Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 325 Hell Road

Chapter 325 Hell Road

If Tang San didn't choose to act but endured the flaws he had revealed, then Lin Feng could also let him go for a while.

After obtaining the "God's Power" in the future, you can only use your strength and don't have to worry about exposing your soul skills, and then go to kill him personally.

And if Tang San insisted on looking for death in advance and sneak attacking him.

Then Lin Feng will not continue to endure anything, desperate to kill him on the spot despite the danger that may be exposed.

But obviously, Tang San's rational choice gave him an extra period of time to live...

"I'm going to participate in one game too. I have already won 81 games in a row..." Lin Feng murmured softly as he looked at the killing field in front of him.

It has been more than a year since he came to Hell Slaughtering Field without knowing it, and he has won 81 consecutive victories. It won't be long before he can win [-] consecutive victories and start the road to hell.

In fact, if it weren't for waiting for Hu Liena's progress, Lin Feng would have won a hundred games in a row. After all, Hu Liena is not like him. His main purpose in coming to this city of killing is to find the power of God.

And Hu Liena's main purpose of coming here is to practice.

Facing these enemies, Lin Feng could easily kill them by virtue of his strength, but Hu Liena was different and spent a lot of effort in every match.

Sometimes, even some injuries.

Therefore, in order to allow Hu Liena to practice slowly and not to worry, Lin Feng deliberately slowed down.


Killing capital, dark and wide room.

An extraordinarily huge chair, inlaid with blue and purple crystals, is extraordinarily gorgeous.

Everything here is dark red except for this chair.

"Great king, the fallen angels have won another game." A cold female voice sounded in the dark.

"I know." A tall figure sat down on the giant chair, his face could not be seen clearly in the darkness, only that he was tall and thin.

"There are also "Sura King" and "Hell Messenger" who have won [-] consecutive victories in the hell killing field. Fallen people with more than [-] victories will not meet in the same game. I think they have completed [-] consecutive victories. Victory is a matter of time."

The cold female voice seemed to hesitate for a moment in the darkness, then continued.

"I know, so do you think they have traveled the road to hell?" The Slaughter King continued after a long silence.

"Great king, the existence of that "fallen angel" is really special, do you want to..."

"Hmph! The three of them were sent to the Killing City by the only two Gods of Death in the world, do you understand? If one of the Gods of Killing finds out about the situation, then the City of Killing will face a devastating disaster." Strike!" The Slaughter King said coldly.

The so-called killing gods are those who have obtained the domain of killing gods by walking through the road of hell.

They are people in the killing capital who can freely release their soul skills by relying on the killing god domain.

"Hehe, but I just heard that there seems to be some disagreement between the "Fallen Angel" and the "King Shura". The "Fallen Angel" threatened to kill the "King Shura" with his own hands in the near future. something else."

"Although the three of them all came here to practice, it is a blessing that the three of them did not form a single block when they passed the road to hell. Otherwise, three gods of death would appear at the same time, which would be a disaster for the city of killing." A catastrophe..."

The blood-red gaze of the Slaughter King, who was hidden in the darkness, wandered in the air, and murmured.

"Send someone to contact the "King Shura" and ask him if he is willing to join the Slaughter City..." The Slaughter King seemed to close his eyes, the blood-red eyes disappeared into the darkness, and said softly.



Two months later, Hell Killing Fields.


The last opponent was shot in the head by Lin Feng and died.

The Hell Slaughtering Field has been divided, and Lin Feng is still the final winner without exception.

However, unlike in the past, after winning the victory, Lin Feng did not leave, but stood quietly on the spot, looking up at a certain direction towards the killing field of hell.

Because, after this victory, Lin Feng had won a hundred consecutive victories in the Hell Slaughtering Fields, becoming the third person to win a hundred consecutive victories after "King Shura" and "Hell Messenger".

Although it is extremely easy to get Yum with Lin Feng's strength, but because he was concerned about Hu Liena's progress, he did not give full play.

