A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 229 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-64

Chapter 229 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (64)
Leaving one's hometown is easy to say, but difficult to say.

Datong Mansion is the place where the Wen family lived for generations. Several generations of ancestors worked in the state capital. Later, Wen Lu made a lot of achievements in the local area. When he was 30 years old, he was transferred to the capital. Ding Yi was born later. Staying on the literal, there is no deep feeling.For her, she can live anywhere, whether she lives well or not is secondary, but her state of mind is quite different.

As people came and went on the street, she sat sideways on the sill to comb their hair.The mahogany comb was dipped in the hair oil in the bowl, and the teeth of the combs were deep.Comb to the end, wrap it in a bun, pin it up with a hairpin, supplement it with fingernail-sized dots, and comb it with one hair.

She smiled and handed over the mirror for the guests to look at, "When combing, the grate should not stick to the scalp, if it is too tight, the hair will become thin." She picked up a bunch of her hair to demonstrate, "If you want to do this, keep it loose, a little Hitting back a bit is the most popular technique in Beijing, and if you can hold it up, you won’t feel that your hair volume is less.”

The guest tried it out, looked back and forth in the mirror, and said with a smile: "Young lady is very skilled. We ordinary people can't afford to hire a comber, so we have to figure out all hairstyles by ourselves. My hands are clumsy, I can't do it well, and I use oil." There are too many, as if they are fished out of the water every day, and the pillow towel on the bed needs to be washed the next day, and it is a joke to talk about it.”

She made a few perfunctory remarks, turned around and wrapped the selected bottles and combs into her bag, and put them in someone else's vegetable basket, "I'll come back when I'm done using it up, I make all the oil myself, and it won't go bad after a year or two. "

The guest nodded and looked at her again. His black hair was hanging behind him, and he only tied the upper half with a ribbon, so he didn't quite understand why he didn't comb it for himself with such a good handicraft?There are so many good-looking hairstyles now, but if you do this by yourself, you can’t take care of yourself?
"A big girl looks good with a big braid, and her hair looks good with a big braid. You often do it for others, how about yourself? Doesn't it fit your hand?"

She was tidying up the things on the table. After a pause, she turned her head to look at the sun rising from the roof of the opposite shop. A faint smile appeared in the corner of her eyes. She said, "I have my own hair comber, and he said he would learn how to do it well." Multi-hair style, comb it for me slowly in the future."

The guest didn't quite understand where the hair comber went, she hadn't shown her face since the eldest girl opened a shop here.Let the host's hair be disheveled all day long, and such a nanny still keeps it, which can only show that the eldest girl is more patient.

After the guests left, the shop fell silent for a while.Dingyi put all the things in order, twisted himself up and sat down on the couch.The sun was rising higher and higher, and the room was filled with a faint fragrance, but the fragrance was not pure, and always had a sticky smell, and the source could not be distinguished.She likes this smell, since the day Twelfth Master gave her hair oil.And that rhino horn comb, always with me, never dare to forget.

She thought that there must be many men in the world who gave their beloved girls small gadgets, such as tassels, rouge, hairpin rings, etc... So she opened a shop, between the study and the antique shop.It's a small place, only one foot square in total, and it specializes in things for girls.Sometimes she sells hair oil, and some women who can't comb their hair ask her for advice. In fact, I have only been a girl for more than half a year, and I have not mastered any skills in a daze.I can comb it myself, but I only comb it for others.She also thought about it herself, if she saw Master Twelfth again, she would pull up her hair, and she would no longer be considered a girl anyway; if she couldn't see her again, she would be like this for the rest of her life, without someone to comb her hair, what else would she think about.

Shanxi is actually not far from Beijing. Looking east, I spontaneously sketched out a scene in my mind, including Dengshikou Street and the wide waters of Houhai.She is familiar with it, where she struggled to survive, and where she met the man in her life.It's a pity that they don't know if they can go back. The exit channel was cut off, and they were forced to travel to many places.It is not so easy to fight against the government. After hiding in Tibet for a long time, it is always difficult to get out of Great Britain. In the end, there is nothing to do. Ru Jian said that he should go back to Datong, where his roots are.

This decision is not wrong, here is still peaceful.Ru Jian was quick-witted, and she went to do coal business in partnership with someone, but she was just thinking about it when she had nothing to do, so she simply opened a shop to pass the time.

Brother and sister are busy with their own business, but they live in peace.It's just that sometimes she can't think of Hongce, and Dingyi also complains that her third brother interfered with her marriage.It is too rare to meet someone you really like in your life, and if you miss it, you may never have it again.She left nothing behind, only the memories of that night, and she was full of bitterness when she thought about it.

I don't know how he is now, does he miss her too?She is sometimes confident and feels unique, but more often she is insecure.I was still afraid that he would get married, whether he wanted it or not, the imperial decree was hard to disobey, and there was nothing he could do.So I don't think about it anymore. At the beginning, I would inquire about the situation in Jingli, but then it gradually faded away, and I also hope that I can withdraw from it.

