A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 228 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-63

Chapter 228 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (63)
The queen and Hong Ce looked at each other, but she didn't care much about the emperor's mood, because she knew that his anger was only for a moment, and it was over after saying a few nice words.But the girl Hong Ce was talking about made her curious, so she pointed to the armchair and asked him to sit, "Sit down so we can talk."

The Twelfth Master is an outstanding person, and it seems that he was forced to do so.In today's world, it is really rare to have such a sincere person. What a blessing that girl is, to meet such a reliable man.

"What you told the emperor is the truth?" The queen smiled, "There are still some things hidden, am I right? In fact, I can see that you really care about her, even if she is not around, Long live Lord is not happy, but also loves you. He feels that his brother has been trampled by others, and he gets angry. If you want to intercede, who has never been young, there is nothing you can do when you encounter it, everyone knows. It’s not a problem to hide, You have to let her come back, no matter how difficult it is to face together, why don't you think about it, I don't believe it. The emperor has a good eye, don't look at him with a serious face in politics, he is very loyal, looking forward to you buddies Ironing paste. If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, you have to come to see people, and everyone will see if it is suitable for you, so you dare to protect your matchmaking. If it is not like what Long Live said, your character is not good, If you have a bad temper, no one dares to match you up, right?"

Hong Ce's brows were filled with sorrow, he glanced at the queen, hesitant to speak.He knew that the queen was the only one who could help him now, but he didn't dare to take risks, because his heart was far away, and no one knew what the other person was really thinking.Subconsciously clenched her fists, and after a little deliberation, she said: "She got lost in Ninggu Tower. I used all my forces and almost turned Heilongjiang upside down, but I couldn't find her. She was hiding from me on purpose, I knew it in my heart. There is something inside, sorry for the inconvenientness of telling the empress right now, but I can assure you that her character is absolutely not crooked in the slightest, Brother Seven also knows this."

The Queen and Lao Qi are not getting along, and it is uncomfortable to mention him, "What's the matter with that dirty cat? Does he even know about it?"

Hongce said: "Dingyi came out from under the executioner's door, and the Shangxian Prince's mansion was used as a bird handle, specially for Seventh Brother to adjust the thrush. Seventh Brother went to the north to bring the birds, and she followed him all the way to serve, and this is why we have half a year. Get along with each other. As you said, you can tell the quality of a person from the subtleties. In my eyes, she is the best, with a righteous heart and a decent person. If it is not forced by life, she is better than anyone else. Both are tall. It’s a pity that such a complete person fell into the mud. At that time, I moved my mind and didn’t dare to dislike her at all. I was always worried that my ears would be inconvenient and that I wouldn’t be worthy of others. So I really cared She wants to spend the rest of her life with her."

The queen looked at Twelfth Master, a man's family, her eyes were red as she talked, she was so pitiful.What in the world is more painful than parting?there is none left.At that time, she wanted to separate from the emperor, so she said that the emperor was playing tricks, and she was still the emperor. She felt uncomfortable seeing it.Now it's the Twelfth Master's turn. When I was a child, I was miserable. When I grow up, I will meet someone who knows how to be hot and cold.

She then sighed, "Listen to what you said, I have tasted something. Don't worry, try to find it. There are so many coaters in Shangqi, weaving people's nets, looking for them everywhere. If you find them, take them with you." Coming back, what a big deal, it made the world separate, and she was cruel enough. Oh, it’s hard for you, it’s strange that I came back this time and I’m haggard, so it’s because of this. To tell you the truth, I saw a girl in front of me, The models are all top-notch. I originally wanted to tell you that we are together, but now that I have a master, I won’t mention it. Don’t worry, I will take care of you in front of the emperor for you. You are down-to-earth , don't worry about the future, this marriage refers to the old seventh head and can't point to you. Fujin's position should be reserved, and when she comes back, she will see that she is valued, and she will not leave in the future. "

Hong Ce settled down, and bowed his hands to her, "Your Majesty is righteous. After I came back from Khalkha, I don't often enter the palace, and I don't have much contact with your Majesty. I need your help today. Hong Ce will keep it in mind."

The queen smiled generously, "People with different temperaments also have different understandings. You say I am good, but Qiye is not. I don't know where I offended him. I can't hear a word of justice from him. You and Qiye go up together He went to Ninggu Pagoda, did he have some troubles along the way? Did he meet anyone, make an oath or something?"

Hong Ce was a little embarrassed, he hesitated before saying, "Brother Seven is also interested in Dingyi..."