It's just that after Hu Liena completed the [-]-game winning streak the day before, Lin Feng quickly completed his [-]-game winning streak on the second day, which is now.

"Congratulations, young man."

Deep and sharp voices suddenly came from all directions, causing the atmosphere in the hell killing field to rise to the extreme.

In the midair, a blood-red figure was descending from the sky.

"King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter, King of Slaughter..."

The shouts made the Fallen hoarse, but they didn't intend to stop at all.

It was a tall man, the cloak on his back fluttered in the air like wings, his appearance was ordinary, his face was extremely pale, but his pupils were strangely blood-colored, and there was a gloomy and cold aura on his body.

This smell is similar to that of Bloody Mary and the smell of the Slaughter City, but it smells a little more special and pleasant.

This person is the supreme being in control of the Slaughter Capital, the King of Slaughter with the peak title Douluo strength.

Suspended in mid-air five meters above the ground, the Slaughter King stopped descending, looking down at Lin Feng from the air, his expression neither sad nor happy, and nothing unusual could be seen.

And at this moment, with the arrival of the King of Slaughter, the gates on both sides of the hell killing field opened at the same time.

Hu Liena, who was wearing a black dress and showed her perfect figure to the fullest, smiled slightly at Lin Feng, and quickly walked towards Lin Feng.

On the other side, the handsome "Tang Yin" with long blue hair also frowned and walked out slowly.

At this time, as soon as Hu Liena came to Lin Feng's side, regardless of being still in the killing field of hell, feeling the breath, she quickly hugged Lin Feng.

In a crazy world like the Killing City, Lin Feng's existence is like a clear spring in the desert, a warm fire in the cold winter.

It was so comfortable to be near him!

At this time, "Tang Yin" looked at Lin Feng with a little awe in his heart, he had been watching Lin Feng secretly all the time.

Lin Feng is extremely special, and he can also see it.

He had killed so many people in the killing capital, and he was carrying a strong killing intent. With his will, he was able to endure all these killing intents, and he would not let the killing intent affect his thinking.

This is his way of resisting these killing intents.

But Lin Feng killed more people than him because of his special existence in the City of Slaughter, but he was not affected by this killing intent at all. The special aura that permeated the City of Slaughter was completely useless to him.

"Is it because of the power of his domain?"

"Tang Yin" thought to himself, after such a long time, he naturally knew that it was the "field" that Lin Feng defeated their special soul skills that day.

At this time, the Slaughter King was in mid-air, staring at the three people below, and said slowly.

"I am very happy. In the past few days, I have witnessed the birth of three killing field experts. It has been decades since there has been a Yum."

"In order to commend your achievements, I decided to give you the title of Killing God. From now on, you can go in and out of the Killing City on your own, and you will be hired as guests of the Killing City under me."

The King of Slaughter lowered his head, his scarlet eyes swept over the three of them, his deep voice echoed continuously in the killing field of hell.

"Giving the title of God of Death without going through the Hell Road, do you want us to take the Hell Road?"

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth turned up slightly, looking at the Slaughter King suspended in mid-air, thinking in his heart.

Road to Hell is undoubtedly extremely dangerous, but since other people can pass through Road to Hell without using soul skills, these dangers are nothing to him.

The same is true for Hu Liena, she came here to practice, if she doesn't go to the most mysterious road to hell, then what's the point?

So it's not a good choice.

The only thing that worried Lin Feng was that "Tang Yin".

If "Tang Yin" chooses not to enter the hell road, he can leave directly from the killing capital now.

If he escaped just like that, and if he couldn't find anyone, Lin Feng really had nothing to do with him.

However, to Lin Feng's surprise, "Tang Yin" also rejected the Slaughter King's proposal, and also decided to venture into hell.

"I advise you to think again."

Seeing everyone's reaction, the Slaughter King's eyes flickered coldly, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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