Chapter 293

"Stay calm! Don't look at the phantom behind him! Leave the rest to Xiao Wu and me!"

Tang San looked at the galloping figure of Lin Feng with a long sword in his hand, without the slightest panic on his face, and whispered to the rest of the people.

According to Tang San's previous observations, Lin Feng's second spirit ability was not only a boosting spirit ability, but also had a deterrent effect.

If you don't respond in time, you may be hurt in the first confrontation.

Tang San, standing on the most wall of the team, caught the pink light thrown by Oscar with his backhand, and at the same time six blue silver grass vines appeared, wrapping around the waists of the other six people in the team respectively.

The control of the Blue Silver Grass has already started quietly!

Tang San's eyes were sparkling with purple light, and he who opened the purple magic pupil obviously wouldn't be affected by Lin Feng's deterrent skill.

On the other side, Xiao Wu suddenly took a step forward and smiled at Lin Feng, the second soul ring on her body shone with pink light.

The eyes have turned red, and the second soul skill of the Bone Charm Rabbit, Charm, is activated.

However, in the past, Xiao Wu's omnipresent charm did not affect Lin Feng a little.

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Wu's red eyes, smiled faintly, and immediately attacked Shrek as fast as lightning.

Seeing this, looking at Lin Feng who was holding a long sword not far from himself and the others, his face was slightly stern, and he was not panicked. After all, Lin Feng was not affected by the charm and was also under his consideration.

He has seen Lin Feng's fierce and irresistible offensive since the qualifiers.

Although Tang San thought that he had quite a lot of cards in his hole, and if he showed his full strength, it would be difficult for even the soul king to resist, but he was facing Lin Feng.

He didn't have the slightest confidence in winning, but he still had the confidence to resist Lin Feng's offensive head-on.

Immediately, the fourth soul ring of Bluesilver Grass was activated, and countless vines of Bluesilver Grass sprang up from the ground, forming a huge cage in a blink of an eye, enveloping Lin Feng in it in an instant, and no one was seen.
"The fourth soul skill, Blue Silver Prison!"

At this time, Tang San used the blue silver cage at the beginning of the game, and used the soul skills controlled by this group to exert all the power on Lin Feng.

After the cage formed by the blue silver grass completely submerged Lin Feng's figure, the vines that got up still spread rapidly, covering the surface with layers of vines.

In the past, this was just a layer of blue silver vines, which could trap soul sect-level powerhouses for a long time.

But now under Tang San's control, the fourth spirit ability, as a group control spirit ability, was fully exerted, and all the vine cages formed enveloped Lin Feng's body.

But at this moment, everyone on the field looked at the blue silver grass cage that was covered with blue silver grass vines like rice dumplings.

Everyone in Shrek and the audience didn't think that the cage could trap Lin Feng.

After they saw Lin Feng being enveloped by the blue and silver grass cage, they had only one thought in their minds, that was how long would Lin Feng have to wait before he could get out of the blue and silver cage.

When Tang San just finished using the Blue Silver Prison, Tang San suddenly felt something, his expression changed.

In an instant, several white glows shot out from the blue silver cage, and the blue silver cage formed by Tang San's blue silver grass was cut into several sections by Lin Feng's sword light instantly, countless vines fell on the ground in pieces. on the ground.

And Lin Feng's figure appeared in the eyes of everyone again, stepping lightly on the blue silver grass vines, galloping, with a relaxed smile on his face.

Seeing this, everyone was surprised. Unexpectedly, the Blue Silver Prison, which had played a huge role in the previous competition, was fully activated at this time, acting on one person.

It's impossible to even trap Lin Feng for a short time!After interrupting Lin Feng's charge for a while, it was useless.

Tang San's expression was a little dignified, Lin Feng broke his blue and silver cage so lightly, this strength really exceeded his expectations.

But looking at Lin Feng who was getting closer and closer, his face was solemn.

And in Lin Feng's eyes, an interesting look also flashed, because he saw that not far away, eight thick and ferocious long legs grew out from Tang San's back.

The length of each long leg is more than four meters away, as thick as a long arm, shiny purple and black, and the cold light is shining on the curved barbs, each long leg is divided into two pieces, the front end is sharp , like an invincible spear.

