A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 200 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-35

Chapter 200 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (35)
As if struck by lightning, Dingyi's eyes widened in panic, "Master, I'm a man, so I can't be your concubine."

"I know." Qi Ye was obviously disappointed with himself, and said with drooping eyelids, "I just said casually, how can I make you a concubine, there are no women in the world dead."

She touched her nose resentfully, "Then what is your intention in saying that? Just to make fun of me?"

"No." Qi Ye walked to the window, opened the window and looked out, the bright moon was hanging high in the sky, and his heart was secretly desolate.He said, "Xiaoshu, did your master tell you about your marriage? Which wife do you plan to marry in the future?"

Dingyi hung the bird on the shelf, and said with a smile: "Slaves are poor people, how many houses they marry can't support them, and the whole family starves to death? I just want to find such a person, share the joys and sorrows, he sells bean juice, and I sell it." Jiaoquan, have something to eat, don't blush when we are together, and be kind, that's enough."

He smacked his lips and pondered for a while, "One couple for a lifetime, the artistic conception is very beautiful, and probably only ordinary people can do it. Like us, the court appointed marriage. Long live God has made a successor queen, and now it's a pick, and the draft is also a good idea." I still choose. If I choose, I don’t keep it. I give it away. I think he is a little afraid of guilt. Don’t look at the queen’s smile all day long. Anyone can say anything. In fact, this person has a lot of eyes! Terrific, the sixth elder brother saw his father as if he saw his own brother, and saw his mother frightened and detoured. The queen is aggressive, and [-]% of the boudoir also scolds men, so the emperor didn't even make a promise later. Poor. We Yuwen There are two kinds of men in my family, you either want one to die, or you don’t love any of them, I don’t know which one I am.” He turned around and asked him, “Which one do you think I look like? ?”

This question is too difficult, Ding Yi said: "I can't tell, don't you have several Fujins in your house?"

"Yeah." Qi Ye was a little confused, "I have to count how many rooms are here... one second in command, three in three in command, there are only four in total, and there is still a lack of a head. There will be another round of elections in the spring of next year, and when the time comes It’s almost time to point it out. Not only me, but also the twelfth and thirteenth. The emperor is so tired. After pointing out our generation, it’s his son’s turn. Let me tell you, the biggest matchmaker in the world is the emperor , He does not allow you to pick and choose the person he mates. He said this is all, no bargaining is allowed. You say that we royal relatives are pitiful, and it is not up to you to talk about marriage. Even if you are assigned a lame man, you have to kneel Kowtow to thank Lord Ron."

After listening to him, Ding Yi knew that the marriage of these princes was decided in this way, "I always thought that the lords fell in love with some girl, so I whispered back, and then passed the order from the palace and went out for a cutscene. That's not the case?"

Qi Ye said: "This kind of thing does happen. In the palace, you must have a reliable confidant. For example, you Enie can talk, or you have a deep friendship with the emperor and queen. If you walk through the back door like this, people Accommodating, you can choose first if you can. But people are so close to each other, sometimes you see someone who is not happy, and point out the bad ones, which will harm you for the rest of your life. Like Queen Kun, the one in front of the current queen, has a natal family Brother, he took over his father's title. He is a grandpa. What do you mean? Fujin is lame because he robbed his wife with the emperor's brother and uncle at that time. Originally, the empress dowager had issued an order to point the queen to the young grandpa. It’s hard to pull back the emperor, and finally fill him with the empress’s lame sister, what is this, isn’t it just for the little shoes to wear?”

Dingyi had an uncertain smile on his face, "Master, this is a royal secret, tell me, and cut off my ears later."

"That can't be done." Qi Ye said, "It's not a secret, everyone knows it. I just want to say that sometimes people like us can't help ourselves, can't achieve what we think in our hearts, and live very hard. But I’m a person who can see things openly, don’t be too persistent, and live a good life.” He seemed to be talking to himself, and then looked at Xiaoshu again, “I will persuade myself, let go of the things I can’t do, and just let me go. Don’t think about it anymore, it works a lot of times, but if it’s broken into the bone, it’s hard to do. I’m right into the bone... When I go back to Beijing, the Lord will give you a house, and marry a good wife in the future, so that you can feel at ease live a real life."

Dingyi was very surprised, "Master, what's the matter with you today? Did you go out for a drink?"

