A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 201 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-36

Chapter 201 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (36)
Dingyi thanked him, Shatong pointed inwards, exited by himself, and closed the door smoothly.

There is a ground screen throne in the hall, and two spotlights stand high, illuminating the golden silk circles of longevity patterns on the pillows to shine brightly.It's just that Master Twelfth was missing, Sha Tong led her in and then left, pointing in an ambiguous direction.She took a few steps forward and asked, "Where is the prince?" The hall was empty, and the echo of her shout was like thunder, which startled herself.Suddenly remembered that he couldn't hear, and Sha Tong said that he was about to resettle, probably he was in the bedroom!
In the bedroom?Thinking of the scene of wiping his back last time, I couldn't hold back a sudden jump in my heart.If this happens again... She cupped her face and sneered.

Emboldened and courageous, he went to the Neijian Linghua Gate, and after a short pause, he pushed the door open.The figure behind the heavy curtains was facing her back. It was just before going to bed. After washing and washing, she was wearing a loose bamboo-pattern robe, her hair was tied with a beaded belt, and she looked leisurely and elegant from behind, with a sense of indifference to the world.

She was suddenly a little embarrassed. A big girl would always feel embarrassed when she went to a man's bedroom. The scorching heat spread across her face. She stepped forward and patted him lightly on the shoulder.

When you are alone, there is always a touch of warmth around you.It’s not clear, it’s not deliberately created, it’s just a simple pleasure.He turned around, with half a smile in his eyes, "Come here so late, what's the matter?"

Dingyi swallowed her saliva, Twelfth Master was beautiful and delicious, and under the lights, he looked more and more white and transparent.In the circle she used to live in, she was surrounded by rough people, her black face was covered with oil and sweat, and the wine thorns were like sesame seeds randomly scattered on the hanging stove biscuits, scattered all over the place.As for the Twelfth Master, he is the first snow falling on the tiles in the glazed world, so pure and spotless.

I was stunned and forgot to speak. This master was very patient and didn't rush her.Gently hugging her shoulders, he led her to sit on the chair, turned around and leaned against the mother-of-pearl cabinet, without saying a word, just looking at her with a smile.Dingyi suddenly woke up, he was confused, he didn't even perform the courtesy for a long time, he hurriedly got up, but he took the first step to say no, "I see you several times a day, there is no need to be so rigid. I just asked why you came, Is it just to see me?"

She froze for a moment, blushed and turned her gaze away and said no, the banknote tray in her hand was hairy at the edges, and she handed it forward like a hot potato, "I follow Qiye's order to pay you back the money." Here we come. Seventh Master said thank you, he was very sorry for spending money and energy to give him a comprehensive play several times... Even the little dog from last time, I discounted the cash for you together, the total is 3000 taels, do you think it is enough? .”

Naturally, Hong Ce would not answer. Hong Tao is a person who knows everything from the bottom of his heart. What he thinks, he knows everything in his heart.If you want to pay off the debts you owe, then you will have nothing to worry about, isn't that the idea?It's all right to refuse to accept his favor, but still ask her to send it, and let her be caught in the middle, this is Lao Qi's cunning.

He said: "Does Qiye plan to have no contact with me? There is no in and out between brothers, why is it not as good as a neighbor in the market?"

There is no way to say this, she prevaricates: "That's not the case, Qiye just can't understand me always causing trouble for you. I'm under the feather flag now, Qiye just thinks that when his slave encounters a ditch, Kan is looking for you, it’s embarrassing to the master. I’m here, one is to send a bank note, and the other is to thank you. Don’t worry, Qiye didn’t scold me this time. He is a good and reasonable master. I didn't take this opportunity to embarrass me. You accept the money, and the relationship between you and your brothers is settled. From my point of view, you are still my benefactor." She pushed the bank note forward, and said in a wailing voice, "You take Let's go, or if I go back to the master, it will be difficult to explain, and he will say that I can't do anything, and that my head is just a display."

She tried her best to smooth things over for her master, and he saw that she was a good and loyal servant.As for him, he never thought of getting the money back. He was not born to the same mother, but he shared the same father. After receiving the money, Hongtao didn't talk about brotherhood, did he also acquiesce?
She handed her both hands over with a cautious look, and he glanced at her, "I can't accept this money, not only for Qi Ye, but also for your face."