"Eight Spider Lances!"

After Lin Feng saw that thing, compared to other people's surprise, he naturally knew what it was.

This thing is more cherished than the trunk spirit bone obtained after winning the game, and the external spirit bone is much more cherished.

When Lin Feng was in Suotuo City before, he had also seen Tang San's Eight Spider Lances in the Suotuo Soul Arena, but compared to that time.

At this moment, the Eight Spider Lances, after Tang San's strength had improved, their power and appearance seemed even stronger.

"Hehe, I took out the hole cards at the beginning of the game! Not bad!"

Lin Feng laughed out loud, he had been looking forward to the battle with Shrek and Tang San for a long time!
Now he just wants Tang San and Shrek to show all their strength cards to fight him!
Then he was severely defeated by him!

Immediately, the fourth spirit ring on the sword flickered, and the figure disappeared in place, and in the next moment, it appeared in Tang San's eyes!

"Dragon Breaks the Sky!"

Looking at Lin Feng who suddenly appeared in front of him, Tang San's pupils suddenly shrank!

The two thick spears were placed in front of Tang San in an instant, and they blocked the several blows of Lin Feng's long sword Raptor Duan Kong Zhan.

The long sword in Lin Feng's palm split on Tang San's spider spear, making several metal and iron clashing sounds, splashing sparks!

"Not bad!"

Seeing this, Lin Feng muttered lightly.

In the next instant, the Raptor Dragon Severing Slash's second stage flashed and activated, and the figure appeared behind Tang San in an instant.

Although Lin Feng was very confident in his own strength, he didn't think about defeating Tang San with such a simple blow.

Instead, he decided to make a false move and eliminate some irrelevant people first.

Even if he set his target on Oscar, the only auxiliary soul master among the Shrek Seven Monsters.

First get rid of this auxiliary type soul master, then get rid of the rest of the agility attack type soul masters, such as Xiao Wu, and then get rid of the attack type like Dai Mubai.

Finally, let's ravage Tang San by himself!

But when Lin Feng waved his sword and came to Oscar, the next moment Oscar appeared and was dragged by Tang San in the blue silver grass to avoid Lin Feng's blow.

Afterwards, Xiao Wu who was not far from her side activated her third soul ability, and teleported to Oscar's body under the cover.

Oscar also retreated smoothly under the traction of the blue silver grass, and immediately behind him, a transparent pair of wings appeared, rising into the air, out of the range of Lin Feng's attack.

Tang San had also seen Lin Feng's fourth spirit ability, two stages of flash, such a close-up spirit ability that was caught off guard, combined with Lin Feng's powerful offensive ability, why didn't he make preparations and assumptions before the match?
Therefore, before the game started, he told Oscar to be a "flying intestine" as soon as he came on stage.

His blue and silver cage just now was just to delay Lin Feng's progress, and let Oscar make the first "flying intestine" to protect himself.

From Tang San's point of view, to fight against an opponent with outstanding personal strength like Lin Feng, you don't want to attack, you just want to be stable, and it's enough to fight steadily!
As long as there are no mistakes and they are defeated by Lin Feng one by one, then the victory will belong to them after all!

Lin Feng looked at Oscar flying in mid-air, he was a little surprised, and let out a light oh,
My own first-hand attack obviously failed.

Moreover, he seemed to have directly passed through the two stages of the Raptor Severing Slash's flash displacement, and directly entered the siege of Shrek.

Lin Feng looked at the Shrek people around him who were gearing up and their spirit rings were shining, and then turned their eyes to Tang San with a calm face.

Holding his forehead with his left hand, he shook his head and said softly with some helplessness.

"Hey, I'm really dizzy. How could I think of any tactics to use? Are you still too excited?"

In the face of tactics and teamwork, whether it is Tang San or that master, they are countless times stronger than the team leader who doesn't think about any tactics along the way, only relies on the long sword in his hand, and is not responsible at all.

In front of them, I was still thinking about using a sudden but not very clever, obvious tactic, it was simply a trick...

"I wanted to save energy, but it seems that I can't save it at all!"

Lin Feng's eyes slowly scanned the surroundings, and casually pulled a sword flower, the smile on his face disappeared slowly, and said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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