Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 324 1 choices

Chapter 324 A Choice
"The Clear Sky Hammer, plus these special hidden weapons, you should be Tang San, right?"

Outside the hell killing field, at this time Lin Feng looked at the blue-haired man who was slowly walking out of it, and said to him with a smile on his face.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Although I have heard of Tang San and know that he is a disciple of my Clear Sky School living abroad, I am not him. My name is Tang Yin."

At this time, "Tang Yin" looked at the figure in white clothes not far away, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly.

"Look, I just said, I have a special method, I can see that he is not disguised, obviously he is not Tang San. Although he also has the Clear Sky Hammer and that peculiar hidden weapon, but he should be purely Haotian Zong's disciples."

On the other side, Hu Liena, who was holding Lin Feng's arm intimately, heard what "Tang Yin" said, looked at "Tang Yin" carefully, and said softly.

"As this "Hell Messenger" said, I am not Tang San. If it wasn't for the "Fallen Angel" who wanted to find Tang San for something, please don't mistake me."

"Of course, if your Excellency insists on thinking that I am Tang San, if you want to make trouble for me, then please don't say anything more."

"Tang Yin" looked at Lin Feng, and immediately exuded a violent killing intent from his body, and said coldly.

Seeing "Tang Yin" exuding such killing intent, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly walked to a place about two meters in front of him, looking directly at him.

And "Tang Yin" also looked at Lin Feng coldly without fear, his body was violent, and the cold killing intent continued to spread.

The short confrontation between the two outside the hell killing field soon attracted many soul masters from the killing capital who came and went.

Looking at the two most outstanding rising stars in the killing fields of hell in recent decades, facing each other, a fierce fighting situation may erupt at any time.

Everyone cheered and cheered for the two of them!Can't wait to see their flesh and blood!

At this time, "Tang Yin" looked at the figure in white clothes not far in front of him. Although he looked calm and fearless on the surface, in fact, the palms of his naturally drooping arms were already tensely stained with sweat.

Even though it has been three years since that competition, he himself has made great progress, but when facing Lin Feng.

"Tang Yin" couldn't help but palpitate when he remembered the process when he single-handedly defeated the seven of them and finally won.

In the Slaughter City, he met Lin Feng head-on, even though his hidden weapon had a great advantage in this environment where soul skills could not be used.

During the period of training in the City of Slaughter, he even personally killed a lot of soul masters at the Contra level.

But facing Lin Feng, he had to admit that he had a deep fear and fear towards Lin Feng.

Even in this situation where he has a great advantage over himself, he doesn't have much confidence that he can win.

"Tang Yin" looked at Lin Feng coldly, as if he didn't pay much attention to Lin Feng, but his nervous body was already prepared, the next moment, as long as Lin Feng made any changes.

Several throwing knives hidden in the sleeve robe will shoot out, attacking Lin Feng.

But to his surprise, Lin Feng came in front of him, didn't make any changes, just looked at him quietly, then the corners of his mouth turned up, showing a smile, and said heavily.

"Hehe, although you are completely different from Tang San in terms of temperament and appearance, I still think you are him."

"But whether you are him or not, what if I am wrong? It's just a disciple of the Clear Sky School. If you kill him, you will kill him. It's not a big deal." Lin Feng looked at "Tang Yin" and said softly, then shook his head, The words changed.

"Of course, now, because of the special circumstances, I will let you go temporarily, hehe, I will take your life later."

"What do you mean, Your Excellency? With your words, could it be that you want to have enmity with my Clear Sky School? Even if you are a member of the Spirit Hall, my Clear Sky School is not someone who can be easily insulted!"

"Tang Yin" heard the words, his eyes were bright, and he said slowly to Lin Feng in a deep voice.

Indeed, as "Tang Yin" said, even though Haotianzong was implicated in the incident more than ten years ago and was suppressed by the Spirit Hall, he was afraid of his strength.