She calmed down and made a few more deals, and at noon Rujian came to her.That's the good thing, no matter how busy you are or how much money you have in your hand, you have to spend a meal with her together.Even if the shop next door ordered two bowls of noodles and a nest of crisps, they still had to talk while eating.

He picked a large piece of meat from the bowl and gave it to her, "I met Master Pang today, and the mountain to the north has been pushed down by us. That piece of land is a treasure of geomantic omen, and it will be enough to rely on it in the future."

Dingyi murmured, "Master sells the hills, are you not afraid of the higher-ups interfering?"

Ru Jian said: "He didn't dare without the governor's instruction. This place is poor, and the imperial court doesn't have enough money to fill the teeth with hundreds of taels of money every year. When there is an opportunity to make money, everyone goes back to fish with red eyes. Something happened. Besides." She was afraid of being exposed, so she hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I've been named by others, and we can't be found if I check it. How is your place? There are many people coming and going, so I'm afraid it won't be good if you go on like this. Your age It's here too, third brother showed you a man who is from a family background and has a decent character, let's get things done this year in the cold weather!"

He tried his best to speak lightly, but Dingyi was still taken aback, "This is what we are doing now, third brother wants me to marry?"

"A woman must have a nest. I'm afraid of delaying you. If something happens to me one day, at least someone can take care of you." Ru Jian put down the chopsticks, glanced at her, and said with a frown, "What do you think?" I know that some fate cannot be forced. Don’t look back when you should look forward. The family I mentioned is not in the officialdom. The two families are old friends. It saves a lot of trouble. You will not suffer when you marry. I see that you have settled down , I feel at ease in my heart, and I will focus on making money in the future, and my mother’s family will grow stronger, and you will also have a stronger waist over there, so no one will dare to bully you."

Dingyi only listened to what he said, and sat with his hands folded, feeling gloomy in his heart, "Maybe that family has seen someone secretly?"

Ru Jian said yes, "If you insist on opening a shop and welcoming those who go there, it will not be difficult for others to want to see you."

According to her original intention, opening a shop means that she will never marry in this life, otherwise a good girl is also a son of the Han family, so there is no reason to show her face in public.But even so, she still couldn't escape being arranged. She was unhappy and put down her chopsticks, "Why do you harm others? Even if you are married, you can't live your life wholeheartedly. Does the third brother think I'm burdensome? Our brother and sister have only been reunited for half a year Guangjing was in a hurry to ask me to get married, since that's the case, it was better to stay with Master Twelfth at first. Third brother, I left with you out of brotherhood, not to marry in another place."

Ru Jian was taken aback by what she said, "It's for your own good that I let you marry, why bother to say such a thing. We were born of the same parents, and I can't hate you even if I hate you. Forget it, I won't force you if you don't want to." , I can still afford a girl. Let’s eat, treat what I said just now as if I didn’t say it, and I’ll try to push it later.”

How can Dingyi still eat? He was originally a refugee, but when he went to a certain place, he refused to accept a marriage. What if he held a grudge?Sometimes she thinks that Ru Jian is good at cutting people with soft knives, and she said that it is all up to you, and it is clear that there is no way out, so what can she say?But this time she can't compromise. Marrying someone else is a debt to Lord Twelfth. As a person, she would rather others let her down, and never do anything that owes others.

"Did you inquire about our family's case later? Are you still investigating?"

Ru Jian said: "The imperial court is no longer called to investigate, and this is the end. Maybe the emperor feels that the matter has no clue, and it will be a waste of effort to investigate it. The old twelve has now rested and hid in the palace. Well, there is no hope of overturning the case anyway, the matter will subside soon, and there will be no need to hide and hide after the limelight passes."

Then each had their own concerns, after a meal, Ru Jian went out to do some errands again, Ding Yi felt empty, and stood in front of the window just staring blankly.It is not good news for her that the case will not be investigated. The only support she left in his heart is gone. Slowly he will forget about her!Before parting, she said that she hoped he would forget her, but it was all lies. She clearly hoped that he would remember her all his life and never marry anyone else, but she couldn't be so selfish.She didn't even leave him a word, she didn't know what he was thinking, maybe he gritted his teeth and hated her now.

She can't stop sighing, sighing from spring to autumn, it seems that winter is coming, and it will probably continue like this in the future!
The sun gradually moved over, and at noon, there were few pedestrians on the street.This is a small market that is not very lively, and there will be no business before the opening time.Dingyi is used to closing at noon, so instead of relying on this shop to make a lot of money, there is no pressure, and the life is quite relaxed and comfortable.

She went to the door to move the boards, each piece was about a foot wide and as tall as a person. Although the front door was not big, she had to patiently insert more than a dozen pieces.When the last piece was in his hand, he took a look outside, and there was a man standing under the eaves of the opposite shop corridor, wearing a neat robe and a red belt around his waist, looking towards her.Her heart skipped a beat. The red belt is used by the offshoots of the royal family to show their status. From the generation of Emperor Gao, the sons of the main branch are called the clan, and the yellow belts are worn. The descendants of the uncles and brothers of the high ancestors are called Jueluo. , bunch of red ribbons.How come such a small place has a red ribbon?Don't be in trouble!Panicked, she hastily installed the boards.

