Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 326 Strange

Chapter 326 Strange

"Before you, there are already several Yum champions, and their strength is not weaker than yours, but most of them fell on the road to hell."

If what the Slaughter King said is true, then this road to hell is probably extremely dangerous, for ordinary people.

After all, it is really not easy to get the person who can persevere in the environment of the killing capital, resist the erosion of killing intent, and win a hundred victories. No matter in terms of strength or heart, this kind of person is undoubtedly extremely powerful presence.

Such people, most of them lost their lives on the road to hell. I am afraid that this road to hell is really extremely dangerous

But for Lin Feng, who has many life-saving means and can use soul skills when necessary, he doesn't care about these.

The only thing she cared about was that she had to spare a little to take care of Hu Liena on the road to hell.

Therefore, Lin Feng and Hu Liena walked directly to the center without any hesitation.

On the other side, Tang Yin also took a step forward.

Seeing this, the Slaughter King looked at Lin Feng with a strange smile on his face.

"Very well, I admire your courage, then, good luck to you!"

After the Slaughter King finished speaking, his body trembled slightly, and a red light suddenly radiated from his body and scattered towards the surroundings. What followed was an extremely evil aura, which made the bone marrow stiff with cold.

It made Lin Feng frowned slightly, and the sword intent in his body continued to circulate, resisting the discomfort caused by this breath.

The evil and cold red ripples slowly spread out, almost spreading to the entire audience in the blink of an eye.

The fallen people sitting in the auditorium were extremely excited because they were about to see the opening of the road to hell.

But they don't know that their own lives, as a necessary sacrifice to open the road to hell, have come to an end.

As the red light spread across the audience, when a bloody barrier formed over the entire killing field of hell, the cheering people in the auditorium suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's faces became extremely dull, but their eyes gradually turned blood red, and they remained motionless.

Soon, under the influence of the red light, everyone suddenly moved their hands towards their face and grabbed at their body, causing their skin to curl up and blood to splatter.

They screamed in pain, but it seemed that there was a trace of extreme excitement, as if they had obtained unparalleled pleasure in this extremely cruel self-abuse.

His hands were constantly mutilating himself, even pulling out all the internal organs of his body, and he still didn't stop until the blood in his body was exhausted and his life really ended.

Even though Lin Feng had gone through countless slaughters in this capital of killings, he frowned in discomfort when he saw this scene.

Hu Liena, who was beside her, felt the more intense smell of blood in the arena. Looking at this terrifying purgatory, her face turned pale, and she subconsciously hugged Lin Feng tightly.

The blood of countless people spilled on the ground, converging into streams, flowing into the arena like countless snakes in the auditorium.

At this time, the screams in the arena had gradually subsided, except for the King of Slaughter, Lin Feng, Hu Liena and Tang Yin, there was no one alive here.

And as blood flowed into it, a huge blood-red pattern converged on the ground.

It looks like a strange bird, but if you look closely, it looks more like a blood-colored bat group, appearing from the ground.

"Good luck on the road to hell!" The deep and sharp voice of the Slaughter King echoed in his ears.

Suddenly, the bloody eyes in the center of the bat lit up, and a huge red light soared into the sky, immediately enveloping Lin Feng, Hu Liena, Tang Yin, and the three of them in the arena.

The blood-red light seemed to have inexplicable energy.

"This is?"

Lin Feng felt a change in his body and was suddenly startled.

Before Lin Feng could react, the red light shot up into the sky, instantly engulfing Lin Feng and Hu Liena who was hugging her tightly.

All the perceptions around him became extremely blurred and illusory, and their consciousness gradually became drowsy.

After feeling this state, Lin Feng sometimes wanted to maintain a clear consciousness and open the "mind eye" state, but when Lin Feng opened the "mind eye" state, he felt and explored into this empty space.

But in this empty space, it seems that he can't feel the passage of time. Subconsciously, Lin Feng feels that he has persisted for a long time, but the more he wants to maintain a clear consciousness, the less he can feel anything.

After a long time, Lin Feng, who was still maintaining a clear consciousness, seemed to understand something.

Let go of your mind directly, directly end the "mind eye" state, and fall into lethargy as if your consciousness has sunk into the sea.

I don't know how much time has passed, and with a violent shock of consciousness, all the senses are restored and I wake up.

When Lin Feng opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Hu Liena who was squatting halfway, her big charming eyes mixed with worry and joy.

"Finally woke up, I was so scared to death! I kept calling you before, but you didn't respond. If you weren't still breathing, I thought..."

After seeing Lin Feng wake up, Hu Liena seemed a little excited because of Lin Feng's sobriety, and immediately threw Lin Feng, who was about to get up, to the ground again.

The gentle body was lying on top of Lin Feng's body, his frail and boneless arms were wrapped around the latter's neck, and he whispered in his ear as he breathed out.

Feeling the two lumps of softness tightly attached to his chest, looking at the girl who fell on him, at this time Hu Liena was very close to him, and Lin Feng could easily feel Hu Liena's slight haste through the touch of his chest heartbeat.

Although this experience in the Slaughter City has made Hu Liena stronger, her heart has actually become more fragile in a certain way.

Of course, this vulnerability is only for Lin Feng by his side.

After experiencing the experience of the Killing City during this period, under the protection of Lin Feng in every way, Hu Liena has become inseparable from Lin Feng from the bottom of her heart.

As long as Lin Feng is by her side, Hu Liena subconsciously wants to rely on him.And if there is any problem with Lin Feng, he will become confused and worried.

In fact, Lin Feng had also discovered this change in Hu Liena before.

Although she felt helpless in her heart, her overprotection seemed to make a lot of changes in what should have been an extremely dangerous experience for Hu Liena this time.

But there was nothing he could do, after all, he was by Hu Liena's side.

Just like myself and her when I was a child, I know that some things are better for Hu Liena to solve by herself, but before, I only need to be by her side and see her confused and cute face.

Lin Feng still couldn't help but choose to make a move to help her solve it perfectly as much as possible.

Just like the experience in the killing capital during this period of time.

"Okay, I'm fine. By the way, how long have you been awake? Where's Tang Yin?"

Lin Feng patted Hu Liena's smooth long hair, looked at her and said softly.

Hearing that Hu Liena also got up slowly from Lin Feng's body, she said softly.

"I don't know the exact time, but it probably took half a day. As for "Tang Yin", I didn't see him when I woke up."

Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded, stood up, and looked around.

At this time, Lin Feng discovered that he and Hu Liena were on a circular platform, which was not very big with a diameter of about five meters.

Everything around him was a faint blood red, and beyond the five-meter-diameter circular platform beneath his feet was an abyss.

In addition, a narrow path that is less than half a foot wide and can only accommodate the width of two feet standing at the same time leads to the darkness of the location, and this is their only way to the outside.

Isn't "Tang Yin" here?

Hearing what Hu Liena said at this time, Lin Feng also frowned.

Logically speaking, since both he and Hu Liena teleported to the same place, why would "Tang Yin" teleport to other places alone?
Of course, there is another possibility, that is, "Tang Yin" woke up before Hu Liena, and then left Lin Feng and Hu Liena who were unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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