Qi Ye shook his head, "What kind of wine are you drinking? I sat down and ordered two top cards. They looked good from a distance, but my face was wrinkled up close. The makeup looks like a wall, one layer on the left and one layer on the right. I sat next to it." I was worried, because I was afraid that if they talked, the powder would fall into the wine glass. Those old men even came up with a unique trick, leaving the nail on the little finger two inches long, filling the wine in it, dipping it in the glass and asking people to drink it, scary It's me... Who knows if they picked their noses before, and told people to eat this, they would spit it out overnight."

Dingyi laughed out loud when he heard this, this master is so interesting, such a cheerful person, with him all worries disappear.She covered her mouth and said: "He wears armor, or it will be broken."

"That's not okay, fingernails are so dirty, isn't this a Maitai person!" He said, looking at his hands, and said, "It's time to trim...Tree, go to the high cabinet and get the box. Cut the nails for Grandpa."

The master ordering the slaves doesn't know who's what job. If you catch him, you can do it!Ding Yi responded, and said as he walked: "Slave is a rough man with clumsy hands, if the cut is broken, master don't blame it."

Qi Ye said: "Can't you think better? Ask yourself first, always thinking that I can't do it, and the mud will not stick to the wall in this life."

Ding Yinuonuo said yes, took the carved red sandalwood box, opened it, and found that the brass scissors inside were arranged in order from large to small, and the handles were polished to a bright shine.Qi Ye was sitting in the armchair, and she knelt beside his legs, raised her face and said, "Do you need a piece of white cloth to wrap the cut nails?"

"Let's just do it like this. It's not that women in the palace comb their hair. They don't pay that much attention." He stretched out his hand, "Be careful, don't cut off the tip of the grandfather's claws."

She pursed her lips and smiled, "I can't cut it, I'll be careful!"

So Qi Ye let him take care of it leisurely. Mu Xiaoshu is a fine picker, and his grasping strength is just right. He squinted his eyes and looked at it. He held his hand, tilted his head, and focused on cutting.Qiye closed his eyes again, it was just as good, it was more comfortable than drinking flower wine outside.Looking at the colorful fans all over the world, there is only one person dangling in front of him, why not come back and look at him honestly.

It's just that the prince is very distressed, what can we do, Hong Ce looks weird, if the two brothers fall into the hands of the same person, wouldn't they join in the fun!He knew that the old twelve was not normal to Mu Xiaoshu, Hongce was a bachelor anyway, so it didn't matter, as for himself, he had a family and a mouth to be tempted by such a heart, it was outrageous.

Does this kid have any sorcery?He glanced at him, he was just average, except that he was more handsome, resistant to beatings, and had a better temper.What else is there besides this, country bumpkins, bumpkins, nodding and bowing their heads when they see people pretending to be the third grandson, wanting to be waistless, wanting to be short-tempered... But this is also caused by birth, so I can't blame him.Qi Ye pondered, if he can't do anything to people, should he take care of him in the future.Promote and promote, so that his future descendants will receive some shade, and they don't have to bend their backs like him.

It's really thoughtful, Qi Ye has never felt that he is so far-sighted.He closed his eyes again and let out a long sigh, looking for trouble for himself, who is not good to look at, look at a kid.Are you planning to have a son in the future?If there is no son, who will attack his prince, who will take care of him in retirement?
It's okay to play, don't take it seriously, it hurts yourself seriously.Seventh Master is good at comforting himself, and Xiao Shu was busy taking care of his nails. He half raised his eyes to look at the bird in the cage, and said in a slow voice, "Let Na Jin send you 3000 taels of silver bills later. All previous debts are settled. Do not owe favors, remember?"

Dingyi grabbed his finger and murmured to himself, if you owe it, you owe it, how can you settle it with money.But he had to respond: "Got it, I just said that the dog money is also settled, if the twelfth master doesn't think it's enough, let him take care of what you want, okay?"

Qi Ye raised his eyebrows, "Don't lie to me, 500 taels is more than enough to buy a dog. Let alone a dog, you can buy a dozen of them even for small operas. Singing "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" is not bad for anyone."

Ding Yi said: "The Eight Immortals cross the sea, isn't it two more than ten people?"

Seventh Master clicked his tongue, "Can't distribute the distribution? The remaining two are a donkey pretending to be Zhang Guolao and a gourd pretending to be Tieguai Li. They're all here."

She had nothing to say, so she had no choice but to agree: "Master's assignment really makes sense."