I couldn't sleep now, so I sat quietly in the room for a while, but luckily the man left later, and I didn't see any movement for a long time.She breathed a sigh of relief, probably a coincidence!But she secretly hoped that it would be great if the twelfth master found him, she missed him so much.After being separated for nine months, sometimes she would always see him with his back facing her in her dreams. She was afraid that no matter how long it took, she would forget his appearance.

In the second half of the day, I didn't have the mind to look at the store anymore, and Yanduo closed the door and went back at the end of Shendu.

They found a house in an alley, and they didn't live in a very grand style. The ordinary house was almost like a Beijing courtyard house. It was a single-family house in the deepest part of the alley.As for the neighbors, they nodded and said hello when they saw it, and they didn't get too close, and their friendship was general.

When I went back that day, I saw people walking in front of the house on the other side of the wall. The house had been closed for a while, and the master went out to do business.They originally wanted to buy that room, but because it was too big, their brother and sister plus Ru Jian's two long-term attendants, the four of them felt that it was too spacious to live in, so they changed their name to the current one.Now seeing people coming and going there, it is expected to be sold and come to the new neighborhood.

She stood and watched for a while, just to join in the fun, the young daughter-in-law across the door brought out a basin, and stood on the edge of the brick to greet her, "I heard that they are from your old family, and they are also from Beijing."

She was a little surprised, and agreed casually: "That's good, I can walk around in the future." She didn't stay long, smiled and went back to the house.

Eat outside in the middle of the day, and cook by myself in the evening, chop vegetables in the back kitchen, slap garlic and cucumber to mix with cold dishes.When I arrived in Datong, I still had a good meal in Beijing, so I could be an eggplant or something.The stove in their house is not very good. The original owner dug a hole in the wall and didn’t install a chimney. The smoke will go wherever the wind blows. When it’s time to cook, the whole world is full of fireworks!This day, the south wind blows all the smoke into the north room of the new neighborhood. Dingyi is standing in the back kitchen listening. After a while, there is an earth-shattering cough from the partition wall. She wipes her face and sticks out her tongue out of guilt.

Later, I didn’t dare to cook more, so I decided to go to the blacksmith’s shop tomorrow to make a pipe bend. That night, I was worried that Beiwu would come to my house to make an argument, but it was a good thing, he was well-mannered, and there was no movement for two days. Also forgotten.

Life is still so unhurried, Ding Yi opens the door for business at a fixed time every day, no different from before.Even when I came back from time to time, I saw two fish and a handful of amaranth hanging on the head of Damenfu, thinking that Rujian passed by the house and didn't have time to enter the house to leave them, so I didn't ask carefully.Later, when the vegetables turned into flowers, weave a ring, or get a crock pot to store water, and hang a rose in it, and she felt that something was wrong, maybe it was the good sister-in-law that Ru Jian was looking for. , to give some sweetness and plan to get close.

She was not very happy, and she didn't take it back when she saw it again, and put it by the door.It's strange to say that recently, I always feel that someone is spying in the dark, paying close attention to my surroundings. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, and I don't know where this feeling comes from.It wasn't until one day when I planted onions under the wall and found a cup-sized hole hidden behind a loofah shelf, I realized that all the suspicious things came from the new neighbor next door.She was so angry that she wanted to come to the door to ask for an explanation, but she was also worried that people would push her back.After all, there is no basis, who can admit to peeking at you?She thought about it, found a piece of rag to block up the hole, and usually looked at it happily, but suddenly it was dark, didn't it seem like a slap in the face?After she finished blocking, she felt at ease, cooking and watering the flowers, and was so busy lighting the lamps.

Today Ru Jian came back late, she was bored and thought of that hole again.It was also a flash of inspiration, people can look at you, why can't you look back?It's important to see where the knowledge is sacred, and who are the people in the family.

She went, approached there carefully, and reached out to pick off the cloth plug.Put your eyes together.

The opposite side is quite ordinary, a black-tiled house with a width of three rooms, a row of four in front of the door, and beef tendon bubbles hanging under the eaves. .Since you have a family background, why do you do things like voyeurism? This habit is really bad!She wondered alone, wondering if she was overthinking, in fact, the bricks had rotted over time, it wasn't that anyone really wanted to peek at her.Thinking about it this way, what you are doing now is quite unreasonable, so let's shrink your head back, it's nothing to do with others, and you have a villainous heart.

Just as they were about to evacuate here, a piece of garment hem floated within the limited range of sight, the sky blue satin of Baoxiang flowers, and even the pattern on the forehead could be seen clearly.She was so surprised that before she had time to react, Baoxianghua disappeared, and the light from the corner of the eaves came to shine on a piece of temple.Dingyi was so startled that she almost screamed, it turned out that the other party was looking at her with Dandan across a wall.

(End of this chapter)

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