

"You boy, are you back?"

When Sun Buyu saw Lin Feng, he forcibly pulled out a smile from the corner of his mouth, which made Sun Buyu's already awkward smile even more awkward.

"Well, you're back, Mr. Sun, what happened to you?"

Lin Feng lightly tapped his feet, his figure was like an arrow, and he came to the front of Sun Buyu in a few steps, and asked,
"Sigh, the original matter of merging with Shrek into Tiandou Academy was interrupted and abandoned midway, which made the people of Shrek Academy go down the mountain angrily, and even Teacher Qin Ming left."

Sun Buyu looked at Lin Feng and said helplessly.

"Huh? Didn't the Education Committee stop it? Now they're gone?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng also frowned, and asked softly.

"The people who came were Titled Douluo, Poison Douluo, and Dugu Bo, even if they were the three seats in the education committee, there was nothing they could do!" Sun Buyu said with a long sigh.

"That useless fourth prince, with these useless noble children, let my Heaven Dou Imperial Academy waste such a great opportunity, how can I become the number one in the Heaven Dou Empire!"

At this time, Sun Buyu was getting more and more angry, and he didn't care about the impact of insulting the royal family members, so he immediately cursed in front of Lin Feng.

"Dugu Bo?"

Lin Feng didn't care who exactly Sun Buyu was cursing, let alone the fourth prince, even if he scolded Emperor Xue Ye, it was none of his business.

This sudden change disrupted his plan, but at the same time, the news also caused some information about Dugu Bo to emerge from the memory fragments in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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