"That's just right." The queen raised the corners of her lips triumphantly, and said in a long voice, "What should I do, Prince Hu of Horqin and Da Gege of the Bari family are eighteen. It's time to talk about marriage. Pretty girl, She has broad eyes, but she has a bad temper. Mongolians are bold and unrestrained. Those in the clan are afraid that they will not be able to suppress them, so the girl is still in the boudoir. I thought about it, and pointed out that it is good to point out to the seventh master, and the family is right, it is too Appropriate!" The more I talked, the happier I became, and I was busy doing it.Standing up, he smiled at Hongce, "Master Twelfth, go back, as long as the garden doesn't say anything, I'm in the palace, and there won't be any trouble."

Hongce said yes, but left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When he went outside the palace, he was relieved, and he could be fooled for a while, just like what the empress said, as long as the Supreme Emperor and his mother don't interfere, things won't be too bad.

He looked up at the sky, and when he arrived at Chenzheng, the sun shone warmly on his body.The morning fog has not cleared away, the distant city outline is hidden in the haze, and the base of the wall is slightly cool.The bird walker held the birdcage with his hands on his waist, and walked in all directions. When the wind blew, the corner of his robe scraped across the lotus base of the bridge, and the light frost on his face was wiped away.

Guan Zhaojinghou was outside the Xihua Gate. When he saw his master came out, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him. He parked a small sedan chair with green tent ten steps away, said with a sigh, "Master, I only came back to the mansion in the middle of the night, and it's really hard work in the morning. Hurry up." Get on the sedan chair, the slave has prepared refreshments for the master, you can use some in the sedan chair. Ning Guta’s vice-captain, Dao Qin, has already been imprisoned by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, so don’t bother with the rest of the matter, anyway, there are those military badges What about Jing. Just take a good rest and sleep for three days and three nights, and let’s talk about it when you have enough energy.”

Guan Zhaojing is in charge of Prince Jin's mansion, and he has to take care of the affairs of the back house, including the master's daily life and mood.Sha Tong came back and explained everything to him, and he was so shocked that he couldn't find the way.Who would have thought that Mu Xiaoshu was actually a woman!At that time, her senior brother stole Qiye's dog, and she came back to Haibeiyan with her head slumped, standing outside the door under the shadow of the lamp waiting for the transmission, such a small person, trembling and looking pitiful.In the end, a girl is a girl, she is beautiful, and her mind is also flexible, and their master helped to create feelings.It's really like I owed her in my previous life. I saved lives all the way before, but later I owed her lovesickness debt and had to pay myself. It's really doomed.

But he knew that he knew, so he didn't dare to say more.This thing is like a tumor, you can't touch it, it will bleed if you touch it.The Twelfth Master is gritting his teeth now, and the sorrow in his heart is too strong, everyone will walk away ten feet away, without mentioning or asking, and when the Twelfth Master can face it someday, the pain will be healed.

It's just that one is worried, and the other has no news. This kind of torture is really unbearable.Master Twelfth is also human, no matter how strong he pretends to be, he still can't fool himself after all.

He didn't take a sedan chair, and walked slowly along the Tongzi River with his hands behind his back, muttering as he walked: "Tomorrow is the ninth day of September..."

Guan Zhaojing hurriedly responded, followed step by step, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Tomorrow is the master's birthday, and the servant ordered someone to prepare a banquet. Our stage was not used after it was built. A while ago, two businessmen from other places brought a few Korean beauties into the theater. Beijing, resold into Fenzi Hutong. I heard that those women can dance Hu Teng dance..." He put his hands up like flying on the Dunhuang murals, gesticulating left and right, "It's just Su Muzhe, stepping on Niangyao , danced beautifully. The slave brought them into the mansion and asked them to dance to entertain the master."

Hong Ce shook his head, his heart was missing, and he had long lost the ability to appreciate beauty.He has no interest in living now. He used to devote himself to his errands. After finishing his work, he was free to read and practice calligraphy. He lived a stable and orderly life.Now, I'm not interested in doing anything, I know in my heart that Wen Lu's case is cleared up, maybe Dingyi will come back, but I don't have the perseverance and perseverance.As long as I calm down, my mind feels like it is about to explode. Sometimes facing the wind, I shed tears without knowing it... I don’t know how long I can hold on, it seems that I have nothing to love.

There are people coming and going on the street. In the morning market, the steamed bun shops on both sides emit a sweet and greasy fragrance.The stacked steamer baskets are filled with white smoke at the joints of each layer. When someone comes to buy them, the drawer is lifted in the middle, and the steamed buns cut by the knife are all smooth, with a few red and green threads scattered on the skin. The color is smudged after steaming in the pot. A plain, alive taste.

He called the sedan chair back, and walked slowly along the road by himself, not caring that his pro-royal attire was incompatible with the surroundings, and just walked aimlessly.I don't know how long I walked, but when I looked up, I was already outside Shuntian Mansion.Everyone in Shuntian Mansion recognized him, and the yamen servant at the door hurriedly came out to greet him, and said with a little knee: "My lord, you are auspicious! You are welcome, I will pass it on to our adults."