The prince's hands are very comfortable to the touch. After the nails are cut, they are polished with a small scorpion. They go back and forth, and they are well cleaned up by Lord Qi.After finishing the work, Qi Ye put the ten fingers together and looked carefully, and found that there was a beautiful arc on the tip of each claw. He said, "What's the matter, why don't you pinch it clean?"

Dingyi put the box up, "The hinge is too short and it's inconvenient to carry things, so leave some to look good."

Qi Ye heard him say that it looks good, this is the best explanation.As long as it looks good, leave some left over.He said, "It can be repaired like this in the future. It's getting late, you go back." Turning to look at the birdcage, "Send the money to Lord Twelfth, or all the unknown birds will be released."

Ding Yi half opened his mouth and asked: "I'm going right now? What if he falls asleep?"

"Go after bedtime." Seventh Master said, "Today's debt is due today. Tell Twelfth Master to thank him for his care, and I won't bother him in the future. We can take care of our own affairs. You also give I remember, stay away from the twelfth master, you are a slave of my Seventh Prince's Mansion, you carry the feather flag, not his business flag. Once you enter the flag, you have to recognize the flag master, let alone you, in the future Even your son is a servant of my family! Don’t hang out with outsiders, your master doesn’t rub the sand in your eyes, and you don’t want to see people who can’t tell the difference between distant and near relatives.”

This is to say that the ground is a prison, life is Qiye's person, and death is Qiye's dead person.Dingyi didn't dare to talk too much, he respectfully said yes, but then he slowly exited the hall, took two steps, and met the chief manager Na Jin under the porch.

The Jin pair leaned against the pillar with sleeves inserted, saw her coming out and rushed up to greet her, probed into the hall, and asked with a low voice: "How is it? Master, has your anger subsided now?"

Ding Yi recalled that at the beginning, Qi Ye was rubbing the fire very hard, but later it was windy, and when he cut his nails, he looked very pleased, and he didn't see any remaining anger.She said: "It's all over, master, you know your temper. Just now, master said to ask you to pay the bill with 3000 taels of silver."

Na Jin nodded, "I heard everything outside." He dug out a roll of faucet tickets from his sleeve pocket and handed it to her, "3000 taels is enough, keep it ready."

Ding Yi took it over, a little hesitant, at this hour, the Twelfth Master might have already rested, but the Seventh Master dared not delay what he ordered.Fortunately, the access control of the palace is not as strict as in the Forbidden City. There are no keys in this area, and you can get there through two hanging flower gates.

She held the bank note in her hand, and drove forward with the light of the lantern, and entered the Twelfth Master's Ji Si Zhai. .

She stopped in front of the door and knocked on the mullion of the window, "Is Wenda here?"

A large figure was projected on the window paper, gradually shrinking, the door latch was pulled open with a click, and Sha Tong stuck out his head from inside, "Little tree, you still haven't rested at this late hour?"

Ding Yi hesitated, "I came to find the Twelfth Master on the order of the Seventh Master...it's getting late, and the Seventh Master insisted on doing it today, I'm not sure."

Sha Tong finally stepped out, with freshly washed feet, robe tucked into his belt, trousers rolled up high, standing in the light and shadow and asked: "So anxious, is there something important?"

"I bought the bird today, and the Seventh Lord gave me a scolding, saying that I am bothering the Twelfth Lord, and asked me to send the bank note." She asked forward, "You see what to do, how about you?" Accept it, and present it to the Twelfth Lord tomorrow morning?"

Sha Tong shook his head and couldn't say, "It's not easy for my brothers to settle accounts. I accept it, and the master will blame me later." He said as he went to the main hall, "I haven't turned off the lights yet, I'm guessing I'm reading a book. How about Wait a moment, wait for me to go in and have a look, if you don't sleep, I'll give you a message, and the prince will let you in before you go in."

Dingyi smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Wenda, I'm sorry to trouble you so late."

Sha Tong waved his hand, straightened his appearance and went to the door of the hall, slightly staggered a gap, and squeezed in.

Dingyi stood under the eaves and waited quietly, the night wind carried a chill, flowing in from the sleeves of the collar.She wrapped her robe tightly, thinking about how to talk to Master Twelfth.Just like what Sha Tong said, when it comes time for my brothers to settle their accounts, good things will turn bad.Just as he was unsure, the door of the palace opened again, and Sha Tong called Xiao Shu from outside the threshold, "My lord just wanted to settle down, now I have some free time, let me come in and talk."

(End of this chapter)

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