Although Haotianzong chose to disappear later, his strength was not affected much, and Wuhundian did not choose to continue to fight hard with Haotianzong. Both sides took a step back and put this matter aside for the time being.

From a normal person's point of view, although the Clear Sky School is not as good as the Spirit Hall, in fact the Spirit Hall does not dare to provoke the Clear Sky School easily.

The words of "Tang Yin" seemed to many people to have no problem at all, but for Lin Feng who knew a little about Bibi Dong's plan.

In the subsequent changes of Haotian School, they will be cleaned up sooner or later, so Lin Feng has no fear or scruples at all.

When he chose to enter the killing city, the plan was about to mature, and now he has stayed in the killing city for more than a year.

After I go out in a short time, it is estimated that the time is right for the "Wuhun Temple" and it will directly set off a monstrous wave across the whole continent.

Therefore, regarding "Tang Yin"'s words, Lin Feng smiled slightly, didn't pay any attention to it, turned around directly, and walked slowly towards Hu Liena.

At this time, "Tang Yin" watched Lin Feng leave with his back on his back, showing his defenseless back, and was extremely entangled in his heart, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to sneak attack Lin Feng.

The flying knives in the sleeves slipped into the palms several times, but in the end they all chose to give up without exception.

Because "Tang Yin" knew that when Lin Feng basically confirmed his identity, this terrifying enemy would never reveal such a flaw to himself so easily.

Definitely have precautions, if you make a rash move, it will definitely not have any effect.

So in the end, after "Tang Yin" struggled in his heart for a long time, he directly chose to give up the shot, and temporarily endured it, even though Lin Feng said to his face that he was going to kill himself.

As for the rest of the killing capital soul masters who were watching all this, they saw that one of the most famous rising stars in the killing field of hell, "King Shura", was able to endure this kind of provocation.

Immediately at the scene, boos erupted, and many people even scolded "King Shura" disdainfully.

After all, in their view, someone said that they must kill you in the future, and you didn't want to strike first, but didn't fight back in front of a coward.

This place that advocates the strong and killing is really despised, even if this person is the "Sura King" who has won almost [-] consecutive victories in the killing field of hell.

And "Tang Yin" ignored the insulting words and actions of the onlookers, turned around directly, and left silently in the opposite direction of Lin Feng.

This action, in the eyes of the onlookers, looked more like a desperate escape.

Therefore, their disdain for this bloodless "King Shura" is even greater.

"Hehe, did you actually endure it? Then, let me let you go for now."

Sensing the departure of "Tang Yin", Lin Feng had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly to himself.

In fact, just as "Tang Yin" imagined, Lin Feng deliberately exposed such a big hole in his back to him, just to see if he would make a surprise attack on him.

This is actually a choice made by Lin Feng for this "Tang Yin". If he chooses to sneak attack on him, then today they will definitely have a life or death.

If he chooses to endure and leave directly, then Lin Feng can let him go temporarily.

The reason why Lin Feng did this was because he was afraid of "Tang Yin" or Tang San's strength.

Tang San was afraid of him, and he actually had some fear of Tang San.

Without revealing that he can use soul skills in the Slaughter City, it is basically impossible for Lin Feng to take care of Tang San easily.

And what if he fought Tang San without using spirit abilities and killed him.

Although Lin Feng also had confidence, he couldn't guarantee whether he would suffer any harm under Tang San's changeable and weird hidden weapons.

Because of the aura emitted by his body, there are always a group of people who are unwilling to give up and want to surround and kill him.

And Hu Liena was still following him, if he was injured, and there was chaos later, he might not be able to care about Hu Liena.

Moreover, the most important purpose of my trip is to accompany Hu Liena to practice and find the power of God by the way. Before these two things are completed, Lin Feng does not want to have any accidents.

But if he just let "Tang San" go like this, he felt a little unwilling, so he decided to give "Tang San" a choice.

(End of this chapter)

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