Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 292 The Battle Begins

Chapter 292 The Battle Begins

Lin Feng's sharp confrontation made the soul masters watching the battle from the mountain down the mountain, looking at the young figure holding on to the long sword, couldn't help feeling a little excited!
At this time, the soul masters watching the battle knew more or less the teams of both sides. In their eyes, the Shrek team defeated the Wuhundian team.

At this time in the competition, it can almost be said that he has won the championship.

They are also not optimistic, only the Heaven Dou Royal Team where Lin Feng belongs, after all, this is a team battle game, just like the young soul master of Shrek said.

Although personal strength can affect the outcome of the game, it cannot dominate the outcome of the game.

Shrek had already proved his strength by defeating the Wuhundian team yesterday. In their eyes, although Lin Feng was in this competition, he was considered a legend.

In terms of personal strength alone, it can be called the strongest existence in the previous soul master competitions.

After all, I searched through the previous records of the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, and I can't find a perverted character like Lin Feng. Not only has he reached the rank of Soul King, but the ratio of soul rings is still three purple and two black.

However, relying on him alone, facing Shrek, which is also the team with the strongest comprehensive strength in previous soul master competitions.

It's not enough to win the game!
However, although in the eyes of everyone, Lin Feng's defeat is already doomed.

But seeing Lin Feng holding a long sword in his hand, the arrogance of one person threatening to face seven people was almost reckless!They are still excited!

After all, who hasn't been young?Who hasn't been passionate?
Looking at that frail figure who was the strongest in the previous soul master competitions, uttering such wild words!

For them at this time, the outcome of this game is not important, what is important is that they can see the wonderful collision between the strongest individual and the strongest team!


Pope Bibi Dong, who heard Lin Feng's words, also changed his expression, and cursed secretly.

She never expected that Lin Feng would directly propose to fight alone!Bibi Dong got to know the members of Lin Feng's team a little bit.

Although most of the members of Lin Feng's team are vulnerable trash, there is still a good auxiliary soul master, and another good agility attack soul master.

With the help of these two people, assisting Lin Feng, although in Bibi Dong's eyes, the chance of winning is still very small, but at least the winning rate is much higher than that of Lin Feng alone!
After hearing Lin Feng's words, Uncle Mo, who was also watching the battle at the edge of the Pope's Palace Square, was also stunned!
When he asked Lin Feng's tactics yesterday, that's not what Lin Feng told him!
"Hiss, what is this kid thinking? He probably isn't the kind of young man above..."

Uncle Mo looked at Lin Feng in the field, sighed, and said helplessly.

In fact, Lin Feng didn't make a sudden decision when he faced Shrek alone.

But after considering the situation of his own team, he decided to do so.

In the battle with Shrek, only Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were able to assist Lin Feng and play a role.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong belonged to Shrek before, although Ning Rongrong didn't care about his previous status.

But Zhu Zhuqing, a girl who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, is not as heartless as Ning Rongrong, so I'm afraid she will be a little concerned.

Although Zhu Zhuqing probably would not show mercy when facing Shrek, her former teammate, at Lin Feng's request, but Lin Feng didn't want to force Zhu Zhuqing either.

So Lin Feng had made a plan before, if he met Shrek in the final, he didn't plan to let Zhu Zhuqing play.

Since Zhu Zhuqing didn't play, then only Ning Rongrong, a support teammate, would be useful to him.

However, in team battles, if the support system teammates are not protected by teammates, it is easy to get injured.

Out of such considerations, Lin Feng also planned to play alone!

Of course, these considerations are only secondary reasons. The main reason is Lin Feng's confidence in his own strength. He believes that with his own strength, he can defeat Shrek alone!

"The match begins! Both sides can release the spirit ring!"

Disregarding everyone's thoughts, the referee, Cardinal, asked Lin Feng with a look of surprise if he wanted to play alone, and received a confirmation from Lin Feng.

After shaking his head helplessly, he glanced at both sides and immediately announced loudly!
Hearing this, everyone in Shrek immediately released their martial souls, seven people stood in order, the first ones were Tang San and Dai Mubai, and a man as tall as an ape.

In the row behind them was a young girl whom Lin Feng didn't know, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, and in the last row was Oscar who was an auxiliary soul master.

Put out a three, three, one formation.

Seven people, all with four spirit rings, of course the most eye-catching one is Tang San who possesses the ten thousand year spirit ability.

In fact, if it weren't for Lin Feng's soul ring configuration, which was too eye-catching, the soul master who received the most attention in the competition at this time should be Tang San with the ten thousand year soul skill.

However, although Tang San's 4th year soul skill is surprising, but more with the surge of Qing Feng's soul power in Lin Feng's hands, the three purple and two black soul rings, the purple and black rays of light stand out, and a special fluctuation of soul power .

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Feng.

At this time, everyone in Shrek also looked at Lin Feng, especially the black soul ring at the top of the five soul rings, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

During the competition, they already knew about the rest of Lin Feng's soul skills, but only the fifth mysterious ten-thousand-year soul skill had never been used by Lin Feng.

Master, he also once told them that Lin Feng must be careful about the 5th year soul skill that Lin Feng has never used, because the soul skill that has never been used may be the only chance for Lin Feng to come back and win the game.

They also took the master's instructions in their hearts.

Therefore, looking at Lin Feng's fifth soul ring, they all secretly guessed in their hearts, if Lin Feng could really have a chance to turn around with the fifth soul skill, then what kind of soul skill is this...

No, if he was alone, he would be able to rely on the fifth soul ability and win the game in the end. I am afraid that this fifth soul ability cannot be called a "soul ability", even if it is called a "divine ability", it is not an exaggeration!
Everyone in Shrek thought to themselves.

And the rest of the audience who watched the final battle looked at the long sword in Lin Feng's hand that had turned into purple and black due to the light of the soul ring, all of them were amazed.

Three purples and two blacks!Such a heaven-defying soul ring configuration!They couldn't imagine how strong Lin Feng was!Looking at the configuration of this soul ring, they kind of understood why Lin Feng was so arrogant!

If Lin Feng can really win this match by himself, then they will witness a legend with their own eyes!
No, even if Lin Feng loses, this is actually a legendary scene, just a slightly regrettable legend...

"Game start!"

After announcing the start of the final battle of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Elite Academy Competition, the cardinal who was in charge of hosting the competition also quickly left.

The field was vacated, and the stage was handed over to the two people on the field at this time!
At this time Lin Feng was holding a long sword!He was not in a hurry to attack, but slowly swept his gaze across the auditorium around him.

Under the auspices of Wuhundian, there are actually not many people who are really qualified to enter the Pope's Hill, on the edge of the Pope's Palace square, to watch the game.

Lin Feng's eyes slowly swept across the auditorium, and saw many familiar figures, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Xie Yue and Yan, and finally at the edge of the auditorium, in an inconspicuous position, finally saw the beautiful red skirt figure.

Seeing that she came as expected, he smiled at her, and immediately turned his gaze back to the current game.

"Hehe, do you think that you will win seven fights and one? Today I will let you know what the real difference in strength is!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng's green edge flashed with purple awns, and the second soul ring turned into a strange blood-colored energy and poured into the sword body, staining the cyan sword body with a touch of blood red.

Soon the bloody energy also passed through the sword body, passed through Lin Feng's arm, and entered his body.

At the same time, behind Lin Feng, a huge and hideous phantom of ghosts and gods appeared behind him!
"Second Soul Skill: Kazan of Blade Soul!"

After attaching a very strong buff state to himself, Lin Feng held the long sword, a bloody light flashed in his eyes, and rushed straight towards Shrek!

(End of this chapter)

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