What is it for?He said no need, "I was just wandering around, and I happened to come here." He turned around and walked slowly to the other side, which confused the yamen servant.

He didn't take a few steps, but he met Wu Changgeng head-on, who was Dingyi's master, and before he left, he told him to take care of him.He stood still and called Master Wu.

Wu Changgeng didn't say anything, just beat him a thousand times.

Seeing that he missed Dingyi even more, he changed his tone of gentleness: "How is Master Wu's family plan? If anything goes wrong, just come to Prince Houhaichun's residence, and I will try my best to help."

Wu Changgeng glanced at him, then lowered his eyelids again, he understood in his heart, it must be entrusted to him by his little apprentice.Xiaoshu followed Shangning Guta, he knew that she was looking for his brother at home, he thought she was clever and would always find a way to bring him back to Beijing, but he didn't expect to end up in exile.

They all said that their own flesh hurts, Xiaoshu came to him in his teens, and he just took her with him like this, and taught her how to live in the world, his own children are no different.It took a lot of hard work, but it was a pity that I lost it in the end. I really don't want to mention the uncomfortable energy in my heart.

He had just returned from the Seventh Prince's Mansion, met Qiye, and only after inquiring did he know that her girl's identity had been exposed.Not only that, but from Qiye's words, she tasted between the lines, she and the two princes are a little entangled, how can this be said!Looking at the Twelfth Master now, such a person who looks like a pinnacle of the sea, his expression is well controlled, but his complexion is not good, and his energy is not good. I think he has been hit badly!Based on his understanding of Xiaoshu, if he were to choose between the two princes, the twelfth prince must have the upper hand, so looking at his appearance, he felt that he was close to each other.

"Thank you Twelfth Master, I can still move my hands and feet, and I can make a living for now." He drooped his head and sighed, "It's my tree...Does Twelfth Master have any news about her?"

Hong Ce slowly shook his head, "I'm trying my best to find it, but..."

Wu Changgeng sized Prince Chun's eyes, and asked tentatively, "My lord and Shu'er have a deep friendship?"

He did not deny it, Zhi Longtong said: "She is my Fujin."

Now Wu Changgeng was a little dumbfounded, why did he suddenly become a Fujin?It's hard to say anything when you're really a couple, why run away?The twelfth master took pity on her and gave her a home. What a great thing!Now that she has roots, she doesn't need to wander anymore, but she is stubborn, since she gave up, it means that she has a dilemma in love, brother and man, and finally chose the former.In doing so, I can't judge whether she is right or wrong, I just think she is too bitter.The master hopes that she will be at ease, that she will have a family relationship with her brother, and that she will hide in hiding and not see the light, no matter how good it is.

He frowned and pondered for a while, "I have a few words, whether the Twelfth Master listens or not."

Hongce nodded and said, "Master Wu, please tell me."

Wu Changgeng said: "Xiao Shu is a poor child. Since she followed the Twelfth Master, she did not want to leave you. The Twelfth Master is the kindest person and knows her difficulties. The obstacle for you right now is none other than her brother. There is no national hatred, but family hatred is full of pots and pans. This is the most difficult thing to deal with. You have to appease him and tell him to rest assured that he will hand over the girl to you... Where did Master Twelfth find someone?"

Only then did Hongce realize that this master knew Dingyi from the bottom up, and he was even more convinced in his heart, he hurriedly said, "I was in Heilongjiang and Jilin Ula for the first few months, and when I came back to Beijing, I sent someone to investigate in the south. .”

Wu Changgeng licked his lips and asked, "Where's Shanxi? Have you been there? The Wen family's old house is in Datong, where they have their roots, so maybe they went there."

As if enlightened, Hong Ce suddenly woke up.I am really stupid enough, I have thought about so many places, but I missed Datong.His face was flushed with excitement, and he grabbed Wu Changgeng's arm and shook it: "Thank you, Master Wu, why didn't I think of that! I'm going to Datong right now! I'm going now!"

What arrogance, demeanor, all gone, just a man who is anxious to find a wife.Prince Jin hurried away, Wu Changgeng watched him with his hands behind his back, feeling emotional in his heart, Xia Zhi came over from the side, and asked quietly, "Master knew that Xiaoshu was a girl?"

He hummed, "I knew it eight years ago."

"Aren't I your apprentice? You have lied to me for so many years! I am a bachelor, have you ever thought about me?" Xia Zhi said with a sad face, "It would be better to send someone to those nagging princes than to be an apprentice, so you just Why do you love me so much? If I treat Xiaoshu better, can she look up to others? Can she get lost alone? Childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, can she look up to others?

He was almost in tears as he spoke, Wu Changgeng slapped him hard, "What are you thinking about, you toad is plotting swan meat, you should rest your mind early!"

(End of this chapter)

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