Ding Yi said with a sneer: "I'm a servant, what face can I have? If you don't accept me, I can't deal with the master. Qi Ye said it very clearly, if I can't do anything, he will be ruthless in the future cut me."

Exaggeration is exaggeration, it is almost the same.With the money in her hands, she didn't know what to do. As long as Master Twelfth nodded, she would feel relieved.

"If that's the case, you can leave it alone!" He turned around and walked away, tucking the hem of his finely pleated robe, every movement was like opening and closing a fan.

Dingyi felt like a thorn in his back, and hurriedly said he didn't dare, "Don't embarrass me, Twelfth Lord, you accept me so you can answer, what else can you tell me to do."

He laughed and said: "Originally, the money didn't fall into your pocket, and you took a name for nothing. It's better to sit down, so that you don't feel wronged in your heart. A debt is a debt, and a debt is a debt. The lice are not itchy, but you are afraid." What? Don't you want to owe me more than Qi Ye? "

It is reasonable to say that the creditor is the same, it is just divided into two, the favor of the twelfth master is still owed, and the seventh master is now carrying 3000 taels on his back. 3000 taels, rich people come and go, she fell into the well and couldn't climb up, thinking about it makes her want to cry.

She shook her head and said, "Then I can't be ignorant of the money. What's the matter if I keep it. Don't tease me. If you tease me again, I will kneel down to you."

As she said, her knees were really about to go down, but he touched them with his hands, "Even if you don't have gold under your knees, don't ignore yourself at the time. I didn't tease you, I let you keep it from the bottom of my heart. If you have money Standing beside you, you have enough confidence. Don't you still have a master to be filial to, and there will be more places to spend money in the future."

She said: "It doesn't matter, my master is not the kind of person who loves to spend a lot of money. I earn a little randomly, and our father and I can live well."

He smiled helplessly, "Earn some random money? Plastering people's walls, chasing weddings and weddings and being a trumpeter?"

She grinned and said: "What's the matter, don't ordinary people just live like that, looking for work all year round, there is no work, and when the crops are ripe, in autumn and autumn, they even pick and steal..." She missed it mouth, and smiled shyly, "I'm a craftsman, and the money comes very quickly. Don't pity me. Besides, I have a serious job in Qiye's house now. I have cash plus corn for a year. Earn more than the waiter Baitang Ah, 37 taels."

"37 taels a year, 3000 taels of silver owed, and 81 years without eating or drinking, have you settled this account?" He looked straight into her eyes, "You owe me money, only the principal, not the principal. Jialiqian, isn’t this bad?”

Ding Yi had a look of despair, "81 years... I will never be able to make it to the end of my life."

"Then pay it back for the rest of your life, and the debt will be wiped out... If you had known earlier, you should have been let into my house in the first place, so why did you end up under Qi Ye's family?" He sighed, "Qi Ye insisted on settling accounts, I have no reason to shirk, I just feel that the taste of the money will change when I get it back, so I put it in your place for peace of mind."

Dingyi was in a dilemma, waved his hand and said, "Don't do this, you helped me when I was in danger, and when I was in trouble, I would give you a few thousand taels, what kind of person am I!" She put the banknotes on the kang table , took a few steps back and said, "I don't want your money, I should be in love with you, and I will repay you when I have the opportunity. As for Qi Ye, I am his slave anyway, and he also said that my son is still his family." As for the slave who gave birth to a child, I can’t pay it back in this life, let my son continue to pay it back, and there will be a day when it will be finished.”

She has a big heart, and she has experienced all kinds of hardships, overturning all his previous understanding of women.When he came back from the bird market, he was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked.He had guessed her gender, and made all sorts of plans in secret, but suddenly it was confirmed, his heart sank into his chest, but his thoughts floated in the air again.Is she pitiful?There are many poor people in this world, but she is definitely unique.No wonder the group of guards joked with her last time, she frowned as if stepping on her tail, now that she thinks about it, it's really hard for her.

But good girl, why pretend to be a man, what is the purpose?He is now more curious than that kind of inexplicable affection, even if he likes it, he must like it clearly, because there is a layer of separation, the feelings will not be pure, and he will have to try again and again.

He took a step back, nodded his head and said: "Forget it, since you insist on not wanting it, just put it on hold, it's the same when you come back to get short silver." He turned to Duobaoge and opened a small double door He closed the door, took something from inside and handed it to her.

Dingyi didn't know what it was, he took it hesitantly and took a look, it was a rhino horn comb and a fine white porcelain bottle, after shaking it, it seemed to contain hair oil.She was hit hard in the heart, and looked at him in horror. His expression was still calm, and there was no big change.

Did it make him see something?She stammered and asked, "Master Twelfth...how, why did you remember to give me this?"

Hong Ce said with his hands behind his back: "It's inconvenient to go out. Those Geshhas don't comb their hair, and their heads are messed up by the wind. Don't be like them."

Dingyi held the things, stood there in embarrassment, subconsciously pouted his head with one hand, and said in embarrassment: "I understand, I'm too sloppy, you can't get used to it."

He turned his head and said calmly: "Those guards didn't see me giving combs to anyone. I've heard that women give combs to men who fall in love with them before. Now men give men, it shouldn't be like that. Let's talk!"

Where is this? She doesn't know much about the feelings of those children, and she has never heard of giving a comb as a token of love.Right now, Master Twelfth is leading her there, making her wonder how to deal with it.

She froze and didn't speak, Twelfth Master tilted his head to look at her, his eyes twinkled like stars under the lamp, and he said, "What? Haven't you used hair oil before? Dip it in with a comb, comb it bit by bit, and smooth out all the bits and pieces of hair." Going up...it really won't work, so I'll serve you?"

"No, no..." She hastily pushed back, "Thank you Twelfth Master for the reward, I will think about it slowly later, and I dare not work hard for you." Girls love beauty by nature, and they lowered their heads to caress the bottle, the slender body She was so delicate, she couldn't put it down, and said with a smile, "I'll tell you the truth, I haven't used too much oil. How can people who do chores be so particular? They just pick it up in the morning, and they use a grate, not so much." Free time. I used to hear a neighbor talk about Dongyue Temple. There is such an allusion in the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons. It says that you use too much hair oil. After you die, the little ghost hangs you upside down and grabs your hair. , the oil bowl below has no bottom, so it will never be full, and it just hangs for years.”

He laughed and said: "That's to scare people, I advise the girl to buy less hair oil and be more frugal."

"I know." She pursed her lips and smiled, both dimples filled with joy, "Hey, I've never used this in my life..."

Hong Ce looked at her appearance and sighed slowly.Just a bottle of hair oil, enough for her to be happy for a long time, so easy to be satisfied, there is no such person around him.All the things she has experienced cannot be restored by simply describing them in words.When others were admiring the flowers and playing chess, she cleaned the blood stains all over the floor at the entrance of the vegetable market, raised her head amidst the dust, and could still smile brightly like the morning glow.Don't complain about yourself, and live tenaciously. Those daughters of princes and nobles will panic when they see a bug.

Dingyi just remembered that it was getting late, he hurriedly said: "If you delay your sleep, I should go too. Thank you for today's business, thank you anyway I said it's bad, it's repeated over and over again..." She held up the horn comb and porcelain bottle again, "I have to thank you for this, I'll use it later."

"Hair oil is second, and the comb should be kept well." He sent her to the door, "It's not far from here to Hetan, can you walk by yourself? Do you want me to deliver it?"

She smiled and said: "You are flattering me too much. There is no reason for the prince to send the guards. Tell others to make a joke. You stay, I'm leaving."

She was about to step out of the threshold, but he pulled her suddenly, and put his fingers in the crook of her arm. Feeling the delicate outline under the jacket, he just shook his head, let go of his hand, and said in a low voice: "Tomorrow we will go again." On the road, are you feeling better? Is your stomach still hurting?"

Dingyi choked up, and couldn't explain the problems in the women's department to him, so he said vaguely and perfunctorily: "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine. Look, I'm alive and kicking again. Go in, let me show you more deeply No one caught a cold." She turned her wrist and gently pushed on his arm, "Go back, there is a light on the road, so you can't touch it."

He just stood outside the sill and watched her, watching her come out of the hanging flower door and back into the hall.Thinking of the state of mind just now, it was like seeing each other off on eighteen miles.He stroked the place she had touched, and he couldn't help but feel lost.

(End of this chapter)

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